
Real Time Dashboard

The dashboard is designed to give support teams a real-time snapshot of their performance and ticketing metrics for the day, categorized by various parameters. Each metric provides insight into the helpdesk's daily operations.

The available time ranges are "Today", "Last 7 days", "Last 30 days"

Metrics Included on the Dashboard:

  • Tickets Opened Today: Shows the number of tickets opened on the current day (week, month) and the percentage change compared to the previous period.

  • Tickets Closed Today: Displays the number of tickets closed on the current day (week, month) with the percentage change from the prior period.

  • Tickets Per Hour: Indicates the average number of tickets created each hour and the percentage change compared to the average of the previous period.

  • Tickets Per Day: Presents the average number of tickets created per day and the percentage change from the average of the previous period.

  • Response Time: This metric provides the average first response time to new tickets for the selected period.

  • Resolution Time: Shows the average time taken to close tickets on the selected period.

  • Total Tickets: Reflects the total number of tickets in the system.

  • Total New: The number of new tickets that have come in.

  • Total Closed: Shows the total number of tickets that have been closed.

  • Total In-Progress: Indicates the total number of tickets that are currently in-progress.

  • Techs Online: Displays the number of technicians currently logged in and active in the last 10 minutes.

  • Techs 'Out of Office': Lists technicians who have marked themselves as 'out of office'.

Additional Features

Real-Time Updates: The dashboard updates in real time, eliminating the need for manual refresh.

Fullscreen Toggle: Users can switch to fullscreen mode for an expanded view of the dashboard. This is commonly used to put the dashboard onto a TV screen in the office.

Filters: The dashboard can be filtered by date and category for more targeted insights.

This dashboard serves as a monitoring tool to help manage workload and track performance against daily targets. It is instrumental for support team leads to gauge productivity, identify bottlenecks, and ensure service level agreements (SLAs) are met.

Knowledge Base Report