Jitbit SLA policy
This is the Service Level Agreement for the SaaS version of Jitbit Helpdesk. If you're interested in implementing SLA rules in our product for your business please refer to this article instead.
Monthly uptime guarantee: 99.98%
We guarantee monthly uptime of 99.98%, excluding the planned maintenance windows. In plain English this means approximately 8 minutes of downtime in a month. Planned maintenance windows are properly announced on our status page and happen during weekends or widely recognized international holidays only (like New Year's day). If we decide to apply an urgent fix during a workday this counts as downtime.
What happens if it goes below?
In the event of verified downtime when the service does not meet this SLA you are eligible to receive a credit - 10X the amount for the time the service was down. I.e. if the service is down for a day - you receive a 10 day credit.
To receive the credit you must submit a claim by opening a support case. We can either refund the payment or extend the service free of charge, up to you.
How do we track the uptime?
We track uptime by sending TCP and HTTP requests to our infrastructure every minute. We use a 3rd party service for that and the updates are published to our status page. This service and the status page are run by another company and hosted externally, and you can vefiry this by examining "statuspage" DNS record that points to a monitoring service outside our control.