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Macro Recorder: another trigger example - wait for pixel

Another example of "triggering" events with our Macro Recorder software using its "IF" statement. Below is a macro-script that makes Macro Recorder wait until a pixel at the given coordinates becomes white. Since Macro Recorder does not have a "wait for pixel" command, we have to use the IF statement:

Email support vs. Phone support #2

Today we received a phone call from a potential customer, who was trying to install our help desk software and requested to speak to someone from the development team. John (that's not his real name) has refused to specify his questions by email, insisting on an phone call or at least an online skype/gtalk text-chat.

ASP.NET Forms Authentication "Remember Me"

Another post for ASP.NET developers. By the way if you think these posts do not belong to this blog, please leave a comment, and I'll consider moving my development articles to a separate blog.
Today I needed to set up a "remember me" functionality for our
web-based HelpDesk app and small-business CRM app login pages. If you ever tried to achieve this using .NET's FormsAuthentication, you might have noticed that... it's just not working. Even if you pass the "createPersistentCookie" parameter value as "true" when initializing FormsAuthentication - the cookie still lives for a limited time only - the time specified as the Forms-Authentication timeout in "web.config". Then the cookie dies.

Macro Recorder: another trigger example

Another example of "triggering" events with our Macro Recorder software and the IF statement. The following script makes Macro Recorder wait until Notepad window has appeared.

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