
In addition to the standard recordable mouse and keyboard commands like "mouse move" or "key up/down", there are other commands that can be added to a macro.

Open file/program

This command launches a program or opens a file using its default associated program (e.g. a ".doc" file will be opened with Microsoft Word).

You can also specify optional command line parameters for the program you are launching. For example in the command "regsvr32 /u mylib.dll" command-lie parameters are "/u mylib.dll"

Launch another macro

This command runs a previously saved macro file. Please note, that when a recorded macro is being compiled into an EXE-file, when the compiler sees this command, it reads the played file at compilation time, not when actually running the EXE-file.

Launch Website

This command launches a given URL in your default browser.


This command shuts your computer down. Note that there will be standard Windows confirmations - its just a regular shutdown.

Message box

This command displays a message box with a specified text and an "OK" button.

GOTO command

This command moves the macro-execution flow to the specified label

Wait For Window

This command pauses a macro and waits until a window with some specified title appears. You can use "wildcards" in window title - * and ? symbols

Close a window

This command also searches for a window by title, and attempts to close the window.

Switch to a window

This command searches for a window with a specified title and "switches" the focus to this window, i.e. makes this window foreground.

Wait for user

This command pause macro execution and waits for user to press some hotkey or move a mouse.

Set clipboard

This command puts a specified values into the clipboard.

Type text

This command inserts specified text into the currently active window

Type date

This command inserts current date into the currently active window

Delete file

This command deletes a file.

Copy file

This command copies a file to a specified location.

Connect to Dial-UP/VPN

This command establishes a Dial-Up/VPN connection.

Wait for process

This command pauses a macro until the specified process has started

Find pixel

This command searches the screen for the first occurrence of a pixel that has the specified color, and positions the mouse over it

Find image

This command searches the screen for an image and moves the mouse over it

Increment clipboard

This command increases the clipboard value if the value is numeric

Type environment variable

This command types an environment variable into the currently active window

Move window

This command find a window by its title and moves it to specified coordinates

Execute C# snippet

This command executes specified C#-code.

To insert a command click the appropriate button on the insert-toolbar or use the "insert" menu item.

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