Tips for Recording Efficient Macros
Tips for recording efficient macros:
- Prefer keyboard-macros over mouse-macros since keyboard-macros are more reliable. Keyboard doesn't care about screen coordinates, window-positions, monitor resolution. Even though the mouse recorder tries to record mouse in "relative" coordinates, sometimes it fails. Use common keyboard-combinations like Alt - to get to the menu, Alt+F4 to close a window, Esc - to close a dialog box, arrow keys - to navigate to an item
- Do not record mouse moves. Unless required. Record mouse-clicks only. Open "Settings" - "Recording" and disable mouse-moves recording.
- Speed-up your macros by decreasing delay-commands. Select the parts of the macro you wish to speed up and perform the "reset delays" command (Menu - "Edit" - "Bulk edit delays"
- Start at a known location, end-up at an known location. When recording a keyboard macro, make sure the first one or two keystrokes move the cursor to a known location. For example use the HOME keystroke to move it to the beginning of a line, or Ctrl+HOME to move it to the beginning of a file. Use Ctrl+Right-Arrow, Ctrl-Left-Arrow to move between words etc etc. Same for macro-endings: make sure the ending of your macro "prepares" everything for the next iteration. For instance - moves the cursor to the next line. Move the focus to the next item in the list, etc. etc. Think iteratively.
Basic Video Tutorial
Mouse Recorder
Tips for Recording Efficient Macros
Macro Scheduler
Automated Software Testing
"Automator" for Windows
Including C# code into a macro
Macro Recorder Commands Reference"
Sample Macros
Triggering events with Macro Recorder
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