Online Ticketing System Benefits

Before they begin using our Online Support Ticketing System for their customer service infrastructure, a few of our clients fear that using a hosted help desk means losing their personal touch on customer service. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact,your clients will probably never even realize that they are dealing with JitBit. Your business, however, will realize the benefits of a happier customer experience!

If your customers are having trouble with your business or your product, they need to feel that you are personally invested in addressing their concerns. Not your answering service, not your software developer, not your investors. You. The guy whose picture they saw the first time they logged onto The guy whom they decided to purchase from.

Business is 24/7, So Are Customers

Thanks to the Internet, customers are no longer 9 to 5 entities. Your customers may be in a time zone on the other side of the planet or they may be just across town at 2:30 in the morning. If they need help, they want it NOW!

If the office is closed and the phone lines are closed, the first place your customers will turn to is your business website. They will still know that you are taking care of them because your picture is on the site, so we help to foster that good will by allowing you to customize your help-desk domain.

Secure and Efficient Customer Service

The Online support ticketing system will record the service transaction, but the client will never realize that they are not dealing directly with your company because you are able to customize the layout and color scheme of the user interface.

There are several provisions to keep your customer service transactions secure. Our helpdesk ticketing system supports Active Directory user authentication and all communications are secured by an SSL channel. Your customer service data will be thoroughly backed up, and we provide the same 24/7 support to you that you want to give your customers!

We believe that our online support ticketing system provides all the help desk features you could want at an incredibly attractive price.

Further reading: Online help desk software

PS. In case you're interested in an "on-premise" solution, check out the self-hosted helpdesk ticketing system.

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