Recording a macro

To start recording click the "Record" button on a toolbar OR press "Ctrl + R" keyboard shortcut (this keyboard shortcut is system-wide, and the key combination can be changed in the "settings" dialog). Macro Recorder window will hide and a small red box labeled "Recording macro..." will appear in the top-left corner of your screen.

When you have finished recording your activity, click "Stop". OR press the "Ctrl + Q" key on your keyboard ("Ctrl + Q" is the default setting, you can assign another hotkey in the "settings" dialog).

After you have finished recording, Macro Recorder shows all recorded actions in a well-organized list. You can review this list, delete, edit commands or leave it intact. You can save this command-chain to a file. See the "saving and loading" section.

Recording settings

You can choose if you want to record keyboard or mouse or both etc. See settings for more info.

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