Playing a macro

Play all

To play a recorded macro click "Play all" button on a toolbar OR press "Ctrl + P" keyboard shortcut (this keyboard shortcut is system-wide, the key combination can be changed in the "settings" dialog). Macro Recorder window will hide itself, and a small blue box labeled "Playing macro..." will appear in the top-left corner of your screen, indicating that playback is in progress.

Play selection, or "from cursor"

To play only a part of recorded events, select the desired events and click "Play Selection" toolbar button. Macro Recorder will replay selected items only.

Optionally, select one item in the list and press the "Play from" toolbar button. The playback will start at the selected event.


You can insert one or more breakpoints into a macro for testing purposes (see the statements section for more info). When playback reaches a breakpoint, it will stop at the breakpoint and the main window will come up, showing the breakpoint. To resume playback press "Play from" button.

To insert a breakpoint select "Insert - Insert breakpoint" in the menu.

Controlling playback

To abort playing a macro in the middle of playback and return to Macro Recorder window, press "Ctrl+Q" key on your keyboard during playback. To pause playing a macro, press "Ctrl-P" keys on your keyboard during playback. Press "Ctrl-P" again to resume paused playback. After the playback has finished, press the "Ctrl-P" keys again to re-play the macro again or click "Close" button to return to the main window.


If you want to replay your macro more than once, you have to adjust the settings. See the settings section. Or - add a "Repeat X times" command at the beginning of your macro (and an "end repeat" at the end of the macro).

Playing from COMMAND LINE

You can launch playback from the command line like this:

MacroRecorder.exe "c:\Macro Recorder\macro.mcr" /a

The "/a" switch instructs Macro Recorder not just to open the file, but to launch playback right away. You can optionally add the "/c" switch as well, so macro recorder will close after playback is finished.


Please note, that after playback is stopped or aborted, Macro Recorder places the cursor at the last event played.

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