Editing a macro

Editing commands

To edit a particular command (for example a mouse-click or a keystroke) simply double-click it in the list (or press "enter" while navigating the list with your keyboard). Adjust the command's properties in a popup dialog and press "OK" to save it.

Jitbit Macro Recorder commands list also supports common actions like "copy", "paste", "delete" etc. You can also re-arrange the commands by moving the selected event(s) up and down. See the "Edit" menu or the command list's context menu for these options.

Inserting new macro commands

To manually insert a new command to a macro select the desired command in the "Insert" menu or click a button on the left insert-toolbar. Adjust the new command parameters and click "OK" when finished - a new event will be added to the list.

ADVANCED commands and statements

In addition to the standard recordable mouse and keyboard commands like "mouse move" or "key up", there are other useful commands that can be added to a macro, i.e. "Launch website", "Run program". See the commands and statements sections.

Inserting a previously saved macro

Select the "Insert saved macro" item under the "Insert" menu to insert one file into another. The saved macro file will be inserted at the current list position. If nothing is selected then the file is appended at the end.

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