Jitbit Helpdesk - release history

This is the release history for both On-prem Helpdesk and SaaS Helpdesk

We also keep a list of recently added features and fixes that are already live in the SaaS version here.

HelpDesk 10.26

released 07/22/2024

  • Support for Gmail via OAuth
  • Increased search field max length
  • Indicate in which category on-behalf ticket was created if no permissions
  • Fixed rare SMTP error when connecting an O365 mailbox via oAuth
  • Prevent double-encoding HTML in automation POST (fixes MS Teams integraiton for those who use it via Rules)
  • If a user logs in via SAML/SSO - do not force them to enable 2FA (if enforced), handled by IdP
  • API/Stats can now return ticket statisticis for current user (see the docs)
  • Updated MS Teams integration to the new "Workflow" webhooks
  • Include "for technicians only" badge in KB article search results
  • Proper date/time custom fields formatting when exporting to CSV/Excel
  • Added KB subject to the "new article" email notification
  • API: Added "returnFullTicket=true" parameter to GET ParentTicket that returns all ticket details
  • New API method: GET AssetCustomFields
  • Fixed: "Takeover" notification to other techs missing Body sometimes
  • Searching in replies is now on by default
  • Search improvements to show more relevant results
  • Prevent new ticket template overriding subticket body
  • Added Italian support to forwarded message detection (when subject starts with "I:")
  • When editing an Asset - show old + new values in the change log
  • Ability to require 2FA for admins and technicians only
  • Show changes in "time spent" made by a tech or by an automation rules in the ticket feed. Auto timer changes are not shown
  • Reverted the "Thread-Topic" header, messes up with ticket ID in the subject in Outlook
  • Added secondary emails to /api/user endpoint

HelpDesk 10.25

released 06/10/2024

New Features and Improvemens

  • Added an option to schedule a ticket reply
  • Option to record camera video (not just screen-recording) when creating tickets/replies.
  • Added an option to set exact time in "Set due date" automation.
  • "Subject equals" automation condition is now case-insensitive.
  • New automation rule action "Send email to multiple users".
  • Added wildcard support for incoming email domain blocking.
  • Setting KB-articles "for techs only" in bulk.
  • Added "subscribedOnly" parameter to GET Tickets API endpoint.
  • Added #SubscribersEmails# tag support for email templates.
  • Use category-specific "from name" (if set) when forwarding tickets.
  • New automation trigger "ticket was closed as duplicate".
  • Leave a system log entry when a ticket is deleted.
  • Show errors connecting to Office 365 SMTP if returned.
  • When creating a subticket, prefill subject and body with parent ticket's data.
  • Added "StartDate" to /api/tickets result.
  • Assets quick search now supports searching by serial number.
  • Add a system comment when a tech is unassigned due to lack of permissions after a category change.
  • Greatly improved Italian translation.
  • Added "copy" button to shared secret.


  • Less SnipeIT requests to prevent hitting the rate limit.
  • Render dropdowns on top if there is no space below.
  • Fixed reactive UI update when custom field modified by automation rule.
  • Fixed "Only tickets I'm subscribed to" filter resetting sometimes.
  • Fixed the "sort by" dropdown display in Safari.
  • Fixed false-positive "useless" filtering for some edge cases.
  • Show issue URL as subject when can't get issue info from JIRA/GitHub/GitLab/VSO.

HelpDesk 10.24

released 04/22/2024

New Features and Integrations

  • Power BI Connector Update: Updated to load 5000 tickets with status and priority in a human-readable format. Requires the connector redownload.
  • GitHub Integration Enhancements: Increased the number of repositories shown.
  • New Email Template: Introduced "#CF_VALUE_1234#" that outputs the value of a custom field without its name.
  • WhatsApp Integration: Improved to find unclosed tickets by phone number. Creates a new ticket if none is found.
  • IP Address Restrictions: Added a new setting to limit access to the helpdesk to specific IP addresses only.
  • New API Capabilities:
    • Ability to create users by specifying only an "email", automatically setting username and generating a strong password.
    • Added methods to add/remove category permissions for technicians.
    • Introduced "Close" method with an option to skip email notifications.
    • Capability to pass an array of categories to `/api/tickets`.


  • User Interface Enhancements:
    • Added "Closed date" filter to Advanced Search.
    • Show absolute dates in the Audit Log on hover.
    • New option in ticket print/share view to display "Status" and fixed the priority display.
  • Custom Fields Management:
    • Fixed saving checkbox-type custom fields.
    • Addressed issues with CSV export trimming custom field values to 30 characters.
    • Resolved errors when dependent and multi-select custom fields are on the same form.
  • Subticket Linking: Added validation to prevent a ticket from being a subticket/linked to itself.
  • Audit Log: Now logs an entry when someone creates a user account.


  • Ticket Reopening: Fixed a rare bug in processing "reopen ticket if reply posted within X days".
  • Signature Removal: Signatures are now removed when replies are "for techs only".
  • Exception Handling: Added a human-readable exception when a user has an empty email in Active Directory.
  • Bulk Actions: Fixed issues when more than 200 items are checked in Assets bulk action.
  • Integrations:
    • Resolved issues causing duplicate actions when creating GitHub/GitLab issues.
    • Fixed various bugs in Trello and SnipeIT integrations.
  • Right-to-Left Language Support: Fixed additional issues with right-to-left languages like Persian, Arabic, Hebrew, etc.
  • Reports: Addressed issues with generating summary reports involving multi-select custom fields.
  • Canned Responses: Fixed bugs related to "used in categories" for canned responses.
  • Rating Links: Resolved the issue with "#RatingLinks#" being empty when updates are sent to all CC subscribers.

HelpDesk 10.23

released 03/21/2024

We recently asked our SaaS users for feedback, and now we'd love to hear from you too. Please share your thoughts in this quick, one-question survey.

New Features and Integrations

  • Lansweeper Integration: You can now integrate Lansweeper with your helpdesk for enhanced asset management.
  • Assets Search API: The API now supports searching for assets by name prefix. See the API docs for /api/assets for more information.
  • New Company Option when Creating Users: Admins can now quickly create a new company while adding a new user.
  • GPT Reply Option in Automation: You can now use GPT to write a reply in the "Add reply" automation action.
  • Mass Close Tickets Silently: Admins can now close multiple tickets at once without sending email notifications.


User Interface:

  • Company field in user edit form now suggests existing companies as you type and allows creating new ones.
  • "This quarter" filter added to the Dashboard.
  • "Number of tickets" added to the Assets report.
  • "Admin - Categories" now indicates if a category is disabled.
  • Kanban view enhancements: updated "new" badge on drag-drop, fixed cursor style, and improved badge spacing.
  • Improved support for right-to-left languages in the rich-text editor.


  • Consistent status codes are now used throughout the API.
  • Technicians can now link tickets and add subtickets via API.
  • Assets search by name prefix is now available.
  • Merging users now combines secondary emails properly and adds the merged user's email as a secondary email to the resulting user.


  • Fixed summary report & search failing after adding a "multiselect combo" custom field.
  • Fixed date formatting issues in reports.
  • Tech Stats report Excel export now includes missing fields.


  • SnipeIT integration now supports searching for assets.
  • Only admins can edit other users' comments.
  • Added an option to write a reply with GPT in "Add reply" automation action.


  • SurveyMonkey and SnipeIT Integration Fixes: Resolved issues with the SurveyMonkey and SnipeIT integrations.
  • Malformed Forwarded Messages: Fixed extracting the original "from" address in emails with line breaks in the address.
  • Custom Fields:
    • Fixed custom fields not showing up in Assets advanced search.
    • Fixed API not returning some custom fields for tickets to Admins.
    • Fixed auto-setting default dropdown custom fields when creating tickets from email/API.
  • UI Fixes:
    • Fixed displaying recipients on newly added replies.
    • Fixed incorrect sorting in the Summary report.
    • Resolved a formatting issue when exporting date custom fields.
  • Other Fixes:
    • Addressed a bug where duplicate KB update notifications could be sent.
    • Fixed a bug in calculating duration and response time in reports.
    • Prevented undesirable scrolling when attaching files.
    • Ensured the GPT button is not shown to non-techs.
    • Fixed an issue where the recaptcha badge could be obstructed.

HelpDesk 10.22

released 02/08/2024

New Features and Improvements

  • Customizable new ticket page layout.
  • New custom field type: Multiselect combo.
  • SAML Integration Enhancements:
    • Fixed SAML login issues when initiated from the root path ("/") instead of "/helpdesk".
    • Updated SAML logic to provide more actionable error messages.
  • API Enhancements:
    • Added API endpoints for enabling and disabling assets.
    • Added companyId parameter to POST Asset and UpdateAsset API methods.
    • Added support for updating company email domains with the UpdateCompany emailDomains parameter.
    • Enhanced /Ticket API to create a user if not existing when creating an on-behalf ticket.
    • Return mergedUserID from API /MergeUsers.
  • UI/UX Improvements:
    • Improved the "Admin - Import Export" UI.
    • Added an option to allow asset management to Administrators only.
    • Order company names autosuggest by name.
    • Redesigned Docs portal and moved API docs and Onprem docs to the new docs portal.
  • Automation & Rules:
    • Fixed "updated by" showing incorrect username in automation rules.
    • New automation action "assign to current user".
    • New automation rule action "Trigger rule on PARENT ticket".
    • Automation Rules' "Export to XML" now exports valid XML.
  • Other enhancements:
    • Ability to select a category when cloning a ticket.
    • Audit Log search now includes a date range.


  • UI Fixes:
    • When a ticket is assigned to a deactivated user, this is now visibly indicated in the UI.
    • Fixed localized status names under certain conditions.
    • Fixed broken "close" icon for multiline custom "top announcements".
    • Fixed tag search in Dynamics report.
    • Fixed corrupted custom field names in CSV export.
  • Miscellaneous Fixes:
    • Added a permission check for comment deletion when editing a comment.
    • Display "Out of office" icon next to assigned technician, if applicable.

HelpDesk 10.21

released 12/12/2023

IMPORTANT: With this release we migrated to .NET version 8 (from 6). Before upgrading Windows-based customers need to install the new hosting bundle. Everyone else need to install the .NET 8 runtime.


  • Ticket Management:
    • Live-update ticket subject when modified by an automation rule.
    • Improved signature detector in tickets.
    • Show usernames in the "assign to" dropdown.
    • Better "online techs" tracking.
    • Email deliverability fixes when tech-names are used as "from" in messages.
    • When Kanban board is filtered by category, show custom statuses for that category only.
    • Added new trigger to Automation "ticket satisfaction has been rated".
  • Reporting and Analytics:
    • Dynamic report performance improvements.
    • Fixed custom fields UI in the Summary report.
    • Summary report - do not show fields assigned to categories that the tech has no permissions to.
  • User Interface and Experience:
    • Prevent ticket page browser-caching.
    • Prevent browser/1password autofill in autocomplete boxes.
    • Consistent margins between ordered and unordered lists in tickets and KB.
  • Knowledge Base (KB) Management:
    • Allow technicians to delete KB articles they created.
  • AI Integration with GPT:
    • GPT: option to replace the entire reply with GPT-generated one.
    • GPT: use the ticket language for all the commands.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed category-specific custom fields in the grid when looking at a section.
  • Custom fields date-time fix.
  • Fixed error in API /assets.
  • Fixed resetting the category filters in Hebrew.
  • Fixed "manual fetch" button in email servers list.
  • Fixed "stop time spent" for custom statuses.
  • Fixed copying custom email templates when cloning a category.

HelpDesk 10.20

released 11/02/2023

Features and Enhancements

  • Ability to generate a Knowledge Base article from a ticket with GPT.
  • Added a search box in the merge/link/duplicate menu.
  • Enhanced ChatGPT integration for longer tickets.
  • Enhanced GPT prompt for ticket answering.
  • Redesign and improvements on GPT UI.
  • Added support for IFRAME in Knowledge-base articles.
  • Added an API method to retrieve parent tickets.
  • Improved the "time spent" timer for inactive browser tabs.
  • Hide the top reply button when ticket replying is disabled.
  • Enhanced HSTS settings.
  • Improved UX for editing custom fields dropdown options.
  • Implemented GPT support for mobile browsers.
  • Performance improvements for search and CSV export database.
  • UI design tweaks including larger radius and padding in comments.


  • Fixed ChatGPT for longer tickets.
  • Workaround for SSL error in SMTP when using Office 365.
  • Fixed minor XSS vulnerability in file attachments.
  • Fixed API assets not showing certain custom field values.
  • Fixed issues related to custom priorities.
  • Fixed email parsing issues for emails sent from iOS 16.
  • Password reset links now consider secondary emails.
  • Improved email signature detection.
  • Fixed occasional double line-breaks in HTML Canned Responses.
  • Fixed encoding issues in forwarded emails and canned responses.

HelpDesk 10.19

released 08/28/2023


  • Security and Access Controls:
    • Introduced better user-registration bot protection.
    • Allow Admins to override 2FA for users even with enforced 2FA, addressing lost smartphone scenarios.
    • Enhanced random password generator for greater security.
    • Admins and technicians are restricted from editing user notes of their peers.
  • User Experience and Interface:
    • Improved color contrast for overdue tickets in dark theme for better readability.
    • Added canned responses to the New Ticket form due to popular demand.
    • Enhanced image support in canned responses: pasted images are now converted to img-tags.
    • Show tech usernames in the filter on the left sidebar for quicker access.
    • More comprehensive error message provided for O365 oAuth flow issues.
    • Refined multiline custom field support in the automation rules editor.
    • Accessibility improvements for screen readers on the new ticket page.
    • Summary report update: enlarged charts and included absolute numbers in the legend for clearer visualization.
  • Functional Improvements:
    • New "Time Spent" features: Added restrictions on pausing timers and enabled timers only when tickets are assigned.
    • Respected "Use From Name" preference when forwarding tickets via email.
    • Introduced a category filter to the scheduled tickets report.
    • Added a company filter to the Kanban report.
    • Fixed the issue with shifting the due date for scheduled tickets when set to "reopen original".
    • "Set custom field" automation can now assign the current date.
    • Passing priority feature added for the new-ticket page.
    • Summary report update: Managers can now view subscribed tickets.
    • Improved API: Retained HTML in user signatures and greetings.
    • Localized the "from" word in outgoing emails to align with the app's language setting.
    • HTML content will not be removed from a user's signature and greeting via API.

Bug Fixes:

  • Rectified reporting issues in Firefox related to empty date ranges in custom fields.
  • Addressed a glitch where non-tech individuals could view inline images in tech-only comments.
  • Resolved a UI bug concerning unlinking parent tickets.
  • Fixed attachment name search function.
  • Rectified "Tickets per day" report discrepancies.
  • Solved self-hosted Admin page's slowness when the server lacked internet connectivity.
  • Corrected behavior where a user's logout with enabled SAML would inadvertently log them back in.
  • Fixed mobile UI bug where the recaptcha badge overlapped with the "submit" button.

HelpDesk 10.18

released 07/03/2023

  • Docker support for the on-premise version. See the documentation.
  • Overhauled the on-premise manual to be more clear
  • Improved email quoting processing when two Jitbits are talking to each other over email
  • JIRA integration fixes
  • Backend check if custom status allowed in the ticket's category when changing
  • Fixed up-down keys in category dropdown on new ticket page
  • Added links to ticket attachments when creating issue in Github or Gitlab
  • Fix "send email" automation not working if there's also Jitbit on the receiving side
  • Fixed new ticket form breaking when pasting really long screenshots
  • Added ability to reorder custom statuses
  • Fixed the "time spent" timer stopping when the browser tab is inactive
  • Fixed forwarding long tickets with offloaded large bodies
  • Fixed the datepicker in the Customer Satisfaction report
  • Slovenian translation fixes

HelpDesk 10.17

released 06/04/2023

  • Office 365 GCC fixes
  • Allow managers close tickets regardless of the "let user close their tickets" setting
  • Fixed some edge case datepicker issues when using en-US language
  • French translation fixes
  • "Notify ticket subscribers" automation now supports "all", "techs", "non-techs" and "Admins" filtering
  • GPT: Custom prompt now considers the ticket conversation for context
  • GPT: Ticket summary is now written in the same language the ticket is written in
  • Added "Close ticket silently" advanced menu item to skip email notifications
  • New API parameter to get assets assigned to specific ticket ID
  • More detailed error message when failing to parse O365 response
  • Added "Department name" to user lists
  • Added "the day is a public holiday" automation rule condition
  • Asset log improved when editing info and custom fields (less noise, cleaner format)
  • New ticket page: autofocus on category field if unset
  • API token page design fixes and a "copy" button
  • Fixed automation execution log display
  • HelpDesk 10.16

    released 05/22/2023

    • Support for GCC (MS Government Cloud) for O365, both inbound and outbound email
    • Interactive Kanban board for unclosed tickets (under "Reports - Kanban")
    • A lot of Zapier integration fixes
    • "Notify techs on takeover" now has a setting whether to include admin
    • Fixed custom KB title/description breaking layout for anonymous users
    • Added some missing translations
    • "Add sub ticket" automation rule now supports assigning to a technician
    • Fixed Google calendar sync - shareable iCal link format fixes
    • Option to include retired assets in asset-search
    • Open Github, Jira, etc. integration URLs in a new browser tab
    • ChatGPT now generates responses in the language the ticket is written in
    • ChatGPT: Do not suggest KB if it is disabled
    • ChatGPT integration now allows you to improve your reply or write a custom prompt
    • API: added "assignedToUserId" parameter to /Ticket POST endpoint to assign during creation and reduce email chatter
    • Fixed tag counts under "Admin - Categories - Tags" page
    • Improvements and fixes for two helpdesks talking to each other over email
    • Possible fix for setup.exe removing appsettings.json
    • Added MS Teams notification when a new KB article is posted
    • Fixed adding tech subscribers in the recent versions of Chrome
    • Chroatian language improvements
    • Added #category# to automation action "send HTTP request"
    • Due dates public shareable iCal link for external calendar sync now supports selected user and category
    • Github-style markdown checkbox lists in multiline custom fields fixed
    • Message-ID matching for emails now also looks at the subject line to prevent unwanted routing of new emails to existing tickets
    • Fixed Change Status automation when a ticket is being closed from "non-updated" and "overdue" triggers
    • Offer to "close all sub tickets" only if a ticket has child tickets, not always

    HelpDesk 10.15

    released 04/10/2023

    • ChatGPT integration. Turn on in Admin - Integrations. More information
    • "Notify other techs on takeover" now includes admin users too`
    • Consider category submit permissions when creating tickets from emails
    • Fixed attachments in KB article API
    • Hide "closed" status from filter unless it makes sense
    • Fixed editing ticket when adding big images
    • New API endpoint "MergeUsers"
    • Fixed category templates HTML
    • Moved the "AppUrl" setting from the .json config file to General Settings. The old config file setting is still supported for backwards compatibility
    • User search improvements
    • User @-mentions now have a tooltip that shows the username
    • Fixed editing huge tickets where body is offloaded to file storage
    • Fixed API "UpdateUser" resetting company/department sometimes
    • Rearranged email settings page for better UI
    • Added extra confirmation when deleting a category, even if it has no tickets
    • Performance improvements

    HelpDesk 10.14

    released 03/07/2023

    • Office 365 fix for the new Microsoft rate-limit
    • Set default SMTP-server & port after connecting Office 365 oAuth
    • Use SSL for S3 connections on self-hosted
    • Fixed saving hidden columns
    • Improved outbound email logging
    • Keep KB stats for longer (180 days)
    • New API method "Create KB article"
    • New API method: TagTicket(name, ticketId)
    • User advanced search: filter users who have no tickets AND no replies
    • #Recipients# email template can now list names, not emails, to keep this sensitive info private
    • Azure DevOps integration improved: pull and display actual work-item status
    • Pass additional text to show at the top of the live chat widget (via JS)
    • Added CSV export to customer satisfaction report
    • Ticket search plural/singular support (searching for "printer" will return "printerS" too) when searching for one word
    • Added overdue breakdown chart to Summary report
    • Technicians report - add "overdue tickets" number
    • Ticket list date filter - relative date support - "Today, This week, Last 30 days"

    HelpDesk 10.13

    released 01/29/2023

    • SnipeIt integration
    • A lot of Setup.exe fixes
    • Updated the default chart colors to be more diverse and saturated
    • Added "Ticket URL" to summary report CSV export
    • Chat widget: respect "hide powered by" in open chat
    • Send only one email when a user creates a ticket via live chat
    • Increased the default upload size in the on-premise version to 200Mb
    • Ideas forum: added paging to the default view, better discoverability of less upvoted ideas
    • Improved "mark as spam" logging
    • Live chat widget - use the custom "Thank you" message set in the settings
    • Live chat - show responding tech's first name, not login (can expose email)
    • Show the ticket subject in the summary of a Teams notification
    • Resize the text editor after pasting a long canned response
    • Restored ticket scheduling info in the sidebar due to customers feedback
    • When a user closes their own ticket - still send a "ticket closed" email if the email has "rate our support" links in it
    • JIRA fix for self-hosted 9.4 and later
    • Added Vimeo embed support
    • Ability to link existing GitHub issues to tickets
    • Fixed on-premise billing page
    • Search improvements
    • Custom field automation condition - option to compare "greater than" not just "equal"
    • Summary report: clicking tag cloud reloads the report with that tag
    • Send "rate our support" links only to ticket submitters
    • Sticky ticket header: bigger blur radius, a better contract, different background in the dark theme
    • Do not allow to convert ticket to a reply of itself

    HelpDesk 10.12

    released 01/15/2023

    • NEW: WhatsApp integration
    • Fixed import from Freshdesk
    • Fixed months and years not scrolling in date pickers in Safari and Chrome
    • More reliable ticket scheduler after job run failed
    • Canned response groups improvements
    • Improved Hebrew translation
    • Proper logging for marking a ticket as spam
    • Fixed ClickUp integration
    • Fixed adding subscribers to tickets
    • fix: mobile and browser push notifications not working if the user opted out of email notifications
    • Add tickets to assets right from the asset page by ID
    • Display video size before uploading screen-capture
    • Fixed tags list when filtering by category
    • Added Audit Log when editing a user via API
    • Fixed user custom fields display in the popup

    HelpDesk 10.11

    released 12/13/2022

    • Mark comment as bounced on SMTP errors
    • Added ability to set "via" (AKA "origin") when creating ticket with API
    • New ticket page fix: when tech creates a ticket in a category he has no permissions in, hide "for tech" custom fields
    • Better assets suggestion box
    • Increased self-hosted upload limit to 100MB
    • Offer to close a ticket when setting close date
    • ClickUp integration
    • JIRA integration fixes
    • Fixed the sticky header blur in Safari
    • A lot of improvements in Setup.exe
    • Performance improvements
    • Translation fixes (Finish, Hebrew, etc)

    HelpDesk 10.10

    released 11/07/2022

    • Ability to require two-factor auth for all users
    • Redesigned header: new look, less bright "new" button, etc.
    • "Recent comments" in emails now indicate which comments were "for techs only"
    • Multiple Setup.exe fixes
    • Office 365 integration fixes
    • Fixed viewing techs not removed under windows auth
    • "Technicians statistics" now accounts for working hours and days
    • Email deliverability fixes
    • Create companies and users when importing assets from CSV if they do not exist
    • Ability to pass ?email=XXX to new ticket page when posting ticket anonymously
    • User search - added "enabled users only" filter
    • Improved forwarded email detection
    • "View original email" now respects user dark theme settings
    • Show "response time" and "duration" right in the ticket as tooltips for "start date" and "resolved date"
    • Added "New" tickets count to real-time dashboard

    HelpDesk 10.9

    released 10/11/2022

    • A bunch of Office 365 fixes
    • Some minor XSS security fixes
    • 10x performance improvement in some areas
    • Fixed inline images not showing when a ticket has regular attachments
    • Fixed non-reliable Application URL sometimes resetting to "localhost" for server clients
    • Fixed "notify user's manager" rule - better support for departments
    • On-prem fixes for case-sensitive SQL Server installations
    • Desktop notifications fix for Safari
    • Do not limit assets for admins in the suggestion boxes
    • Hide "updated by" username from KB articles to non-tech users
    • Check empty required custom fields on new ticket form even when JavaScript is disabled
    • CSV import - human-readable error when required fields are missing

    HelpDesk 10.8

    released 09/24/2022

    • Support for Office 365 modern auth (oAuth) for SMTP
    • Indicator "someone else is editing this KB article"
    • Tuned mail duplicates check to allow CC'ing same email to different helpdesk-monitored mailboxes
    • Fixes for "ticket body contains" automation condition when the body uses complicated HTML and search words spread in different tags
    • Fixed a number of XSS vulnerabilities
    • Allow add-subscriber autocomplete box for managers
    • Fixed KB editing in mobile browsers
    • Fixed "delete" and "mark spam" rules
    • Fixed saving "Ticket created X hours ago" automation
    • Added Median response time and Median duration to Technicians Statistics Report
    • Tech stats - clickable link to "tickets created"
    • "Send email to user's manager" automation rule
    • Fixed grid live updates for closed tickets
    • Fixed tagging tickets via API (not removing old tags)
    • Improved how notes for Companies are displayed in the list
    • Fixed "Ticket comes from a company" automation condition when company is empty
    • Updated MS Teams integration
    • Jira, GitHub and GitLab integrations now show issue details on the ticket page
    • Redirect to the new ticket after merging
    • The numbers in Admin - Category - Tags are now clickable links
    • Fixed clicking on a ticket row in the Summary report to open a ticket

    HelpDesk 10.7

    released 07/22/2022

    • Important security fix
    • Added "YTD - year to date" period to all ticket reports
    • Automation: "abort further rules" improvements
    • New automation rule "notify last replier"
    • API ability to set comment date when posting
    • AD sync: do not update user if an email came back empty for any reason to prevent loosing info
    • Live-update ticket when it is being deleted or merged (redirect the viewing user to the list)
    • Support ticket search by email when the email is mentioned in ticket text
    • API: Added "recipientIds" parameter to POST Comment
    • New API method: TicketIntegrationData
    • Return "reason" when rejecting useless emails
    • Include "techs only" private replies in email #Recent_messages# template IF the reply is also private and "techs only"
    • Fixed GitLab integration
    • Admin - Categories - hint if category uses a custom email template

    HelpDesk 10.6

    released 06/13/2022

  • Support "Shift+click" in KB articles category list checkboxes
  • Allow checkboxes in ticket text editor/HTML to support "checklist" functionality right inside tickets
  • "Task List" markdown in multiline text custom fields - for checklists in tickets
  • Pre-filling custom fields via URL params on new ticket creation
  • New automation rule "Ticket was created more than X hours ago"
  • Improved keyboard shortcuts on ticket page ("R" to reply, "ESC" to cancel reply, "J/K" -prev/next ticket, "Ctrl + ." KB, "Ctrl + ," Canned Responses) show shortcuts in tooltips
  • Added an option to bulk unassign to the ticket grid popup
  • Customizable "Thank you" text when unregistered users create tickets via web-app
  • "CF_XXX" mask in email templates and http-post rule is now case insensitive to prevent customer confusion
  • API/Comment - ability to reply as another user (for admins)
  • Due date calendar - sharable iCal link to subscribe in external calendar apps
  • Removed the ability to disable users via CSV import in favor of "bulk actions". Many customers disable users accidentally
  • Scheduled tickets history report - proper ordering
  • Fixed managers change category permission bug
  • Option to hide all system entries form the ticket by default
  • "Rate our support" links in emails now work without logging in
  • Fixed random logouts if "remember me" is disable due to compliance
  • Fixed search with special characters like "AT&T" from top search box
  • Accessibility fixes for screen readers
  • Added ?? and ?? to the emoji picker
  • Assets main page UI improvements
  • Friendly message instead of broken images in emails when attachments disabled
  • Acessibility: close "recent tickets" and "user info" popups on ESC
  • HelpDesk 10.5

    released 04/23/2022

    IMPORTANT: Starting with this release we are moving to .NET 6. You need to download and install .NET 6 Hosting Bundle on Windows or ASP.NET Core Runtime 6 Runtime on Linux before the upgrade. No other changes need to be made.

    • "Big" support widget script - support for pre-selected ticket category
    • Fixed 404 in Summary report when customer has 100+ custom fields
    • Fixed new ticket email confirmation for newly created users
    • Fixed Summary and Dynamics reports losing tech filter under rare conditions
    • Summary report "from" time fixed
    • Added "handled by me" to API /Stats
    • Fixes for realtime updates when using Windows auth
    • Added very basic file preview before uploading
    • Support for custom favicons in Desktop notifications
    • Widened duplicate files detection to match different users (still within one ticket)
    • Added SAML provider settings to General Settings
    • Summary, Dynamics and "tickets per day" reports: use GET so people can save the url for later use
    • Github integration: the list of repos is now searchable
    • Acessibility fixes
    • Better contrast in dark theme dropdowns
    • "showlogin" parameter for the login page to ignore the SAML "hide inputs" setting

    HelpDesk 10.4

    released 03/21/2022

    • Log rejected "useless" inbound emails in "audit log"
    • Assets quick search
    • Redirect to proper assets list page after editing an item
    • Support "hide powered by" setting in the live chat widget for Enterprise customers
    • Adding X-Jitbit-Ticket header when forwarding ticket by email to prevent ID clash
    • Added "all unclosed tickets" option to Summary Report filter
    • "Ideas with no upvotes" filter
    • Power BI: now loads 3000 tickets
    • New setting: "Only send updates to subscribers when sent by techs"
    • Sort Asset search results by name
    • Summary report now allows filtering tickets assigned to deactivated technician accounts
    • "Reply and close" now works only for technicians in ticket's category
    • Improved Harvest integration - added time entry dialog right into tickets
    • Ability to remove linked tickets and subtickets via API
    • Accent tech subscribers with green checkboxes to distinguish from regular users
    • "Ticket subject contains" automation now has an option to match the whole word only
    • Do not allow to merge a ticket with itself
    • Ticket grid last updated date hover accounts for user-specific time zone now
    • Added "Abort further rules" automation action

    HelpDesk 10.3

    released 02/14/2022

    • Slightly improved KB emails
    • Dependent drop-down custom fields "default" options
    • Fixed showing custom field inputs on "new asset" page too
    • Added YTD option to Summary report intervals
    • "You've been assigned" email notification now includes ticket attachments
    • Ability to hide username/password inputs when Google-login is enabled
    • Delete "ticketEditLog" attachments when converting ticket to reply or merging tickets
    • Added "tickets created on behalf" to technician statistics CSV export
    • Fixed sorting attachments by date
    • Fixed canned response and text insertion sometimes happen outside editor in Firefox
    • Added "check all" when selecting attachments for forwarded tickets by email
    • Github integration: order repos by "last pushed"
    • Assets CSV export now includes all custom fields (not just "shown in grid")
    • @-mention a user when writing replies: adds the user to ticket subscribers and sends an email notification
    • Added validation for empty JIRA integration fields
    • Added "total views" to KB analytics report
    • Localized "Unsubscribe" link in emails
    • Fixed saving "current date between" automation rule format

    HelpDesk 10.2

    released 12/30/2021

  • Mandatory checkbox custom fields are also checked now
  • New setting: Auto purge tickets closed more than X days ago
  • Fixed inline images when creating a new ticket from an existing comment
  • Pressing Escape now focuses back on the editor when closing canned response or KB dropdowns
  • Fixed editing "Delay" automation rule
  • Import/Export form tabs redesign
  • New API method UnAssignAssetToUser
  • Option to skip diff file when editing a comment
  • Allow removing submitter from subscribers
  • Do not show "powered by jitbit" on the shared and print view when "hide powered by" setting is enabled
  • Power BI connector now loads 3000 tickets instead of 300
  • OneDrive integration fixes
  • Fixed screen capturing in fullsize widget
  • Include "logged by" in the first system note when creating ticket "on behalf"
  • New API method "Get user by ID"
  • New API DeleteUser method
  • Added support for cmd + enter (for Macs) everywhere where ctrl + enter is supported
  • Added hotkeys: "ctrl + ," opens canned responses, "ctrl + ." opens KB article dropdowns when writing a ticket reply. Navigate with arrows paste with "enter"
  • Reworked JIRA integration: correct issue types are now show in the UI when a project is changed
  • DevOps integration now supports rich text editing
  • Fixed the category filter in advanced ticket search
  • Fixed the "time spent" timer restarting after a reply even if it is disabled by a global setting
  • HelpDesk 10.1

    released 11/02/2021

    Many customers have been running version 10 in production for a month now. Version 10.1 is now safe to install for everyone as it has no known issues.

    If you are upgrading from v9.36 and earlier everything from the original v10 release notes still applies. Make a backup of your helpdesk files. Also, see the upgrade manual.

    • Fixed all the minor issues with 10.0 RC and the new setup.exe
    • Update UI when category/status changes on server
    • Clone ticket confirmation dialog fixes
    • Disable user accounts via CSV upload
    • Buffer multiple system comments into one
    • "Move comment to another ticket" only moves file attachments from that comment
    • Added "ticket assigned to a deactivated tech" automation
    • api/comments returns tech-only comments only if user is tech in category (not just any tech)
    • Fixed showing "start time" in user-specific time zone
    • Export canned responses to CSV
    • Automation engine fixes that might cancel some rules from running
    • Added "out of office" technicians to dashbaord
    • "Add sub-ticket" automation rule
    • Ctrl+Enter support in comment editing
    • Option for administartors to skip logging diff file when editing a ticket
    • Fixed GitLab integration
    • Azure DevOps integration fixes
    • Set "Upd-by-tech" only if user is tech in ticket category not just any tech

    HelpDesk 10.0

    released 10/14/2021

    This is Jitbit Helpdesk version 10 Release Candidate. It is production-ready as we have been using it on our servers (the SaaS version) for more than a month, but you should install it at your own risk.

    What's new

    With version 10 we've moved our backend to a new platform - .NET 5 (also known as .NET Core). For you as a customer it means two things:

    1. You can now install it on Linux (installation manual). You still need Microsoft SQL Server, but they have a Linux version too.
    2. You'll get massive performance gains.

    Read more about this move on Alex's blog post: Jitbit is ported to .NET Core

    How to upgrade

    Backup your help desk files. If anything goes wrong with the upgrade just put your old files back in and recycle IIS. That's all you have to do to roll back. Version 10 does not include any database changes.

    On Windows install Microsoft .NET 5 Hosting Bundle first (direct download).

    If you upgraded Jitbit before you are used to not touching your web.config file. With version 10 all your web.config settings are moving to appsettings.json. Appsettings.json is now the file you are supposed to not delete between upgrades.

    The easiest way to upgrade is to launch the new setup.exe. You can find it in the root folder of the downloaded package (it used to be in the "bin" folder). You will be upgraded automatically. If you have multiple instances on one server you can use the new Setup.exe as well - it lets you pick the instance you want to upgrade.

    We updated the manual to reflect all the changes: https://www.jitbit.com/docs/helpdesk/!!!helpdesk-software-readme.htm.

    HelpDesk 9.36

    released 08/30/2021

    • API method TicketCustomFields now includes all possible options for dropdowns (fixed an issue in the mobile app with not working dropdowns as well)
    • KB search now uses "AND" logic for multiple word queries/li>
    • Optional access to Dashboard to technicians and managers
    • Do not allow creating custom field options with an empty name
    • Fixed month sorting in report graphs
    • Drastically sped up ticket search by email-domain
    • Fixed widget docs to accomodate for it not having a title anymore
    • Fixed tags, secondary assignee, asset, etc. imputs when text had an apostrophe
    • "Go to the original reply" button in the ticket attachment list
    • "Reply and close" button now offers to close linked tickets too
    • Fixes total count on assets page, added count to assets search
    • Show involved assets on ticket print page
    • Live-refresh custom fields on ticket page when updated by rules or by another user
    • "Assign to no one" automation rule now removes secondary assignees too
    • Minute-precision in "set ticket due date" automation rule
    • Bulk-delete ideas using checkboxes
    • Include file attachment information in the system comment about ticket forwarding
    • Cloud attachments (Dropbox, GDrive, Box, etc) are now supported in Knowledge Base, Assets, etc, not just tickets

    HelpDesk 9.35

    released 08/07/2021

    • Ability to move comments from one ticket to another if a user makes a mistake
    • Ability to add "system" comments via API
    • Fixed "arithmetic overflow" error in technicians report with extremely big "time spent"
    • Numeric custom fields - fixed decimal separators when some non-English languages are selected
    • Allow (almost) any HTML tags in Knowledge Base
    • Fixed tag filter disappearing on assets with multiple pages
    • Removed character limit for top announcements (for admins and techs)
    • Include ticket submitter in the default search
    • Ticket "checkbox" custom field can now be edited right away, without clicking "...", then "OK", etc
    • When email template contains #Attachments# links - show most recent reply's attachments on top, sort the rest alphabetically
    • New API method: UserSearch
    • Suppress notification when converting ticket to a reply
    • Ability to add "system updates" to tickets via "add reply" automation rule
    • Users CSV import now support "Department"
    • Allow users delete their own ideas and edit tags
    • Fixed sorting the ticket attachment list by date
    • Show custom fields when expanding subtickets in the grid
    • "Insert KB article" now inserts article with title
    • Added an ability to add related assets on ticket creation (for techs only)
    • Show only 10 most popular tags on the KB index page with a link to show all tags
    • Token-based authenticaiton for API

    HelpDesk 9.34

    released 06/16/2021

    • TeamViewer integration
    • Added #Via# field to email templates - it is replaced with a ticket origin (email, web, live chat, etc.)
    • Trigger automation rule on ticket deletion
    • Support "time spent" more than 100 hours in the ticket UI
    • Allow users from same department seeing each other tickets
    • Ticket print: option to hide all replies / system entries
    • Fixed some tickets not shown in due dates calendar
    • API GET TicketCustomFields added a bool parameter to return unset
    • Ability to reorder sections by drag-n-drop
    • Ability to customize the satisfaction survey prompt text
    • Grid design (lighter icons & left box titles, more room in cat menu)
    • Status dropdown - show only allowed statuses to non-admins (otherwise regular users see techonly statuses in the list)
    • Database performance improvements

    HelpDesk 9.33

    released 05/10/2021

    • A user can be made a "Manager" for either company or department
    • Option to disable built-in timezone-based holidays
    • Dashboard response-time and resolution-time now supports working hours and holidays
    • Show license information and free updates expiration date in the on-premise billing page
    • Company stats report "response time" now properly accounts for working hours and holidays
    • Admin tools to clean up empty companies and departments
    • New option - only admins can assign tickets to other admins
    • Show full names in secondary assignees list
    • Fixed live chat widget breaking in modern browsers (not using cookies any more)
    • Hide "Reports" tab if no reports allowed to user
    • Added "Department" to summary report
    • Log deleted reply text
    • Preserve collapsed sections between page reloads
    • All notifications from "critical" priority tickets now send high importance email notifications

    HelpDesk 9.32

    released 04/02/2021

    • Custom fields that are "view everyone, edit techs only" are now shown in grid
    • Bigger user lookup timeout
    • Custom report - grouping by a custom field now processes tickets with unset field too
    • Fixed ticket sorting by custom field after clicking "more"
    • Better compatibility for oAuth return URLs on on-premise
    • Fixed setting out of office via API
    • Ideas - added the "ideas I'm subscribed to" filter
    • "Latest reply contains" automation - option to look in customer replies only
    • Filter summary report by department
    • Logging comment deletion in the audit log
    • Include ticket attachments into ticket confirmation email
    • Dashboard: fixed date parsing in Safari

    HelpDesk 9.31

    released 03/08/2021

    • Collapse/expand sections in the category menu
    • Dashboard fixes for Smart TVs
    • Increased maximum allowed section name to 250 characters to bring it on par with category names
    • Fixed a visual bug with tags overflowing the container in Summary report
    • Drastically improved page load times for tickets with a lot of replies
    • SAML: added extracting the "location" attribute
    • Huge performance improvement for login & API
    • Allow techs to edit comments
    • Ability to hide category selector in live-chat widget via JS
    • Fixed rich formatting hotkeys in Safari
    • SAML: improved extracting department and company
    • "Email contains" automation now supports exact matches
    • "Scroll to the top" button in the sticky header in the ticket view
    • Capture still screenshots (not just video) from the web-interface
    • Autologin support for reverse proxies
    • Editing a ticket adds a message to audit log
    • Leave a system comment when a tech manually removes 'upd by cust' or 'upd for tech' badges

    HelpDesk 9.30

    released 02/16/2021

    • A lot of security fixes after our annual penetration test
    • Update the current ticket count and all the dates in real time
    • Filtering the tickets grid by multiple tags with Shift+Click
    • Added "in-person" option to the "via" ticket field
    • Show if an article is for techs only in KB suggestions
    • Do not show edit logs in the main attachment list, also do not allow deleting the logs
    • Proper support for dependent dropdown custom fields in User, Assets and Companies
    • Summary report: clickable pie charts - filters tickets by the clicked dimension
    • Allow 3-word tags to be used for getting similar from KB
    • Removing tracking pixels from incoming emails
    • Fixed line breaks in "add reply" automation rules
    • Added "Priority" to CSV ticket export
    • Allowed longer SMTP passwords
    • Fixed Asana integration
    • Dashboard Fullscreen support in more browsers
    • Added "create NEW linked ticket" menu item
    • "Add reply" automation rule now supports template masks like #Body# #FirstName#

    HelpDesk 9.29

    released 01/12/2021

    • Starting with the next release you will be able to auto-update your Jitbit via SetupTool.exe (offered on startup)
    • Grouping Canned Response info "folders"
    • Show "no more tickets left" screen when they are no more tickets to show. Also, show the ticket grid when "no more tickets" is shown and a new ticket comes
    • Fixed "set ticket subject" automation rule with custom fields mask
    • Update "dates ago" in the ticket grid and the ticket view in real time
    • Ideas Forum: submit replies on Ctrl + Enter
    • Search in ticket replies by default
    • Added live badges to the sticky bar in the ticket view
    • Option to disable "remember me" on login page for compliance (HIPAA etc)
    • Logging last-connect date/time and the result for external mailboxes, show it in the UI
    • Prevent auto-zoom in live chat widget in mobile Safari iOS
    • Strip HTML from ticket-subject in emails
    • A lot of Gitlab integration fixes, especially for the self-hosted Gitlab version
    • Assets now support tags
    • Fixed API file attachment methods
    • Filter ticket list by multiple categories using Shift + Click
    • User autocomplete improvements (partial first name search)
    • Fixed #Suggested_KB_articles# mask not working in some cases
    • Show creator name in new idea notifications
    • Do not create scheduled tickets for deleted tickets
    • New automation action: "current date is between"
    • Added "Toggle fullscreen" button to the dashboard

    HelpDesk 9.28

    released 11/16/2020

    • Controlling individual report permissions
    • Office 365: pull new emails only from the Inbox folder
    • Automation condition "Ticket has zero replies" now has an option to ignore ticket submitter replies
    • Fixed "assign to least busy tech" automation action
    • Automation rule execution log: see a list of the last 10 tickets the rule was executed on in the "rule edit" page
    • "To-address does NOT contain" automation option
    • New API methods: CompanyCustomFields, UserCustomFields
    • API methods to update User/Company custom fields
    • Fixed broken encoding when creating Trello cards
    • Shift+Click a subscriber checkbox checks/unchecks ALL subscribers
    • Increased the number of tickets in Power BI connector from 100 to 300 (requires redownloading the connector)
    • Localization fixes
    • Fixed and improved assets CSV import error handling
    • Fixed: copying category does not copy FromName
    • Dashboard/summary ticket numbers inconsistency fixes
    • #CF_xxx# mask in email templates now works for techs-only custom fields too (#Custom_Fields# for the public ones only)
    • Tickets dashboard: added "tickets per day", added category filter, fixed some calculation bugs
    • Fixed idea comments notifications
    • Changed "Ticket has zero replies" to not count other replies from rules as human
    • Sort asset tickets by newest first
    • FWD detection is Spanish and Swedish
    • Filter ideas from specific user

    HelpDesk 9.27

    released 10/14/2020

    • Support for secondary email addresses for users
    • Automation rule action: "Auto-assign to the least busy technician"
    • New automation condition: "Technician is looking at the ticket"
    • New automation action: "mark ticket upd FOR tech"
    • Fixed adding Office 365 mailboxes
    • Database performance improvements
    • Removed CSRF protection from new ticket - incompatible with reverse proxies
    • Ideas Forum anti-spam protection
    • Show category descriptions as tooltips on new ticket page when hovering mouse
    • Ctrl+K to add link in all content-editors
    • Zendesk import fix
    • Ability to pre-set the user's email in live-chat widget via JavaScript
    • Fixed "dependent" custom fields for Users/Companies/Assets
    • Fixed Asset search by a numeric custom field

    HelpDesk 9.26

    released 09/21/2020

    • A lot of live-chat widget improvements and bug-fixes
    • Sharing tickets via a readonly link like in Google Docs
    • JIRA improved listing types/projects
    • Added some HTTP headers for improved security in modern browsers
    • Admins can now edit ticket "start date"
    • Possible fix for O365 incorrect encoding
    • Make "unsubscribe form this ticket" link in emails optional
    • API GET Ticket: added IsActiveChat property
    • Ticket scheduler reliability fixes
    • Slack integration updates for the new API
    • Add a special "live chat" icon to "new ticket" email notification if the ticket comes via live-chat
    • Email signature cutter improvements
    • Accessibility fixes
    • New automation condition "ticket has zero replies"
    • Play a sound when a new message in a live chat ticket comes
    • New "via" option for tickets - "live chat widget"
    • Support for "defer" Javascript loading attribute in widgets
    • Fixed SAML login for the mobile app
    • Add system comment when unlinking tickets
    • Satisfaction report - switching filter by ticket close-date or create-date
    • Fixed numeric custom fields search
    • Remove formatting when copy-pasting from dark theme
    • Fixed URLs in custom fields
    • User logon history report
    • Fixed subject pre-fill via query string on new ticket page

    HelpDesk 9.25

    released 08/27/2020

    • Custom fields for companies
    • JIRA - added project name to types
    • AD sync fixes
    • Hiding system entries when printing ticket
    • Fixed user merging
    • Added "Unfollow this ticket" link to emails
    • New automation condition "if ticket creator's user-lookup data contains"
    • Dark theme contrast improvements
    • Dashboard: show techs who are currently online and active
    • Internal links in KB articles now open in the same tab
    • Allow moving "new" tickets to custom statuses
    • Fixed deleting asset types, suppliers, manufacturers
    • Clone more attributes when cloning ticket, including tags
    • Display user count on company page
    • Added Hungarian translation
    • Do not filter non-delivery and out-of-office notification if it's a forwarded email
    • Fixed section reorder in admin panel

    HelpDesk 9.24

    released 06/29/2020

    • User custom fields
    • All new design for all anonymous user facing pages: KB, login page, register, "lost password" etc.
    • Security fixes
    • Added "Last Updated By Username" to ticket grid
    • Renamed Event Log to Audit Log
    • Basecamp integration fixes
    • Allow float numbers in numeric custom fields in new Chrome
    • Support "CF_XXXX" masks in "set ticket subject" automation rules
    • Improved the "also looking at this ticket" module - works properly when one ticket is opened in multiple tabs
    • Option to automatically redirect to identity provider when SAML/SSO is enabled
    • Add comment when adding new ticket when reopen is disabled
    • Do not show deleted tickets to non-techs
    • New API methods: to get, retrieve sub tickets and linked tickets
    • New automation condition "if ticket came via..."
    • Bulk remove due date from tickets
    • Ticket search speed improvements
    • Expanding sub-tickets in grid respects the current sorting
    • Dropbox/GDrive/One Drive/Box.com fixes
    • New automation rule "Latest reply came from a non-subscriber"
    • Ticket Search now looks in custom fields too

    HelpDesk 9.23

    released 05/29/2020

    IMPORTANT Old auto-login links are now deprecated. If you were generating auto-login links for your users manually make sure that userHash now contains current day and month.More information.

    • Dark theme UI (turn on in your user profile)
    • New SMTP code stack - should be more stable and reliable
    • Box.com integration
    • One Drive support (attaching files to tickets)
    • New custom status permission "for managers only"
    • Human-readable missing parameter error message in API
    • Support for deleting messages instead of marking as read in Office 365 mailboxes
    • Custom web.config key to disable weak ciphers (SSL3, TLS 1 and 1.1)
    • Attach files during asset creation
    • Proper notifications when converting a ticket to a reply
    • Realtime dashboard - ability to select "today, 7-days, 30-days"
    • New automation action "mark reply as 'tech-only'"
    • Screen capture: added voiceover and bigger video
    • Fixed desktop notifications for new tickets
    • Added LinkedTickets method to API
    • "Ticket forwarded" log is now html and properly formatted
    • Proper ticket links from techs report
    • Satisfaction report improvements: more intuitive chart colors, click on chart to filter tickets by ratings, filter by categories, assigned techs and companies
    • New automation action "Abort further email notifications"
    • Prompt to close sub-tickets when closing ticket
    • Advanced User Search - searching for users with/without tickets, Admins only, Techs only etc.
    • Ticket forward form improvements
    • New automation rule "delete all subscribers"

    HelpDesk 9.22

    released 03/18/2020

    • Real-time dashboard with stats for the day (in reports)
    • Added support for connecting to Office 365 mailboxes via oAuth (basic auth is getting deprecated)
    • Power Bi integration
    • Automatically hiding user email signatures
    • Fixed "include assigned user signature" bug
    • Added "creation date", "updated by" and "update date" to automation rules
    • Technicians report - fixed link to "active tickets within date range"
    • Reopen ticket and mark it "for tech" on failed email delivery
    • Show file sizes in ticket attachments block
    • Properly restoring attachments to original tickets when un-merging
    • Send tech-only comments to techs in the ticket category only, not all tech-subscribers
    • Show users count in Admin - Users
    • Nicer pager controls for Users, Assets and Ideas
    • Check permission to submit tickets to a category in api/ticket
    • Fixed tech names not showing in charts in reports
    • New ticket custom field permission type: "visible to everyone, editable by technicians/admins only"
    • Allow users edit their own tickets (saving changes to the log)
    • Ability to bulk-restore deleted tickets from "Search"
    • Added "delay" automation action

    HelpDesk 9.21

    released 01/23/2020

    • BETA: Detect and hide user email signatures for better ticket feed readability
    • Ability to disable/archive a category
    • Fixed linking existing wokitems to VSO
    • Basecamp integration fix
    • When a new ticket deleted by automation - stop all other actions (sending emails etc)
    • Option to remove a tag via automation rules
    • Added "includeCustomFields" parameter to api/tickets (false by default)
    • Fixed "Set ticket subject" automation action "Add as a prefix" option not saving
    • Added GitLab on-premise integration
    • More security fixes and performance improvements

    HelpDesk 9.20

    released 01/07/2020

    It is recommended to install this update as soon as possible because it contains important security fixes.

    • Imortant security vulnerability fixes
    • Fixed searching by range Date and Time custom fields
    • Fixed due date sorting in Ticket Summary report
    • Added tags to Summary report
    • Summary report - filter by multiple technicians
    • Ability to "select all" tickets in the list even the ones not showing and perform bulk operations on them
    • New automation action: "Set start date"
    • New automation action "Set ticket subject"
    • Support dependent custom fields in ticket editing form, not just ticket creation
    • Made "lost password" and "register" links more visible
    • Show Knowledge Base article subscribers to admins
    • Use localized Status name in emails
    • Added "Number of tickets taken" to the "Tickets per day" report
    • Extract user profile picture during Google Login
    • Fixed removing subscribers after clicking "for techs only"
    • Show Close button in "new" tickets too
    • Enhanced TFS/VSO/Azure DevOps integration - added "Iteration" field, proper "Bug" description
    • Company info popup - added recent tickets list + fixed user number

    HelpDesk 9.19

    released 12/05/2019

    • Important security fixes
    • MS Teams integration
    • Creating new subtickets from ticket's "more" menu
    • "Set due date" automation option to shift from current due date
    • Show department in the user popup
    • Fixed emojis not working sometimes
    • Fixed due date working hours scheduling
    • Added pt-BR language and fixed Australian holidays
    • Satisfaction rating fixes (report colors, proper translations, etc.)
    • Fix: applying grid filter does not reset tag selection

    HelpDesk 9.18

    released 11/28/2019

    • Human-readable EML-file viewer for "original email"
    • Asana integration oAuth support and fixes
    • Show Ticket/KB/Ideas statistics in "Admin - Tags"
    • Update subscribers UI when email arrives and adds user via CC
    • Added tag list to Ideas "view all" mode
    • Ability to merge tags
    • Ability to bulk enable/disable users from the admin panel
    • Added #priority# to HTTP request automation action
    • Do not "take" ticket when manually assigning to yourself
    • Correct time zone info when exporting to iCal
    • A lot more fixes in various areas

    HelpDesk 9.17

    released 11/10/2019

    Check this blog post for an overview of the most important new features: Product update: Subtickets, Customer satisfaction surveys and Dependent custom fields

    • Dependent custom fields
    • Basecamp integration
    • Disable email notifications for a user with permanent bounce messages. Those bounces will be shown in Reports - Deletion log.
    • Added "tickets on behalf" to technicians report
    • Added an ability to filter by user in Deletion Log
    • Allow priority edits for category-techs only
    • Show assigned tech for subtickets in the grid
    • Added "api/Subscribers" (getting ticket subscribers)
    • Added an opton to schedule tickets on "Xth Monday/Tuesday/etc of every month"
    • Made "reply above this line" more visible in ticket emails
    • Changing ticket status now sets "last updated" date
    • Added satisfaction rating
    • Added #fromEmail# to HTTP Request automation action
    • Bulk enable/disable email for users
    • KB homepage redisign
    • Moved "Priority" out of "Advanced" on "New ticket" page
    • Custom report - add grouping by ticket origin (Web, Email, API etc)
    • Make the "via" field selectable when creating tickets on-behalf

    HelpDesk 9.16

    released 09/18/2019

    We are switching to .NET 4.7.2 with this relase. Here is the manual with all the details. Please note that if you do not have 4.7.2 installed it will require a server restart.

    • New feature: capturing screen right from the "new ticket" or reply page
    • Subtickets - ability to create parent-child tickets. "Make subticket of" option in ticket tools
    • Show who was handling user's previous ticket when unassigned
    • Log email rejections for disabled users in "deletion log"
    • Ctrl + Shift + Enter hotkey for "reply and close" button
    • Allow techs to link/merge tickets by ID due to popular demand, but check permissions first
    • Bulk-takeover tickets from main grid
    • Assets search - option to return results in CSV
    • Blink ticket due date when its "due soon"
    • Optional custom text for "SAML login" button
    • Allow top bar announcements for techs only (using #tech# mask)
    • Highlight replies coming from non-subscribers
    • Fixed duplicate "new ticket" notifications when automation changes ticket category
    • Option to resend an existing attachment again without browsing
    • Show a warning when posting a reply while impersonating another user
    • Vimeo videos auto embed
    • GitLab integration: list all projects
    • Category Assignment for Canned Responses
    • Bugfix "Notify ALL technicians in a category when a customer updates a ticket" do not send notifications to admins
    • Support HTML in automation rules email-sending actions
    • Resend comment with attachments - files are now indluded in emails

    HelpDesk 9.15

    released 06/28/2019

    • Fix for not showing the "eye" icon when someone else is viewing a ticket on Windows auth
    • When creating tickets from comments - link tickets and add ##-mention to the original comment
    • Support for ##TicketID mention
    • Fix for empty pages when clicking "Reports"
    • GitHub oAuth authentication
    • Show Out of Office status on grid & new ticket assign box
    • Search performance improvements
    • New setting - minimum characters required when creatiung tickets
    • "New ticket" form rearranged - category comes before subject due to multiple requests
    • Ideas - send status updates to all subscribers
    • Option to "add assignee signature" to "add reply" automation action
    • Added Australian to lang list
    • Log out other user sessions after a password change

    HelpDesk 9.14

    released 06/07/2019

    • Per-category email templates
    • Ability to set "Out of office" status for users
    • ?? Emoji support in the editor ??
    • KB search improvements
    • Option to remove ticket subscribers via automation
    • Show "number of replies written" on user profile page
    • Added Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian languages
    • Added quick filter box to automation rules list for better search
    • "Resend comment" now resends attachments too
    • Summary report and Dynamics report are made visible to managers too (since they see tickets anyway)
    • If Summary report filters tickets by category, include custom fields from that category only
    • Added "via/origin" to Summary report CSV export
    • Show top 5 ideas on the KB home page
    • Added tags to the ticket export
    • Assets: added option to show ALL pages, added proper logging which fields were edited, enable/disable logging
    • Keyboard shortcuts for previous/next tickets (J and K like in Gmail)
    • "Logout" invalidates all other sessions too

    HelpDesk 9.13

    released 03/10/2019

    • Survey Monkey integration
    • Added Stripe integration
    • Web.config option to restrict changing avatars
    • show ticket close date with time in Summary report
    • Fixed Date/Time custom field grid display
    • Tags for the ideas forum
    • Ability to un-merge tickets (works only for tickets merged after the release)
    • Ability to set custom password policies
    • Fixed KB missing images after editing an article
    • Added "assigned to" filter to Summary report
    • Added an ability to "mark as read" instead of deleting for Exchange servers

    HelpDesk 9.12

    released 02/11/2019

    • "Has attachments" flag in ticket search
    • Color-coding "recent tickets" by status in user popup
    • If users are not allowed to edit their emails - they're also not allowed to change "send email" in their profile
    • Ability to add important announcements to site header
    • Added "ping pong rate" to Speed report
    • Moving assets when merging tickets
    • Smart subject processing when merging tickets (if one subject contains another)
    • GitHub integration: sort repos by last updated
    • Preserving new lines in multi-line custom fields in email notifications
    • Download all ticket attachments as a ZIP file
    • New email tag #TimeSpent#
    • GitHub integration - issue labels support (bug, enhancement)
    • Image carousel for the ticket view
    • No longer reopening tickets on possible bounces
    • Ability to set Exchange auto-discover URL explicitly
    • Added more info to technicians report Excel/CSV
    • Added #Department# and #Location# to email tags
    • Sorting file attachments by date
    • Increased "recently viewed tickets" to 15
    • Always reopen tickets from Automation - ignore the "days to reopen" setting
    • New API method: GET UserByUsername
    • Added more SAML attribute mappings
    • "Skip tech notification" option when creating tickets on behalf
    • A lot of widget fixes
    • Resend button for replies with bounced emails
    • "RemoveSubscriber" API method

    HelpDesk 9.11

    released 12/06/2018

    • Added KB reporting
    • "Number" custom field type
    • New API Method: SetCustomFields - set multiple custom field values with one request
    • New API method - SetCustomFieldForAsset
    • New API method "AddAssetToTicket"
    • API method: POST MergeTickets(id, id2)
    • Fixes for syncing user information from AD
    • Added support for extracting original sender from French and German emails
    • Login form for mobile devices
    • A lot of widget and live chat fixes
    • Assets import from CSV - option to ignore empty fields
    • Allow managers to change priority
    • allow background color in HTML sanitizer
    • Set Due date ation can now add time to the ticket date, not just current date
    • Support for numeric categoryID in CSV import
    • added support for out-of-process session (on-premise version)
    • Export Companies and Departments to CSV
    • Fixes for communication between multiple Jitbit instances
    • Fixed: Setting ticket custom field via automation didn't trigger other rules
    • Freshdesk import fixes for new API
    • Replace links to YouTube with embedded videos
    • Fixed dynamics report CSV export
    • Added "TimesReopened" to summary CSV export
    • Log ticket cloning in the timeline
    • Always add a default message-ID when sending email (should help with spam filters and rate limits)
    • Various translation fixes

    HelpDesk 9.10

    released 10/22/2018

    • Added reopen stats to Dynamics report and Summary report
    • Added "average number of times tickets are reopened" to Speed report
    • Fixed category-specific "from name"
    • "Merge with previous ticket from user" automation action
    • New automation rule "Send email to all users in a department"
    • More precise ticket scheduling
    • Reverted the technician sorting back to first name - last name
    • Ability to unschedule summary report
    • Adding new ticket subscribers before running automation rules, otherwise rule notifications not sent to all subscribers
    • Allow "ideas forum" to be renamed

    HelpDesk 9.9

    released 09/24/2018

    • Date AND time custom field type
    • Minor design improvements: removed some borders and tuned shadows
    • Admin email and general settings mobile UI
    • Mobile-friendly ideas forum
    • Added last week, last month, previous month options to reports
    • Speed and Dynamics - better week names (dates instead of "week X")
    • Huge performance optimizations on some pages
    • Include secondary assignees in "notify assigned agent" automation rule
    • Two factor auth improvements: removed "beta", request the QR code over https, show manual entry key in addition to the QR code
    • KB export now includes "Created By" and the article date
    • Swedish translation fixes

    HelpDesk 9.8

    released 09/03/2018

    • VSO integration: ability to link an existing issue instead of creating a new one
    • VSO/TFS integration: support for non-default collection names
    • Option to restrict changing priority to technicians only
    • Bitbucket integration: support for selecting issue type
    • Added "Skip email notification" option to the "Assign" automation rule
    • Optionally assign assets to user and company when importing from CSV
    • When changing ticket category delete custom fields that are not in new category
    • Assets update when importing from CSV (or create if not found)
    • Managers can change ticket priority now
    • A lot of bug fixes in HTML parsing
    • Other fixes and performance improvements

    HelpDesk 9.7

    released 08/19/2018

    This release contains a ton of bug fixes, security fixes and perfromance improvements. Other notable changes are listed below:

    • HTML is now used instead of BBCode throughout the app (no action from you is required)
    • New setting: auto-generate companies for new users based on their email domains
    • SAML fixes
    • Ideas forum fixes
    • Added "resend welcome email" button to user edit page
    • Show canned responses in mobile web UI
    • Show username of a disabled user in the deletion log when marking tickets as spam
    • Correct reply-to when forwarding ticket from category with a from address
    • Users can't change their company anymore
    • Reopen ticket if the last email notification bounced
    • Fixed iCal export on ticket page for non-US date formats

    HelpDesk 9.6

    released 07/13/2018

    • Ideas forum: a place for your user to submit feature requests and other ideas (located in Knowledge Base)
    • Bounce email handling - showing if a reply notification was not delivered
    • "Users" API now supports filtering by CompanyID and DepartmentID
    • API Tickets - filter by multiple statuses
    • Support for HTML when posting tickets via API
    • "Send HTTP request" action now supports adding custom HTTP headers
    • New automation condition: Ticket is updated for tech (last reply was for techs only)
    • Fixed "Tag added to ticket" automation was sometimes not fired
    • Assets bulk actions (disable, delete, clone)
    • Warn when adding assets with the same name
    • Showing a total number of assets in asset grids
    • Allowing Google login only for specific domains
    • Show the widget popup only when there are new messages in chat - leave minimized otherwise.
    • Converting support ticket into another ticket's reply
    • Do not include "techs-only" attachments when forwarding ticket by email
    • "Allow emails from unregistered users" - added option to edit domains from which email is allowed
    • Added due date filter to summary report
    • Changing ticket creation date and close date now logged in comments
    • Added #Subscribers# mask to email templates
    • Added GitLab integration
    • Support #Technician# mask in canned responses

    HelpDesk 9.5

    released 05/31/2018

    IMPORTANT: this release requires web.config changes. Please read this manual before updating: https://www.jitbit.com/docs/helpdesk/!!!helpdesk-software-readme.htm#upgradeMvc5

    This version includes a lot of behind the scenes improvements. It is also required for the new version of the mobile app that will be released in a week.

    • A centralized place in the admin panel to manage tags
    • Assets custom fields re-ordering
    • Ability to "retire" an assets ("Disabled" property)
    • TFS integration
    • KB redesign for better visual hierarchy
    • Technicians report: added "number of replies"
    • Advanced search by "deteled" status
    • New automation action: "Remove tags from ticket"
    • AddSubscriber API method
    • Fix for Outlook conversation grouping
    • API "UpdateTicket" can now change ticket submitter
    • Admins can delete ticket edit log files now
    • Added "last updated" to Summary report

    HelpDesk 9.4

    released 04/18/2018

    • Support for automation rules chaining and nesting. More info and examples: Rule-based chatbots in Jitbit Helpdesk using "rule chaining"
    • "Else" support in automation rules
    • "Body contains" condition now supports whole word matches
    • Due date is\isn't set condition
    • Company automation condition now supports checking for when company is not set

    • Admins-only custom statuses
    • Admin-only custom fields
    • New API Method: AssignAssetToUser
    • #DueDate# in email templates
    • Color coding custom statuses
    • "Departments" link in admin
    • Subscribing to individual KB article updates
    • Added "today" option to Summary Report

    • Fixed assets CSV import
    • Fixed Autoresponder text disappearing in Accept emails from unregistered users setting
    • New charts in reports
    • Showing full names in "other techs are viewing this ticket"
    • Assets search by custom fields
    • Mandatory techs-only custom fields are mandatory for closing only
    • VSO integration: sort projects and work item types alphabetically
    • VSO integration: ability to set description when creating item types
    • Fixed SMTP testing in admin email

    HelpDesk 9.3

    released 03/13/2018

    • Show KB suggestions hint from Jitbit Bot to technicians in new tickets
    • New email template tag: #Suggested_KB_articles# - shows a list of links to Knowledge Base articles that are similar to the ticket
    • Add "*" to a browser tab title with an open ticket when a new comment arrives (if the tab is not active)
    • Bulk delete/disable users from search in the admin panel
    • Better and more stable ticket scheduler. Added an abilty to set "start repeating" date AND time
    • Better color picker
    • Fixed double paste of images in the editor
    • Showing file attachments and images in the live chat
    • Added company filter and tag filter to "Tickets per day" report
    • Two-factor authentication: better description label, require auth code when disabling 2FA
    • Added "SAML Entity ID" setting
    • Allow inserting techs-only KB articles into ticket (techs can copy-paste the text anyway)
    • Clicking browser's "back" button on the ticket-view page remembers "more" position in the grid
    • Ability to assign an asset to a company
    • SetFieldValue method now accepts option-VALUES not just numeric options for dropdown fields
    • Load fonts via JS on on-premise version to fix long page loads when no users have no internet connection
    • Added support to center-align text in WYSIWYG editor and [center] bbcode tag
    • Log password change to Deletion log
    • Handle paste from Office apps correctly: take text instead of images
    • Added Slovenian language
    • Autologin improvements: links stay valid for 4 days instead of 3, better error page and message, link to the login page
    • Added support for "Thread-Index" header for message groping in Outlook
    • Collapse tags in grid if there are a lot of them
    • Increased some font sizes
    • Show techs only custom status only if a tech has permissions in this category
    • Support for national holidays (detected by the help desk language)
    • Added "status" and "resolution" when showing linked JIRA issue in a ticket
    • #close# tag in an email subject considers at settings before closing a ticket
    • Automation rules:
    • Added #most_recent_message# mask to the HTTP request automation action
    • Added #date# to HTTP Request automation action
    • New automation rule "change ticket submitter"
    • Updated "Subject contains" automation condition to support "subject equals" mode as well
    • Automation rule "X hours or less before ticket due date" now skips overdue tickets to prevent confusion
    • Support for infinite automation rules nesting (Rule 1 triggers Rule 2 then Rule 2 triggers Rule 3 etc.)
    • Ability to add individual custom fields to email templates, like #CF1234#
    • API
    • API for Assets: view, update and create. See the manual
    • Added "enableEmailNotifications" to UpdateUser API

    HelpDesk 9.2

    released 01/31/2018

    Hello. Before you read the release notes we wanted to let you know that we now offer a free migration from your server to our hosted version. Read more here.

    • Live chat in the support widget (BETA). Read more
    • WYSIWYG editor for email templates in the admin panel
    • Added canned responses editor to the Admin menu
    • Huge performance improvements for the on-premise version
    • Automation rules: "custom field is empty" condition and "clear custom field" action for drop down fields
    • Widget: added an ability to automatically show the widget after a certain number of seconds and to show and close the widget programmatically
    • Removed deleted tickets from all reports
    • Allow creating empty-body KB articles with attachments
    • Categories quick search (if more than 10)
    • Better VSO integration: Work Item types
    • Highrise integration
    • Bulk-reply to tickets in grid
    • Option to "add new" type/supplier/manufacturer on "edit asset" form
    • Ability to filter tickets by "updated" badge
    • Added "Email" to GET Tickets API
    • Support TLS 1.2 globally in the app (mostly for third-party integrations)

    HelpDesk 9.1.1

    released 11/27/2017

    This release mostly contains non-critical bug fixes and minor improvements

    • Exchange protocol fixed -- added an ability to enter domain\username in addition to an email address
    • API search now accepts numeric ticket-ID queries
    • Faster image upload in the rich-text editor
    • Fixed empty attachments in emails in rare cases
    • Fixed "new article" button in KB category
    • Do not block IP for "dangerous requests" on the on-premise version
    • Optional auto-responder for emails coming from unregistered users
    • Same control order in all reports
    • Other bug and security fixes

    HelpDesk 9.1.0

    released 11/10/2017

    • Recycle bin for tickets - deleted tickets are now saved for 14 days. You can view and restore them in "Deleted Tickets" report
    • Do not add incoming email user to subscribers automatically (if not a tech), for better security and protecting external communication
    • Much better similar articles from KB suggestions
    • Much faster and futureproof rich text editor
    • Better search in KB
    • Color coding in the ticket subscribers list
    • Paste drag-and-dropped images straight to the text
    • New setting: "From name" for categories

    • API: UpdateTicket method not lets you to update ticket tags
    • API: GET Tickets method now returns an error when a tag with a supplied tagName doesn't exist

    • "IS NOT" option for automation conditions
    • Added a new automation action - "mark ticket as spam"
    • Added an ability to add short text descriptions to Automation Rules
    • New automation rules now save and display the name of the person who created it

    • Added "two-factor authentication enabled" column in the admin - Users list
    • Tab menu mouse-hover color is now same as "active tab text color" for design consistency
    • Exchange protocol fixes (The minimum required version is Exchange 2010 now)
    • Desktop notifications only for tickets with permissions
    • File upload refactoring and security improvements
    • Cryptographically strong password generators
    • Scheduled tickets now support due date (set to the same offset as original)
    • Multiple selectable categories in Technician report
    • Light widget now allows you to preselect a category
    • Added tags to KB export

    HelpDesk 9.0.3

    released 09/29/2017

    • Drag-and-drop asynchronous file upload everywhere. Read the details.
    • Ticket subscribers are now updated in real-time
    • Fixed a couple of issues with real-time updates: new ticket were not appearing in the grid and none of the updates on the ticket page worked in some cases
    • "Mark as spam" is now available when using windows-integrated authentication too
    • Fixed an issue when tickets with empty subjects were not created when submitted via email
    • Linked tickets from the same company are now shown to managers
    • When linking more than two tickets they are all linked with each other (not just with the first ticket)
    • Admin Categories - fixed reordering categories in a section (can't drag to another section) also fixed section with same name sorting issue
    • The main ticket list should fit more custom fields now
    • Drag-and-droppable tickets in calendar view report
    • Rate limits in API. Also, the GET Tickets method is now limited to 100 tickets per request
    • Added emailDomains parameter to POST Company API
    • Added "UpdateTicket" API method with an option to change "Time Spent"
    • Fixed removing first/last name, phone, location, etc. when editing a user
    • New automation rules trigger: A tag is added to a ticket
    • Users CSV import now updates passwords for existing users too
    • Better display of code blocks in replies and tickets
    • Verify email address on user registration (only happens when user clicks "register" on the sign in page)
    • Added a category filter to custom report
    • Fixed administrators not showing in user CSV export
    • Click on a desktop notification now leads to the corresponding ticket
    • Changed how caching works with file attachments to prevent permission issues

    HelpDesk 9.0.2

    released 08/08/2017

    • All CSV imports now use a proper background thread. A user that started an import will get a summary email when it suceeds or fails. Also, if there are any errors we try to point you to the exact line in a CSV file that causes issues.
    • Fixed missing usernames in the user popup
    • Fixed desktop notifications - notifications only for the new tickets in the current view
    • Fixed an issue when Chrome was continusly prompting for login and password when using Windows Authentication after the v9 update
    • Added POST Company API method
    • Other minor bug fixes
    • Big performance improvements especially for SQL Server 2016

    HelpDesk 9.0.1

    released 07/25/2017

    This release contains bug fixes for various minor issues in v9.

    • Fixed a bug that caused tech permissions to be ignored when calling API with Windows Authentication (affects the mobile app)
    • Some incoming email servers testing fixes in UI
    • Various CSV user import fixes and performance improvements
    • Fix for UserByEmail API method
    • More fixes for minor issues

    HelpDesk 9.0.0

    released 07/16/2017

    This is a major release that requires some additional actions on your part. Please read below for the instructions.

    Jitbit is now real-time

    Starting with version 9 Jibtit Helpdesk updates the most frequently used pages in real time. There is no need to refresh the ticket list page ever again since all the data you see is always current. Additionally, you will see if other techs are viewing tickets on the main page - there will be an "eye" icon across from ticket subjects. Ticket replies are now also updated in real time.

    This release lays the groundwork required for us to bring you more productivity features like these in the future. As always, we'd love to hear your ideas.

    Additionally, we've refactored tons of old code and updated our technology stack. This lets us add features quicker and brings huge performance gains.

    How to upgrade

    For most of you, this upgrade isn't any different from before. If you use "SetupTool" from the "bin" folder you should be all set since it will update the web.config file for you.

    If you upgrade your database manually refer this manual to see what changes you need to make to the web.config.

    One thing that you need to install to your IIS is "WebSocket protocol". It is not installed by default. It is not required, but all new real-time features will work better and more consistently if you install web sockets.

    Here is the official manual on how to do that: IIS 8.0 WebSocket Protocol Support

    Other features and fixes in v9

    • Removed obsolete "Do NOT reopen tickets automatically when a reply is posted" setting. Replaced by "Allow customers to re-open their tickets within X days". See the admin manual.
    • Fixed Send HTTP request automation action
    • Added support for holding Shift when selecting multiple tickets in the ticket grid
    • Fixed search by text custom field
    • Setting "send new ticket notification" in user profile now works for admins too
    • When creating ticket on-behalf of a NEW user - allow entering a new company and it is created
    • Fixed tags condition when creating new ticket
    • More working hours options
    • Fixed Slack and Hipchat integrations, also made them support unicode
    • Fix for duplicates in similar KB articles suggestions
    • Fixed incorrect CSV export when custom field has comma in its name
    • Added Due Date to CSV export
    • Summary report - search by multiple companies
    • New report - Scheduled Tickets History report
    • Added grouping by section to "custom report". Also added UI tests for all reports
    • Assets import from CSV: allow updating existing assets instead of appending
    • Assets Export CSV fixed
    • Assets sorting fixed
    • Fixed user-links in assets
    • Cloning Assets with custom fields

    HelpDesk 8.9.20

    released 05/30/2017

    • A lot of performance improvements in all areas
    • Full text search improvements - should show better results in some cases
    • Quick search for KB articles when adding a reply to a ticket
    • Allow anonymous users to download public KB attachments
    • Bulk-tagging Knowledge Base articles
    • Fix for long ticket-subjects without spaces

    HelpDesk 8.9.19

    released 05/20/2017

    This release is required for viewing attachments in the latest version of the mobile app.

    • Do not reset "Updated by customer" badge when clicking Takeover
    • Allow managers to filter by "from"
    • Clone category (with permissions and custom fields)
    • Get user's department and phone number from Azure SAML response
    • KB default sorting - newest articles are on top (if no custom order is specified)
    • Added "Department" field to CreateUser API, CSV tickets export, and to CSV users export
    • Per user "new ticket" notification setting for for technicians
    • New setting - "Restrict customers reopening their tickets after X days"
    • VSO integration: added a dropdown for projects instead of a textbox
    • Assets search - find assets by user, by company, by department
    • Made it easier for admins to create new users (slight form redesign, ability to generate a password, autofill username from email)
    • Added sectionId parameter to GET Tickets API method
    • New automation condition: "Ticket has tag"
    • Send notification to "secondary assignee" when assigned to a ticket

    HelpDesk 8.9.18

    released 04/26/2017

    This release contains a lot of under-the-hood improvements and fixes.

    • Added EWS protocol (Exchange, Office 365) support for incoming mailboxes
    • Design improvements: a lot of fixes in the admin area. Also, increased font size for small grey text across the app
    • Important secutiry fixes
    • Tons of performance improvements
    • Require to enter the current password when changing password
    • Prompt to move existing tickets when deleting category
    • "Updated" badge for the recently updated KB articles
    • Assets CSV export now shows who are they assigned to
    • Ticket details labels no longer overlap with corresponding edit buttons (long category names, etc.)
    • Fixed 'previous month' period in Summary report
    • Fixed [size] formatting tag
    • Fixed "Before Due date" automation condition for working hours
    • German and Italian translation fixes

    HelpDesk 8.9.17

    released 03/22/2017

    You need to upgrade to this version so that the upcoming mobile app release works properly

    • Inetgration with Github Enterprise ("self-hosted" Github)
    • Export due date to calendar right from the ticket view
    • "This month", "Previous month", "Last 30 days" options for Summary report
    • New setting "Title link" where the top-left logo links to
    • Due date report iCal export now only exports what you currently see on the page, not every ticket with due date ever created
    • Two new API methods: GET Users and GET Companies (see the manual)
    • Added "updatedFrom" and "updatedTo" date filtering to "Tickets" API method
    • Added "LastUpdated" to API Ticket method
    • All API dates are now returned in UTC (ISO format)
    • support for file attachments in Comment an Ticket API methods
    • Bigger pie charts in Summary report
    • Fixed category filter in Dynamics report Excel export
    • Include previous priority into "Priority changed" log message
    • Added "due date", "user location" and "user department" to advanced search
    • Quick-search for user now support first/last names correctly
    • Support for #FirstName# and #LastName# in email templates


    released 02/19/2017

    HOTFIX: Fixes a bug that causes high CPU loads on some instances


    • "Reply" button in the ticket top bar
    • Added "total time spent" to the "User statistics" report
    • Search form redesign
    • Added an option to search for tickets that do not have certain tags

    HelpDesk 8.9.16

    released 02/13/2017

    • Support for multiple assignees in the "Assign to" automation action
    • Option to remove assignee via an automation action
    • Ticket filter now supports secondary assignees too
    • Support for Basic authentication in User Lookup
    • Added an ability to copy the ticket subject and body when creating new issues in Github, Bitbucket, Jira, VSO and Asana
    • Users CSV export now includes information about user role (Admin, Tech, Manager, is 2-factor enabled etc)
    • Added "Tickets submitted" to technicians report
    • When forwarding a ticket by email save the forwarded message content in a txt file and attach it to the ticket
    • Reworked Google Drive integrationfor the new API
    • Ticket search now works via GET requests meaning that you can save the URL with all the search parameters to your bookmarks
    • New API method: SetDueDate (see the API docs)
    • All API methods now return dates in the same format
    • POST Comment API method now returns the created comment ID
    • Show category descriptions on mouse over when creating a new ticket
    • Comment date is now a permalink to that comment
    • Restrict adding non-existing users to subscribers if a user is not a technician
    • Not showing tags in tickets list to regular users
    • Added an ability to clone assets
    • Attaching files to assets

    HelpDesk 8.9.15

    released 01/14/2017

    • Allowing assigning multiple technicians to a ticket
    • Support multiple {TicketID} in the subject line. Allows multiple Jitbit instances to communicate with each other.
    • A lot of security improvements. Protection agains various hacks/scans
    • Send email to techs when a KB article has been created
    • Fixed "set due date" automation when considering working hours
    • Canned responses encoding fixes
    • MS Edge bug fixes
    • Do not encode JSON data in the Send HTTP request automation action
    • "Similar articles from KB" are now also being searched by tags too
    • "Add tag" automation action backward compatibility and fixes
    • Tagging KB articles right from new article page

    HelpDesk 8.9.14

    released 12/20/2016

    • Assign a ticket to the replying technician if no one is assigned (even if ticket is not new)
    • Added "unlink" button to JIRA, Github, Trello, and all other integrations
    • Linked tickets shown only to technicians or if submitted by same user
    • Do not auto-close tickets that are only updated "for techs only"
    • Ability to set working hours by 30 minutes intervals
    • "Add all technicians" link on category permissions page
    • Added a "last updated" date filter
    • Show fullname in the subscribers block (if set)
    • Showing usernames, not emails, in comments, when a comment is addressed to a particular user
    • "Ticket edited" comment is now for techs only
    • Added dateFrom and dateTo parameters to the GET Tickets API method
    • Ability to choose worktem type for Visual Studio Online integration
    • Desktop notifiation shows new ticket subject now
    • "For tech only" comments are shown to technicians of this particular category, not just ALL technicians.
    • Filter ticket grid by multiple priorities
    • When a tech assigns ticket to themselves skip the "takeover" and move to "in progress"
    • Filter tikets grid by multiple techs
    • Non-tech users are taken to KB on first visit (even if they are logged in)
    • Security: block ip for 30 minutes if more than 20 "potentially dangerous" errors were received in 5 minutes
    • Added Slovak language
    • Automation rules
    • "Logged by" automation condition for tickets submitted on behalf
    • New automation trigger: Ticket due date has changed
    • "Add tag" automation rule now works with non-existing tags
    • added an ability to post JSON data in the 'Send HTTP request' automation action
    • New automation rules trigger "custom field was changed"
    • Reports
    • Export Dynamics report into multiple CSV files
    • Sort summary report by MULTIPLE columns (shift+click)
    • Added "Average response time" and "Average resolution time" to Technicians report
    • Custom report: added results graphical chart
    • Deletion log: filter by date
    • Same date format in all CSV exports

    HelpDesk 8.9.13

    released 10/29/2016

    • Enabled TLS 1.1 and 1.2 for POP and IMAP
    • Redesigned UI to have higher contrast and be more readable
    • Pasting image into a ticket/comment editor now works in Chrome too!
    • Redisgned how attachments are displayed in the ticket view
    • Previous/next ticket buttons in the ticket view
    • Show desktop notification only when new ticket arrives into the current view
    • Added the "Logged by" field to summary report
    • Custom report - ability to group by user location
    • Added "Resolution time" to speed report Excel export
    • Editor no longer loses focus after clicking on formatting buttons
    • Added email validation when submitting tickets on behalf
    • Ticket editing - save previous subject/body into a log file and attach it to the ticket
    • Ticket auto-closer does not change the "last updated" date any more
    • HTTP Post automation action - added #body# and #technician# tags

    HelpDesk 8.9.12

    released 10/20/2016

    With this release we've migrated to .NET Framework 4.5 instead of 4.0. The upgrade for you should be painless, but please read this manual first.

    • Upgraded to .NET Framework 4.5 which provides us with performance improvements, bug fixes and new features such as support for newer versions of TLS
    • New Automation Rules condition: "Ticket comes from location"
    • New automation action - "add X minutes to "time spent"
    • Users can now set a timezone in their profiles
    • Added a custom status setting: Stop the automatic "time spent" clock when a ticket is in this status
    • Bi-Monthly option for ticket scheduling
    • Two new API methods for Knowledge base (see the manual)
    • POST Ticket API method now allows you to add tags (like tags=tag1,tag2,tag3)
    • Fixed CSV-importing tickets with custom fields of type "Selection combo"
    • Added an ability to import tickets from Freshdesk
    • Long custom field values do not break UI any more
    • Auto save "time spent" for admins and assigned users only
    • Search in attachments file names is back
    • Do not allow Google logins for anonymous users if "Allow user registration" settings is disabled
    • Only admin can change regular user passwords, not techs
    • Simpler and more convenient Assets Search
    • Cloning ticket now logs who cloned it in "logged by" field
    • Fixed a bug when a selection combo custom field was breaking the grid when it was hidden on a client
    • Fixed support widget for the latest versions of wordpress
    • Fixed a bug when the widget broke when the parent page was using box-sizing: border-box
    • New ticket: if user has permissions to only 1 category, preselect this category
    • Due date calendar - added tooltips with full ticket subject and status
    • Fixed disappearing email bodies with inline attachments

    HelpDesk 8.9.11

    released 08/30/2016

    • Widget fixes for JS errors in edge cases
    • Show if a category used in KB only on the admin - categories page
    • Added "unassigned" view mode to the mobile UI
    • Fixed: tickets imported from external sources (CSV,Zendesk, etc) were sometimes sorted incorrectly
    • "Merge" and "Close as duplicate" now shows up to 20 tickets from same user, with a scroll-bar if needed
    • Automation-rules email notifications now support the #originator# tag
    • Show the submitter of a deleted ticket in the Deletion log
    • Show "view all scheduled tickets" link to admins only
    • When regular user looks at a technician's profile he can see the phone number
    • New "action" for automation rules - "Send email to ticket submitter"
    • Fixed incorrect notification logic if "skip confirmation" box was checked when submitting on-behalf
    • JIRA integration - display a detailed error message from JIRA in case of error
    • Option to hide regular login buttons when SAML is enabled.
    • "Due-dates calendar" report now supports filtering by ticket-category and assigned user
    • Support for working hours past midnight
    • Fixed incorrect saving of a "checkbox" custom field value for Assets
    • Fixed "Send email to the ticket submitter" automation action
    • Zapier integration improvements. Support for "ticket is closed" trigger (not released on Zapier's side yet)
    • Do not allow anonymous access to images
    • Set an auth cookie when using API
    • Added an API method for getting attachments
    • Show status and a "badge" in the "linked tickets" box

    HelpDesk 8.9.10

    released 08/01/2016

    • "Close as duplicate" in the ticket grid fixed
    • API security improvements
    • Do not show user email in popup to non-techs
    • Automation "current time is between" now supports night-time (when from-time bigger than to-time)
    • No welcome email when a ticket is submitted on behalf of new user
    • When closing a ticket - prompt to close linked tickets too (if any)
    • Non-updated tickets automation should work faster now
    • Only admins can edit other admins info, techs can't
    • Admin users page no longer loses view-mode when sorting
    • Fixed a bug when attaching existing techs-only-file as non-techs-only
    • Ctrl+enter now works in New-Ticket page and comment-editing page
    • "Revert default sorting" button in custom field options
    • Only admin can merge/close as duplicate ticket by ID
    • Hide some sensitive user info from non-techs in popups and in the user profile
    • "Repeat once" option fixed

    HelpDesk 8.9.9

    released 06/24/2016

    • Added an ability to merge/link/close as duplicate by entering a ticket number from inside the ticket view. Also, improved design of that popup
    • Fixed an issue when POP and IMAP mailboxes were disabling themselves in helpdesk
    • Add disabling user to the Deletion Log
    • New icons on the main admin and report pages
    • Moved "other techs are looking at this ticket" to the top of the ticket view
    • Visual Studio Online integration fix
    • "Consider working hours" option for the "Set Due Date" action
    • New "submit on behalf of a new user" workflow
    • Bulk remove tags
    • Color-coding drop-down custom fields in the ticket grid
    • Assign ticket to the closing user if no one assigned at the time of closing
    • Danish and turkish translation fixes

    HelpDesk 8.9.8

    released 06/08/2016

    This release contains a lot of under-the-hood bug fixes and performance improvements that are not listed below.

    • Integration with Harvest
    • We rewrote the Zapier integration and it is now in open beta
    • Notify admins when mailbox disables itself due to authentication or connection issues
    • Save the text entered in the new ticket form as a draft until the ticket is submitted
    • Sending notifications on Knowledge Base article update
    • Fixed github integration
    • Fixed "Last responder contains" automation condition
    • Better workaround for empty "from" header from Exchange. Should fix some missing emails in edge cases.
    • Do not show the "change password" button when using Windows auth
    • Minor admin pages redesign
    • API "UpdateUser" now supports "Department" and "Company" properly
    • Fixed an issue with web-fonts when client has no internet connection
    • Various localization fixes

    HelpDesk 8.9.7

    released 05/17/2016

    • Showing "assigned to" users in the assets grid
    • Lightweight widget now looks nice on mobile devices
    • Knowledge base customization settings: head javascript, description text, custom CSS
    • Editing techs-only custom fields shows as a techs-only entry in the time line
    • Subscribe/unsubscribe to a support ticket with one click
    • Added Visual Studio Online (VSO) integration
    • Slightly redesigned ticket activity feed
    • Map incoming email priority to ticket priority automatically, if available
    • New custom field type: "Address"
    • Impersonation ("use the app as user XXX")
    • "Repeat once" ticket scheduling option
    • Check if someone else has taken the ticket before takeover
    • New automation conditions: "latest reply contains", "latest email address contains"
    • Automation action "send email to user" - option to include attachments, not links to them
    • KB category page - bulk delete articles, bulk change category
    • Fixed subject character limit when editing a ticket
    • #recent_messages# does not skip latest comment IF there's no #what_happened# or #most_recent# in the template
    • "Logged out" message for custom login url
    • Editable ticket creation date for admins
    • Assigning statuses to categories
    • Add optional reply when bulk closing tickets
    • Company report: added "tickets closed", "average response/time spent"
    • SetTicketDate API method, requires admin permissions

    HelpDesk 8.9.6

    released 03/30/2016

    This release contains a lot of under the hood performance improvements.

    • Trello integration
    • Custom field edition is now saved in the ticket's activity log
    • Summary report - correct average duration calculation
    • Automation rules: added "consider working hours" option to "Overdue by" and "Z hours before overdue" conditions
    • Improved widget design
    • Search tickets by a PART of email address or username
    • Showing who received the "new ticket" notifications under the first comment's "i" button
    • Removed drag'n'drop upload (wasn't working reliably, working on a better version)
    • Export ticket due-dates to iCal
    • Hide "Insert KB article" if Knowledge base is disabled
    • Asset types, manufacturers and suppliers are now ordered alphabetically
    • Users now can't mark their tickets as spam, disable and delete themselves even if they are admins
    • New web.config setting "mailCheckerInterval"
    • Filter the ticket grid by priority
    • Slack integration improvements (showing "from" and "category")

    HelpDesk 8.9.5

    released 03/09/2016

    • Drag and drop support for file uploads
    • Faster "overdue" automation rules triggering
    • Automation rules: new condition "Current time is between"
    • SEO improvements in Knowledge Base pages
    • New customization options for the support widget
    • Ability to reorder drop down custom field options
    • De-assigning a ticket is logged in ticket and triggers automation rules
    • Admins not notified when "other person takes the ticket"
    • Fixed avatar removal
    • Fixed False "Edited" record in the ticket timeline after pressing "Cancel"
    • Editing close dates is now recorded in the ticket activity feed
    • "Forgot password?" fixes
    • Fixed displaying of some icons in the admin area
    • Admins can edit other users details even on windows auth
    • Allow to insert techs-only KB articles when writing a techs-only reply
    • Ability to import user's location when importing from CSV
    • Editing custom fields is logged in the ticket activity feed

    HelpDesk 8.9.4

    released 02/17/2016

    This release contains a lot of behind-the-scenes updates and fixes to performance and stability that are not listed below.

    • Two-factor authentication support
    • Added an ability to upload custom avatars
    • Category "description", shown on new-ticket page and in the Knowledge-base
    • Added an option to consider working hours in the "Not updated for" automation condition
    • KB cache category, cache article, cache improvements. KB SEO improvements (title, meta)
    • CSV import can now import custom fields
    • User is logged out after being disabled by admin
    • Added company name to the ticket-print view
    • New Automation rule - "ticket comes from department X"
    • Added an option to include custom fields into the ticket CSV export
    • New automation condition: "Ticket section is"
    • New automation condition "ticket TO email contains"
    • Sorting ability in mobile UI (not mobile app)
    • Ability to enable/disable automation rules without deleting them
    • Fixed mandatory custom fields in assets
    • Fixed scroll to top bug in Firefox when trying to attach a file
    • Added support for embedding Vimeo videos
    • Autologin links now do not support "pswHash" parameter
    • Optionally disable editing username/email for regular users
    • Add a system comment to a ticket when an automation rule is processed
    • Fixed the bug where subsequent automation rules were not working correctly.
      Example scenario:
      1. The first automation rule sets ticket priority to High on the ticket creation.
      2. The second rule with "if priority is high" condition doesn't work.
    • Support for the first day of the week (Sunday or Monday) in all date pickers depending on user's language
    • Run the automation job every 30 minutes instead of every hour
    • New automation condition "ticket is assigned to X"
    • New notification mask #Recent_Attachments#
    • Renamed HDCustomAction to "SetupTool"

    HelpDesk 8.9.3

    released 12/11/2015

    • Due dates calendar report
    • Login with Google Apps
    • "Ticket assigned to user" rules are now triggered on "takeover"
    • Including last comments in summary report CSV/Excel
    • Localized date formats in the date picker
    • Mobile friendly search pages
    • When a ticket is created using the widget, you can now see the page URL it was created from in the ticket comments
    • "Ticket is re-opened" automation rule trigger
    • Converting Youtube URLs to embedded videos automatically
    • Only techs or managers can change ticket categories after the ticket was submitted
    • "Active tickets age by technician" report added to Techs Statistics report
    • User-stat and company-stat reports are visible to administrators only
    • Added ability to paste link to a KB article instead of full text when writing a new ticket reply
    • Pressing "tab" on the new ticket screen now puts cursor on ticket body
    • Added ability to search by creation and updated dates in KB search
    • Fixed search by a number of a merged ticket
    • Ability to pre-fill subject and body on the new ticket form using URL parameters (see help)
    • New email-template tag - #FromEmail#

    HelpDesk 8.9.2

    released 11/16/2015

    • "Reply above this line" is now localized in HTML emails
    • Export tickets to CSV now supports date range
    • Wrench icon for tech comment avatar
    • Added "unassigned" tickets view mode to the API
    • Fixed a bug with multiple company conditions in automation rules UI
    • Added ability to customize the favicon
    • New KB articles now have creation date and last updated date. "New" badge is shown for articles that are created no more than a week ago
    • Increased allowed subject line to 255 characters (was 100)
    • You can now see first and last name of a subscriber, if you hover over their username
    • Fixed: time spent timer was starting on ticket reopens despite being disabled
    • Many localization fixes

    HelpDesk 8.9.1

    released 11/07/2015

    • Cosmetic redesign – new font, slightly redesigned UI elements
    • Custom fields advanced search for all fields, not just visible ones
    • Speed & dynamics reports now respect tech permissions
    • Searching for merged ticket number now works from the quick search bar
    • Export users to CSV was missing Phone and Location
    • Show ticket statuses on the user profile page, also show "closed" badge when ticket closed in the main grid and search
    • Start auto-timer when a ticket is reopened
    • Inserting file-attachment links when inserting KB article into replies
    • Assets: import custom fields form CSV
    • "Set due date" automation action - was unable to set hours
    • Show Total number of results found in ticket search
    • "Ticket is updated by a customer" automation condition
    • "Ticket not updated for..." automation condition now takes business hours into account
    • GET Ticket API method now returns integration data (Jira, Bitbucket etc.)
    • Added category name to the ticket print view
    • Fixed parsing nested [COLOR] and other tags
    • Do not update or send lost password over email, send password reset link instead
    • Remove due date via automation rule
    • Ability to use categories in KB only
    • Clone tickets now clones attachments. Copy comment to ticket also clones attachments
    • Added "#ticketId#" substitute to the "Send HTTP request" automation action
    • Ability to select Asana workspace to create a task within
    • Added "logged by" column for "On behalf" ticket to the summary report
    • Added last login date to technician report
    • Delete ticket automation action

    HelpDesk 8.9

    released 09/28/2015

    • Asana integration
    • Quick-search in canned responses
    • Desktop notification about for tickets (chrome, firefox, safari)
    • Ability to split comment to a separate ticket
    • "Set status" automation now supports "new" and "in progress"
    • "Insert list" button in the wysiwyg editor
    • Correct technicians report when selecting future dates
    • Inserting the KB article text instead of inserting a link to it
    • Log old category name when moving ticket
    • Showing ticket due TIME in the grid
    • Better faster tickets import from a CSV file
    • Ticket grid sorting fixes
    • Fixed "username already taken" error if user has multiple accounts in AD (self-hosted)
    • Bunch of fixes in canned responses
    • New reports: "Active tickets per day", "Tickets per day of month"
    • Web.config setting to disable mail-checker (for test instances connected to the production DB or web farms – see the manual)
    • Fixed colorpicker in wysiwyg editor
    • New Russian translation
    • Performance and bug fixes

    HelpDesk 8.8.9

    released 08/03/2015

    • Remote-login now preserves query-string
    • Preserve custom fields when Clone ticket. Set custom fields to default values (drop-downs only) when creating new ticket and they're unset
    • New setting "Extract the original sender from forwarded emails" (previously it was always on, now you can disable it)
    • "Ticket priority changed" automation trigger
    • Fix: "add reply" automation was setting "customer" ticket badge
    • Fixed custom-field automation action for checkbox custom fields.
    • Added an ability to link tickets to existing Jira issues
    • A bunch of inline image processing fixes
    • Can now set ticket close-date to a past date
    • "Resolved date" field is added to "get tickets" API
    • Sections and categories merged to one grid
    • Fixed basic-auth for "Send HTTP Request" automation rule.
    • Fixed: when tech forwards an email to helpdesk software, and "allow unregistered" is off - emails were lost
    • Fixed: KB attachments were shown to technicians only
    • Added additional logging to Jitbit CRM integration
    • New automation trigger "new reply from ticket submitter"
    • User-autocomplete now works for non-tech users if win auth is enabled for regular users
    • Unique asset names enforcement
    • Fixed broken images in some emails.
    • Fixed grid sorting by custom fields
    • Ticket grid filter - supports multiple statuses now
    • File upload fix for IE10 and earlier
    • A lot of performance and translation fixes

    HelpDesk 8.8.8

    released 06/08/2015

    • User Lookup integration – lets you get additional user information from a remote service
    • Techs can now edit non-sensitive user information
    • New setting to disable autologin links in outgoing email notifications
    • Send HTTP request automation action now supports #params# in URL too
    • Option for basic authentication in Send HTTP Request automation
    • Don't show "company" link in the grid for regular users.
    • Fixed authorization for GetFieldsForCategory API method
    • Slack integration fix
    • Ticket-forward: supports formatting, rich-editor
    • Fixed IIS6 compatibility
    • Fix for inline images pasting
    • Added a new filer feature: "Only tickets I'm subscribed to"
    • Added priority to ticket CSV export
    • User auto-complete textbox now also searches by company name
    • Added Polish translation
    • Added user edition to the deletion log
    • Various translation, performance and UI fixes

    HelpDesk 8.8.7

    released 05/18/2015

    • 10x performance improvements in some areas
    • Fixed "Send email to assigned tech" action with "Ticket is created" trigger
    • Fixed assigning tech on ticket creation
    • Automation rules: Mark ticket as anwered action
    • Automation rules: Ticket is updated by tech condition
    • Fixes empty monthly report email
    • Fixed the extra space added to ticket replies
    • Removed the confusion of preselecting the default custom fields options on search and reports
    • Possible fix for unicode issues in automation rules
    • Fixed "Custom field equals" automation condition with checkboxes
    • Fixed inline image stretching
    • SAML fixes and improvements
    • Fixes assets custom fields were not showing in grid
    • Important security fixes

    HelpDesk 8.8.6

    released 05/05/2015

    • Fixed ticket numbers update on grid autorefresh
    • New stats-engine. Show actual ticket numbers for non-admin users according to permissions.
    • HTTP-request automation action, Hipchat and Slack integrations is now async to prevent blocking execution
    • Fixed the bug when users were unable to sign into the mobile apps with Windows (AD) authentication
    • Send cookies with 'secure" flag if the client is on SSL
    • New report - "Deletion log". Contains entries of all destructive actions like deleting tickets, categories, custom fields, users, companies, etc.
    • Fixed the bug when users couldn't edit companies with CRM integration enabled
    • Option to strip attachments from outgoing email notifications
    • Autlogin link generator in the help manual
    • New API method: UserByEmail
    • New API method: GET CustomFieldsByCategory
    • Fixed attachment links in the API
    • Mark as spam API method
    • Added full ticket URL to the GET Ticket API method
    • Added ViewingTechNames to the GET Ticket API method
    • Tons of performance improvements
    • Translation fixes

    HelpDesk 8.8.5

    released 04/07/2015

    This update is required for the new mobile app version (v1.5) that will be out on Monday (April 13th) on iOS and Android.

    • Ticket grid auto-refresh
    • GitHub integration
    • Ticket-creation permissions for ticket categories
    • "Unassigned" menu item
    • Importing email messages every 1 minute (was - 5 minutes)
    • Technician stats report now shows tickets closed within the date-range, and tickets that stayed active within the date-range
    • Editing ticket subject & body is now logged on the ticket timeline
    • New favicon
    • Zapier integration
    • Fixed the bug when manager was able to create tickets on behalf of any arbitrary email
    • Advanced search - search attachment names
    • Canned response auto-complete (press ';' while typing a reply)
    • KB export to CSV
    • Added an option to send welcome emails to the imported users
    • Updated German translation
    • Added Dutch translation
    • Redirect users to a custom login URL (optional setting)
    • Automation rules:
    • New condition "Submitter email contains"
    • Added #from# template to http-request POST action
    • New trigger: "ticket status has changed"
    • "Set ticket dues date" automation action now support "days - hours" time
    • API:
    • Added more details to GET Ticket API method (category name and assignee's user info)
    • New API method: GET TicketCustomFields – returns custom fields along with their values
    • Added attachments to the GET Ticket API method
    • New API method: SetPriority
    • New API method: SetCategory
    • New API method: GET TechsForCategory
    • New API method: SetAssignee
    • Submit ticket on behalf

    HelpDesk 8.8.4

    released 02/09/2015

    • Overdue automation now works after 2 hours (was - after 1 day)
    • New automation trigger: Ticket category changed
    • New automation trigger: Ticket is assigned to a user
    • Automation condition: Ticket is unassigned
    • New automation action: Mark as unanswered
    • Slack integration
    • Jira integration improvements and fixes
    • Bitbucket integration improvements
    • Techs should be able to move tickets to any category despite permissions
    • "Mark as spam" now respects "Restrict ticket deletion to admins only setting"
    • KB search improvements
    • Fixed file upload for long file names
    • Compatibility with old IEs fixes
    • Other fixes and improvements

    HelpDesk 8.8.3

    released 12/22/2014

    This is a minor release, but it contains many important bug fixes (not all of them are mentioned in the change log below). We recommend you to upgrade.

    Happy holidays!

    • Lots of minor bug fixes
    • Huge performance improvements in some areas
    • Many localization fixes (mostly German, Arabic and Portugese)
    • Fixed a bug with datepicker and custom fields on the new ticket form
    • Attach Dropbox files when submitting a ticket
    • Fixes and improvements in Jira Integration
    • Appearence customization improvements – if you use custom colors and a log, the app looks way better now
    • "Handled by" added to the sidebar filter
    • API method GetAvailableStatuses now respects permissions for techs only custom statuses
    • API methos POST Ticket now returns the created ticket ID

    HelpDesk 8.8.2

    released 12/01/2014

    • Automation rules fix for "any" condition match type
    • Automation rules - add subscriber and send email to user fixed when multiple entries added
    • New automation action "Reopen ticket"
    • New automation condition "Body contains"
    • Dropbox integration
    • API method "CreateUser" now accepts "company" parameter
    • New API method SetCustomField (see the docs)
    • New API method AttachFile (see the docs)
    • SAML fixes
    • Added the ability to select date range in "User Statistics" and "Company Statistics" reports
    • Added due date to the sidebar filter
    • Fixed the bug when user profile edition by an admin caused the signature and the greeting to be lost
    • Improved accessibility for screen readers
    • "Close" button renamed to "Close ticket" (users confuse it with "close window")
    • Search results now respect custom fields "show in grid" setting
    • Many translation fixes
    • All excel exports are now CSV based: fixes a lot of errors with Excel and adds Google Docs compatibility
    • Fixed the mandatory custom fields check before closing a ticket

    HelpDesk 8.8.1

    released 10/16/2014

    IMPORTANT: We are going to release new versions of our mobile apps in a couple of weeks. The old API will be incompatible with the new apps. Please upgrade your Helpdesk to this version before November 1st. Read more here.

    • API compatibility with the new mobile apps
    • Automation rules: match all, any or none of the conditions
    • Firefox KB redirect fix
    • "Reply & close" was sending techs-only comments to everyone
    • "Handled by me/Submitted by me" numbers corrections
    • Preserve formatting (spaces and tabs) when posting comments
    • AD fixes when username is returned as "System.Byte[]"

    HelpDesk 8.8

    released 10/08/2014

    • Hipchat integration
    • Bitbucket integration
    • Jira integration
    • Custom fields for assets
    • Quick paste a KB article link when writing a reply to a ticket
    • "For technicians only" attribute for custom statuses
    • Fixed ticket closed notification when pressing "Reply & close" button
    • Fixed when closed notifications are enabled and "reply&closed" is pressed attachments are not coming out in notifications
    • Added support for ticket submitter's #FirstName# and #LastName# in canned responses
    • Techs now can delete attachments
    • Fixed "Set status" automation action
    • Group automation rules by trigger type
    • Reorder automation rules
    • New automation action: "Close ticket"
    • If reply-to is set in incoming email - make it user's address
    • AttachFile API method
    • DeleteTicket API method
    • New API method GET Stats (returns ticket count stats)
    • API method GET Categories now respects permissions
    • Fixed "Handled by you" view mode in API
    • Technicians have access to "tech-only" KB-articles in their categories only
    • Passwords now have to be at least 8 characters long
    • Added client-side validation to most forms
    • Techs can now edit their own comments
    • "Ticket has been reopened" comments are no longer for techs only
    • When importing users from CSV update existing ones by email address instead of ignoring
    • Fixed the mobile version for bigger smartphones
    • Fixes to "Email already taken" error when Windows auth is used

    HelpDesk 8.7.5

    released 08/18/2014

    This release mostly contains various bug fixes.

    • Fixed design when avatars are disabled
    • Allow regular users to edit their signatures
    • Allow managers to close tickets
    • Fixed ticket grid sorting for various dates
    • Regular user no longer can change custom statuses
    • Do not show the ticket itself when closing as duplicate
    • Updated French localization

    HelpDesk 8.7.4

    released 08/13/2014

    IMPORTANT: we've changed the way we handle time zones to support automatic switching to and from the daylight savings time, time zones like UTC+5:30 and more. It should be fine, but if ticket dates look weird after the upgrade, adjust your time zone in "General settings".

    • Azure Fulltext compatibility
    • Big search box on KB index
    • "News" feature is removed
    • Custom report: group by tags
    • Custom report: sort output by total count
    • Show usernames of techs that are currently looking at a ticket
    • Automation Rules: "Ticket is unanswered" condition
    • Automation Rules: "X hours before overdue" condition
    • New setting: Disable ticket confirmation notification
    • Regular users cannot add/remove subscribers
    • Better similar articles from KB search
    • Ability to add time to due date
    • "Close ticket as a duplicate" button
    • Redesigned ticket toolbar
    • "Reply & Close" now sends "Close" notification only AND includes the reply text
    • Search KB by tag. Other KB search fixes
    • Showing KB-article tags in search results, and KB-category lists
    • Redesigned Activity Feed in the ticket view
    • Fixed unicode in canned responses
    • Show "submitted by you" to regular users when "see everyone's tickets" is enabled
    • Show time for ticket creation date in grid
    • Helpdesk now supports all timezones in the world
    • Limit ticket forwarding to 3 addresses max (to protect from spammers)
    • Tons of other fixes: security, performance, translations etc.

    HelpDesk 8.7.3

    released 06/11/2014

    • Lots of Windows authentication fixes
    • Confirmation when leaving KB-editing page with unsaved changes
    • Fixed editing "custom field equals" condition in automation rules
    • Mark mandatory custom fields with asterisk in the ticket view
    • Fixed KB tags permissions issue
    • SAML 2.0 support (single-sign on)
    • Closed tickets are no longer displayed as overdue
    • KB print styles
    • Various user profile edition page improvements
    • Respect custom field grid visibility in search results
    • Autoreply detection fixes (German/Dutch/Spanish out of office)
    • Lots of translation fixes (all languages)
    • Admin section: added interactive tutorial
    • Tons of bug fixes and improvements

    HelpDesk 8.7.2

    released 05/20/2014

    • Every "Send email to..." automation action now supports custom subjects
    • Lots of fixes in email checker and parser
    • Dates and times in notifications now uses system language and culture
    • Fixed Excel export in Summary report
    • Fixed an issue, when a message got cut in the middle by the email parser
    • Performance improvements and tons of minor bug fixes

    HelpDesk 8.7.1

    released 05/06/2014

    • Translated to other languages everything that wasn't translated before (except the admin panel)
    • KB articles list redesign
    • Include all replies when forwarding a ticket
    • Tickets are now linked automatically after cloning
    • Fixed “Hide powered by” setting
    • Improved checkbox custom fields view in ticket details sidebar
    • Refresh comments every time ticket details change
    • Fixed a bug with corrupted mail attachments in email notifications
    • Ticket "start time" is set on first reply from any tech user
    • “Add related asset” automation action
    • Hide tickets and recent notes in user profiles if viewed by non-tech user
    • Ticket-submitter can close his ticket at any point
    • Total tickets number is not shown to non-techs users now

    HelpDesk 8.7.0

    released 04/08/2014

    • Ticket ID is now formatted like this "{10231}" in email subjects
    • Pretty "recent messages" formatting in emails
    • New automation action - "Set ticket status"
    • New automation action - "Send email to particular user"
    • New automation action – "Notify all techs in ticket category"
    • When category changes - the app now send an email using "new ticket" template to the new category technicians
    • New setting – "Notify all techs when another tech takes a ticket"
    • Fixed “custom field equals” automation condition
    • "Reply and close" assigns the replyer to the ticket (if no one assigned)
    • Do not send new-ticket confirmation email if the ticket is created on behalf
    • Ticket repetition setting: "Reopen the original ticket, instead of creating a new one
    • Added an option to group by user’s department to Custom Report
    • Adding attachemnts with proper mime-type (possible fix for corrupted mail attachments)
    • Spanish translation improvements

    HelpDesk 8.6.2

    released 03/03/2014


    As of version 8.6.2 we've migrated Jitbit Help Desk to ASP.NET MVC 4 to increase security and performance. So upgrading from earlier versions requires you to update your "web.config" file:

    • Locate the web.config file in the app folder
    • Open it for editing and save the database connection string, and section, as well as any other settings you edited by hand.
    • Overwrite the file with the new version of it from the downloaded archive
    • Restore your database connection string, authentication tag and other custom settings in the new file
    Other changes in this version:
    • New Helpdesk widget for your web site
    • Lots of performance improvements
    • “Do not reopen tickets when a new reply is posted” setting now works for all replies, not just the ones that are submitted via email
    • Fixed a bug with multiple “Add subscriber” automation actions
    • Better distinction between subject and body in ticket edition mode
    • Always show “Takeover” button, when there is no one assigned
    • Fixed an API bug in SetCustomFieldValue with combo box
    (sorry about the second message)

    HelpDesk 8.6.1

    released 01/14/2014

    • Improved "Someone wrote a reply while you were typing" workflow
    • “Do not reopen tickets when a new reply is posted” setting now works for all replies, not just the ones that are submitted via email
    • Ticket search performance improvements
    • Better distinction between subject and body in ticket edition mode
    • Added recent ticket statuses to user tooltip
    • Always show “Takeover” button, when there is no one assigned
    • Fixed an API bug in SetCustomFieldValue with combo box
    • Other improvements and bug fixes

    HelpDesk 8.6

    released 12/23/2013

    • Show if other techs are currently viewing a ticket
    • "Ticket closed" email template
    • Email template tags are now supported in automation rules notifications
    • Added "status is" condition to automation rules
    • Added automation action "send email to assigned tech"
    • New automation action "Add subscriber"
    • New automation rules trigger: “New reply is added”
    • Ability to schedule summary report
    • Custom report – group by priority
    • Brought back recent activity to user profile
    • Tons of email related fixes
    • API: AddTicketFromEmail does not require a user to be created beforehand
    • API: ChangeCategory method
    • New ticket: save custom field values between category change
    • Fixes KB tags issues
    • Added full non-relative date and time to the title attribute of a comment date
    • showing detailed comment timestamp under the "info" button
    • Copy custom fields when cloning a ticket
    • Ability to import tickets from Zendesk
    • Prevent duplicate notification when "reply & close" is used, correct ticket status in notification when reply & close" is used
    • Do not show techs only ticket attachments to regular users
    • Added "Mark as spam" bulk action

    HelpDesk 8.5

    released 09/14/2013

    • Working hours setting
    • Calculating response time and duration in summary and response speed reports within business hours
    • Automation Rules actions "Set custom field value"
    • Option to forward ticket along with its attachments
    • New reply templates UI, ability to edit templates
    • TO-recipients are added to subscribers - like it was before
    • Group by custom field values in custom report
    • Ability to create user right from the subscribers area – just enter an email address and press "enter"
    • Export tickets to CSV
    • Import tickets from CSV
    • Admins can now edit the close date
    • Do not show phone numbers to non-techs
    • Allow to sort the tickets grid by company name
    • Setting due date right from the ticket creation page (for technicians only)
    • No more news on the new-ticket page
    • Added ticket number to print view
    • New API methods
    • Brought back full version on iPad
    • Refresh custom fields after category change
    • Hebrew translation fixes
    • Forwarding tickets: now sending out HTML emails, to prevent formatting loss

    HelpDesk 8.4

    released 07/02/2013

    • Redesigned user profile – showing tickets without comments
    • Reorder KB articles
    • Showing company notes in the user profile
    • Respect tech's permissions in "recent comments" in user profile
    • New company field - "Notes"
    • Company dashboard
    • Optionally disable email-notification when creating a ticket on behalf
    • Ability to change "for techs only" property of a KB article while editing it
    • Fixed JS errors in IE8
    • Hide "spam" button when using windows auth
    • Updated Danish translation
    • Changed links colour in email templates to blue
    • Fixed inputs on registration form
    • Fixed issues with AdBlock
    • Category permissions quick users filter
    • Admin - "set to my timezone" button.
    • Reorder custom fields with drag and drop

    HelpDesk 8.3

    released 04/29/2013

    • Show overdue tickets in "unanswered" tab
    • Ability to create KB articles for techs only directly without creating a ticket first
    • Respect techs permission for techs only KB articles (do not show articles he has no permission to see)
    • Fixed "Restrict ticket closing to Technicians only" setting
    • API compatibility with Helpdesk for iOS 1.1
    • Do not reset the view mode when clicking on a tag
    • Do not auto close a ticket when due date is set
    • Fixed BBCode tables in email templates
    • ticket submitter always gets autologin urls in all notifications
    • Fixed due date editor
    • Case insensitive custom fields values comparison in automation rules (fixed checkbox custom fields)
    • Allow managers to submit tickets on behalf of his company users
    • Showing latest news on the new ticket creation page
    • New setting "Do not add recipients from CC and TO fields to subscribers"

    HelpDesk 8.2

    released 03/25/2013

    • Ready for the upcoming helpdesk iOS app
    • Ability to remove "ups by cust" and "upd for tech" badges to remove tickets from the "unanswered" tab without closing them
    • Saving filter parameters and selected category between page refreshes
    • Added "reply above this line" to emails for better quoting-removal
    • Allow techs to select an assignee on ticket creation
    • "Multiline text" custom fields
    • Technician replies, customer replies and "internal" technician replies are now colored differently.
    • "Tickets from Company" filter on the homepage
    • Now you can see the "To" and "cc" header if a ticket or reply was imported from Email
    • Save user notes from popup
    • #TicketID# tag for email notifications - outputs the ticket's unique ID number in the helpdesk system
    • Performance improvements
    • New setting - "Disable automatic 'time-spent' timer on the ticket page"
    • Clear assignee when moving a helpdesk ticket between categories (if no permissions in the new category)
    • No bbcode from the API methods, convert everything to html
    • Added Due-Date to the ticket-summary report
    • Ticket Auto-Close module timeout fixes
    • Allow to save more than 24 hours "ticket time spent"
    • Fixed user popup for regular users
    • Ability to remove help desk logo from settings
    • Better article editing in KB

    HelpDesk 8.1.0

    released 03/05/2013

    • Per-category custom fields for tickets
    • Inserting images into new tickets and replies "From my computer"
    • Inline images when creating KB articles
    • Ability to set up an email domain for any company. For example, company "A" has "a.com" as the email domain, if a new user with email "john@a.com" creates a ticket, he will be registered with company "A" automatically.
    • New category setting "from address". Lets you use a different "from" email address for all outgoing notifications from tickets in a category
    • Lots of new API methods. Check out the api docs
    • Enhanced time tracker. "time spent" is now calculated and saved automatically for all tickets unless cancelled
    • Summary report multiselect for priority & status, filter by "date closed"
    • Merge now combines subject and sums "time spent"
    • You can put any valid email address when submitting a ticket "on behalf" of someone, it will automatically create a news user (if not found)
    • Autocomplete for non-tech users shows only people from the same company
    • New setting to include custom CSS rules to customise Helpdesk
    • Showing ticket details in the mobile UI
    • Mobile UI fixes for resize on orientation change
    • Support tickets "Assigned to me" in mobile helpdesk interface
    • New automation condition type "if ticket comes from company"
    • "Add tag" automation action
    • Fixed login issues some users had
    • Do not send "category changed" notifications to admins
    • Windows Azure compatibility
    • Do not send welcome email to users auto-created from email, because they have autologin anyway
    • Printing multiple tickets from grid
    • Client-side validation in new ticket form
    • Now only admins can delete articles from KB
    • Stats numbers improved, correct tickets count in the nav bar
    • New ticket page IE7 fixes
    • Fixed "email admins" automation action
    • Fixed ticket forwarding to a username

    HelpDesk 8.0.1

    released 01/22/2013

    • Fixed a bug with duplicate entries in users autocomplete
    • Possible fix for corrupted email subjects in rare cases
    • Fixed new ticket button - correct redirect from admin pages

    HelpDesk 8.0

    released 01/21/2013

    • SLA and Automation rules (read more)
    • Moved sorting to the sidebar, added ability to sort by "From" and "Ticket number"
    • Added ability for a user to select what columns to display in grid
    • Embedded image attachments from email are now embedded to tickets. Support for "[img]att123[/img]" bbcode tag
    • Improved usability on the categories page in the admin panel
    • Lots of fixes in the incoming mail checker (mostly for the new version of Outlook)
    • "Mark ticket as spam" button in toolbar
    • Do not delete reply content when there were an error while posting it
    • User now cannot select company when registering
    • AppURL setting in web.config, which overrides Helpdesk URL in all outgoing email notifications (manual)
    • Search permissions fixes
    • Fixed a bug with checkboxes in a comment subscribers section when clicking "for techs only"
    • Techs are allowed to create new users (they need for the "onbehalf" feature)
    • Fixed "view" button on edit user page
    • Fixed sync from AD button
    • Fixed custom fileds design on the new ticket page
    • Translation fixes
    • Added apple touch icon for all devices
    • Hide green new ticket button on a new ticket page to avoid clicks by mistake
    • Sending welcome email when a user is created from incoming email
    • Show tickets filter on the main page for techs only

    HelpDesk 7.5.4

    released 12/16/2012

    • Fixed "view" button on edit user page
    • Fixed sync from AD button on edit user page
    • Fixed custom fileds design on the new ticket page
    • Russian translation fixes
    • Fixes "dangerous request" on ticket-forwarding
    • Cleaned up translation resources
    • Fixed new KB article creation
    • Updated project for VS 2012
    • Show tickets from the same company in the search results if the corresponding setting is on
    • Fixed sorting by "updated" filed in tickets list

    HelpDesk 7.5.3

    released 12/07/2012

    • User edit form improved and re-designed
    • Show similar articles from Knowledge Base on ticket page
  • Option to repeat ticket on work days only
  • Removed "disable welcome email" setting, instead - checkbox "send welcome email" on the user creation page
  • Better incoming email parsing, saves spaces
  • Renamed "Reports" to "Reporting" - to prevent helpdesk conflicts with SQL Reportng Services
  • Improved Knowledge-Base article creation process.
  • Fixed "String reference not set" error when creating a user with Windows Authentication enabled. Also, no "login/password" in welcome email for Windows Auth
  • Fixed "dangerous request" error when adding news to helpdesk
  • Added "Change category" to the ticket actions popup in the tickets grid
  • Fixed new ticket button on admin pages
  • Fixed permissions in ticket actions popup
  • HelpDesk 7.5.2

    released 11/30/2012

    • User-profile page translation fixes
    • Fixed escalation
    • "Username or email" on login form
    • Checkbox custom fields now cannot be mandatory (because it's doen't make sense)
    • Non-tech users cannot change their company
    • Faster technicians report
    • Sort search by relevancy, more accurate results
    • Nice error messages in API-service
    • Login form UI improvements
    • New API method - "GetTicket"
    • Sorting tickets grid by custom fields
    • Speed & Dynamics report: period length validation (error if more than a year selected)
    • "Time zone" instead of a non-intuitive "server offset" in settings
    • Search - return custom fields that have "show in grid" set only
    • "Forward ticket" improvements
    • Not resetting comments box when editing tickets details.
    • "add user" form improved - password field not shown if AD-auth
    • Showing names of a browser and OS instead of user-agen string in user's profile
    • remember sort column in cookies
    • Added validation message on unsuccessful login
    • Removed "max attach size" setting
    • Client-side category validation on "new ticket" page
    • Fixes big images overflow in ticket text
    • Added the tag filter into Summary Report
    • Priority field is back in the support widget
    • Set updated by customer badge when a non-tech user writes a reply
    • Google attach fix
    • File upload design improvements

    HelpDesk 7.5.1

    released 10/31/2012

    • Increased the quality of search results
    • Fixed the error when saving a user profile with empty department field
    • Added "containing text" filter to summary report
    • Added missing translations

    HelpDesk 7.5.0

    released 10/30/2012

    • Ten times faster search, searches in ticket replies as well. Uses fuzzy search algorithms instead of looking for an exact match. You need to install Full-Text Search on your SQL Server for it to work, here is the manual.
    • Do not add people from "TO" address to the ticket, only from "CC" (incoming emails)
    • Failed notifications queue - notifications, which were failed to sent, are not dropped, but saved and resend later.
    • Reply templates (canned responses) are now shown only to techs
    • User's greeting template - like signature, but in the begining of the reply.
    • Custom report builder - build custom reports with the data you need
    • Is Manager user attribute - can see tickets from others from the same company
    • Showing "Are you sure you want to leave" box when unsent reply is typed in on the ticket page
    • New user field "Department"
    • Bug fixes and UI improvements

    HelpDesk 7.4.1

    released 10/17/2012

    • Fixes bug in the summary report
    • UI and localization fixes
    • New custom field type "checkbox"

    HelpDesk 7.4.0

    released 10/16/2012

    • Improved UI in all reports
    • Added "Distribution of tickets per day of week" and "Distribution of tickets per hour"
    • Renamed dynamics report to "Tickets per day"
    • New report "Response speed" - average response and resolution speeds
    • New better search UI
    • New email templates. New "Welcome" template, new "ticket confimation" template.
    • Sorting in the tickets grid now applies to all tickets, not only to the ones, which are currently shown
    • Active Directory avatar improvements and fixes
    • Comment templates are now inserted at the current cursor position
    • Do not show techs only categories (and articles in them) in the KB for non-techs
    • Russian language fixes
    • Disallow public publishing to KB in the tech only categories
    • Better quoting removal
    • Showing unanswered tickets number in the submenu.
    • Techs are now allowed to edit tickets
    • Refresh techs list on category change

    HelpDesk 7.3.1

    released 09/19/2012

    • Improved email-checker (quoted-emails remover)
    • Mobile UI improvements
    • "disableUselessMessageFilter" web.config setting
    • Minor fixes on the "new ticket" page
    • Minor KB fixes
    • Minor UI fixes
    • Google-drive attachments in ticket-emails
    • "thumbnailPhoto" field for Active Directory avatar integration
    • Ticket-categories drop-down in mobile UI
    • Localized priority description in ticket-details
    • Fixed login page on Android
    • Made the helpdesk header more compact in the mobile UI, other mobile fixes
    • New installer for the self-hosted version

    HelpDesk 7.3.0

    released 09/13/2012

    • Helpdesk now has a mobile UI. Just open it in your smartphone's browser
    • Fixes "Wrong captcha" error on registration
    • Fixed bug - user was getting a ticket confirmation only when "send technician notification" is true
    • Note templates added ABOVE the existing text
    • "#unsub#" alias for #unsubscribe# command in email API
    • Avatars from Active Directory
    • Summary report excel now contains ticket body
    • "Assign Technician" is a dropdown list, like it was before. No "suggestion box"
    • Ability to see who got email notification for each comment
    • Ability to attach Google Drive documents (Google Docs) to tickets (Help desk google integration)
    • Built-in spam-filter improved, no longer deletes useful messages
    • Ability to add a note to the ticket creation page

    HelpDesk 7.2.2

    released 08/20/2012

    • Fixed ticket re-opening on replies via email
    • Fixed quick users search in the admin interface
    • Fixed AD sync error on user edit page
    • Show "updated FOR techs" tickets on the "unanswered" tab
    • #unsubscribe# email api now works only for techs
    • Techs now can't edit their own permissions

    HelpDesk 7.2.1

    released 08/09/2012

    • Minor UI fixes
    • DB upgrade script fix
    • User-search fix
    • Fixes "email already taken" error when using helpdesk with Active Directory
    • Improved email handler: loop-emails, auto-reply filter etc.
    • Not adding empty comments from incoming emails.
    • Bugfix: closing tickets in the non-hosted version.

    HelpDesk 7.2.0

    released 08/08/2012

    • When sending confirmation email to ticket submitter - he gets an "autologin" URL, so he does not have to enter username and password
    • Technicians report - export to excel
    • "Set ticket custom field" in API
    • Autolgin bruteforce protection improved
    • Fixes bug in custom statuses dropdown list in IE8
    • Return ability to unassign user from ticket
    • Per-user language setting fixed
    • Remembering selected tab in the tickets list
    • Pop up for bulk actions in the tickets list
    • Better "more tickets" button behavior
    • Added some new help pages, revised some existing help
    • "Assign ticket to " textbox shows technicians from particular category only
    • "Sync user from AD" fixes
    • BBCode list support fixes
    • "XX Time Ago" for date fields in tickets
    • Showing custom fields values in the search grid
    • Added favicon
    • Fixed "More tickets" button when viewing support tickets in a particular category/department.
    • New setting - "do not auto-reopen a ticket when customer send a reply via email"
    • New setting "Notify ALL technicians in a category when ticket-submitter posts a reply
    • "Time spent" stopwatch not shown if ticket closed
    • Helpdesk name is now shown instead of the default logo
    • Killed a feature - increasing email-checker interval on errors. Not any more.
    • "Assigned to" is properly refreshed now when the assignee changes
    • Refreshing tech-suggestion list after changing a support-ticket category
    • #unsubscribe# command for email API - removes a user form ticket subscribers (fixes #336)

    HelpDesk 7.1.13

    released 07/05/2012

    Lots of important security fixes in this release, please upgrade as soon as possible

    • Correct page titles
    • Not showing techs only comments to normal users
    • Viewing reports now requires user to be tech
    • New ticket button is not displayed for anonymous users when guest posting is disabled
    • Fixed datepickers on techs report
    • Nice error message when KB ticket is not found
    • Check user access permissions to view the ticket
    • Suppressed 404 error for missing favicon
    • Fixes normal user's (non-tech) permissions

    HelpDesk 7.1.12

    released 06/29/2012

    • Reset "is tech" cache on logout
    • Improved "ticket not found" behavior, merge-redirect fixes
    • Bulk actions in tickets grid are allowed to admins only
    • Cloning ticket fixed. Also, cloning allowed to ticket owners as well (not just tech users)
    • Reset "allowed categories" cache on logout
    • Small date range fix
    • Summary report fixes
    • "From user" filter fixed
    • Saving search criteria after form submit
    • Search export to csv
    • Unassigned filter fixed
    • Assign to tech fixes
    • Fixed JS error in IE upon clicking "More"
    • Nice error messasge when closing ticket with unset mandatory fields
    • Dynamics report fixed
    • Security fixes - now all pages are allowed for anonyous users
    • Ticket details fixes
    • "Reply and close" fixes
    • Showing fullnames in suggest-popups
    • Redirect to login from GetAttachement when unathorized
    • Fixes wrong Attachment date and time
    • Fixed quick search by ticket number
    • Fixed paging in admin users page

    HelpDesk 7.1.11

    released 06/21/2012

    • Windows auth fixes, logout button visibility fixed
    • Ticket list tabs visibility for regular (non-tech) users fixed
    • Reset "is tech" cache on logout
    • Improved "ticket not found" message, merged-tickets redirect improvements

    HelpDesk 7.1.1

    released 06/21/2012

    • Minor multi-language fixes (raw html) on the support ticket page


    released 06/20/2012

    • CSS fixes, file-upload visual improvements, KB file upload design fixes
    • Translation fixes
    • Inline custom fields editing on the ticket page (ajax)
    • New email template tag #Attachement# that shows a list of all ticket's attachements with upload dates and links
    • ASP.NET MVC engine - please read the upgrade notes carefully!
    • Knowledge-base fixes
    • Tag fixes on the front page
    • Lots of minor fixes

    HelpDesk 7.0.8

    released 05/26/2012

    • Hosted version improvements
    • New setting - "Assign the first replying tech as a ticket-tech" (default ON like before)
    • Error messages in ViewIssue
    • New email message for the category change event
    • KB buttons visibility (techs only)
    • "Welcome" email fixes
    • Importing assets from CSV
    • Details time labels in the attachments list
    • Processing incoming email attachments fixes
    • File-upload visual improvements, KB file upload design fixes

    HelpDesk 7.0.7

    released 05/19/2012

    • Incoming email processing fixes
    • Fixed searching by tags in the summary report
    • Not hiding "Get help", when hiding "powered by"
    • Consistent styling for help pages
    • CC-addresses from incoming email are now correctly added to the incoming tickets as subscribers
    • CSV import fixed (empty company name)
    • Updated Danish translation
    • KB button in widget popup, popup UI fixes, "Haven't found the answer? Create a ticket" button in KB
    • New google-voice api: null phone-number workaround
    • Tech-user popup in ticket search results
    • User popup redesign (showing fullname in brackets, name is a link to profile)

    HelpDesk 7.0.6

    released 05/14/2012

    • Cloning Tickets
    • Critical fix for Internet Explorer

    HelpDesk 7.0.5

    released 05/14/2012

    • Attachments fix when adding a comment
    • WYSIWYG editor fixes
    • Notifications fixes
    • Many other minor improvements
    • Users from the same company now can comment on each other tickets (if the "Allow users from the same company see each other's tickets" setting is enabled)

    HelpDesk 7.0.4

    released 05/13/2012

    • Security improvements
    • Fixes comments edition in KB
    • "Show in grid" custom field setting
    • Reduce the scope of similar tickets search on new ticket page if category is chosen
    • Added "Status" column to the summary report
    • Export search to CSV
    • Avatar for system comments
    • Assign, close, merge, delete tickets in the search page, other search improvements
    • Mail quoting removal fix
    • "More" button fixes
    • Link to the search page on search icon
    • Search by tag in Ticket Reports and Search
    • "Hide powered by" now works in the self-hosted version as well
    • Mail loop prevention improvement
    • Force off compatibility mode in IE
    • User signature
    • Fixed Admin "new ticket" notification when Tech-notifications are disabled
    • Fixed attachements import from Messages from Outlook
    • Show private KB articles in suggested tickets in newIssue for techs
    • Technician statistics report fixes

    HelpDesk 7.0.3

    released 03/30/2012

    • Improved custom fields search
    • Lots of visual fixes and improvements
    • Rebinding comments and subscribers after assigning a support tech to a user
    • Added feature to "de-assign" a tech from a support ticket (clear the "assigned to")
    • Fixed "more" buttons for custom statuses
    • Removed unused assets from the project
    • Fixed dutch and danish translation

    HelpDesk 7.0.2

    released 03/21/2012

    • Preventing "dangerous request" error on forward ticket page
    • Fix: no custom fileds in "new ticket" email notifications
    • Correct "Tab" key on New Ticket page
    • Redesigned login screen
    • UI fixes
    • "More" button
    • Windows-authentication fixes
    • Translation improvements
    • Improved custom fields search (non-exact match)

    HelpDesk 7.0.1

    released 03/16/2012

    • Lots of minor visual fixes
    • Performance improvements

    HelpDesk 7.0.0

    released 03/14/2012

    • Major redesign (screenshot)
    • Huge overall performance increase
    • Lots of bug fixes

    HelpDesk 6.2.6

    released 03/06/2012

    • Fixed sorting by ticketId
    • Improved email loops prevention
    • SMS improvements
    • Recent comments from user shown to admins/techs only
    • IE9 autocomplete improvements
    • Not sending escalation notes late at night and weekends fixes

    HelpDesk 6.2.5

    released 02/23/2012

    • Performance improvements
    • User manual improvements
    • Fixed - admins received notifications even with the disabled email setting
    • Ticket-filter stays open after filtering
    • Email-looping prevention improvements
    • Support widget ticket-creation form now shows important fields only. Simplified user experience.
    • No more captcha on the ticket-creation form - intelligent antispam
    • Code-signing the trial version installer
    • Adding asset assignee on asset creation form
    • default value for quantity
    • linking assets to tickets
    • Assets page improved
    • Fixed - slow typing on an iPhone
    • Creating sample KB articles on first install
    • Due-date tooltip when adding a comment to a ticket
    • Recent actions by user
    • Auto-filling Gmail values when editing email preferences
    • Fixing "reply and close" when there're unset custom fields.
    • Tree navigation fixed when viewing tickets from particular company/user

    HelpDesk 6.2.4

    released 01/30/2012

    • SMS notifications (for US hosted users only).
    • KB fixes and improvements, better performance. Added attachments for KB articles, stripped BBCode in previews
    • Custom fields fixes and UX improvements
    • Saving sorting direction in the tickets grid (ascending \ descending)
    • New setting "Always notify administrators about new tickets"
    • "Comment and close" button in the ticket view
    • Lots of improvements in mail sub-system: fixed body loss in some languages, added loop prevention, fixed messages duplication
    • Double mail-checker interval after 5 errors in a row, not in 3 like before
    • Gmail web-interface now shows HTML-version of a message

    HelpDesk 6.2.3

    released 01/18/2012

    • Fixed "The member CompanyID of type System.Object cannot be used as a parameter value" error
    • Assets improvements
    • Categories tree - always shows all categories
    • Showing correct tag numbers in the tickets list
    • Tables support in wysiwyg editor
    • "Invalid cast" error fix
    • New-ticket page Windows-auth fix
    • KB redesign
    • Hosted version improvements
    • No notification for KB-only ticket creation
    • Added tag 6.2.3 for changeset 9bede495563b

    HelpDesk 6.2.1

    released 01/07/2012

    • Source codes license fixes
    • Updated translations. Fixed user-popup in Firefox (encoding bug)
    • POP email module fixed (using an improved component)
    • Helpdesk now has a RESTful web-service for external app integration
    • Updated manual (API docs)
    • Performance improvements
    • Ticket-tagging improved
    • KB tag editor
    • "Close ticket" button moved to the right, after custom ticket status buttons
    • Minor UI tuneups
    • No more Ssl certificate validation errors or POP and IMAP
    • Ticket-list date sorting fixed for 12-hours clock regions
    • Search-box searches for username/email as well
    • Showing thumbnails for image-attachments in tickets
    • Client-side caching improvements for attachments and thumbnails
    • Double-click comments fix

    HelpDesk 6.2.0

    released 12/24/2011

    • Mail-checker fixes and improvements
    • Datetime error on German locales fixed
    • Status filter fixed
    • General UI improvements
    • Quoted emails finder improvements
    • Redirecting merged tickets
    • Added "company" field to CSV import
    • Order tags in the sidebar
    • Login problems on iPhone fixed
    • Techs-only comments via email, closing ticket via email - improved
    • Fancy html emails, updated default email templates
    • IMAP fixes
    • Advanced tooltip when clicking on a user in a ticket: phone, ip, etc, prev tickets and the "view full profile" link
    • Processing only 5 messages at a time, timeout settings for IMAP mailboxes
    • Updated translations
    • Alphabetic sort for comment templates list, other template fixes
    • New jQuery 1.7.1
    • Removed "do you wanna take over the ticket" alert
    • Added plain text emails part (to fix email display on Blackberries etc
    • Search fixes
    • Inline Ticket editing
    • Lots of performance issues fixed
    • Showing similar tickets from KB, comparing by subj
    • Ticket-Escalator improvements

    HelpDesk 6.1.9

    released 11/26/2011

    • Fixed JS error in report-summary
    • Showing tags in the Knowledge-base (both list and ticket)
    • "Save as" filename for image attachments
    • No tags for non-techs on new-ticket form, light redesign
    • Showing file date, performance improvements
    • Welcome ticket on the first run
    • Lots of visual improvements
    • Deleting tickets from grid fixes
    • Source-codes version improvements (updated Visual Studio project file)
    • User-autocomplete now searches email as well
    • Correct company-name in the email-templates
    • Updated manual (CRM integration)
    • Cross-page user sorting
    • Remembering the sort order in the ticket list
    • Resetting stats-cache when closing tickets
    • Added "#ticket#" tag to message subj on ticket forwarding
    • Date sorting is Search
    • Fixed - "techsonly" notes were sometimes sent to regular users
    • New comment-templates manager, names for comment templates
    • Slow typing on iPhones/iPads fixed

    HelpDesk 6.1.8

    released 11/09/2011

    • Search UI redesigned
    • Search performance improvements
    • Old IE-versions support improved
    • AD_integration improvements and fixes
    • Simpler KB design
    • Auto-update in the tickets list
    • Many other improvements

    HelpDesk 6.1.7

    released 10/27/2011

    • Fast-search box on the top
    • Lots of visual improvements
    • LOTS of minor improvements and bug fixes
    • Support-widget fixes
    • Tags-list on the home page

    HelpDesk 6.1.6

    released 10/13/2011

    • Fixed mail-importer errors that prevented importing emails in some cases
    • Fixed the suggestion-box when changing the "from" user on the ticket page

    HelpDesk 6.1.5

    released 10/10/2011

    • Ticket tags
    • Lots of more visual improvements
    • Performance improvements (e.g the ticket list's database backend is now 2 times faster)
    • Lots of minor fixes and improvements
    • New setting - "disable avatars"

    HelpDesk 6.1.4

    released 10/02/2011

    • Fixed a minor error with the user-editing form

    HelpDesk 6.1.3

    released 09/30/2011

    • LOTS of visual improvements
    • User-avatars (via Gravatar)
    • Mail-importer fixes (filtering out-of-office replies, notification issues)
    • Showing email in the users list
    • Improved subscriber editing
    • Lots of minor fixes

    HelpDesk 6.1.2

    released 09/19/2011

    • Source code version improvements (solution file)
    • Some design-improvements on the Users page in the Admin panel
    • "Sync all users from AD" feature
    • Now a ticket does NOT change its status to "in progress" when a tech is assigned
    • Ticket-followers are now controlled by checkboxes, better usability
    • JavaScript fixes on the "new ticket" page
    • Nice "recent comments" rendering in email templates
    • More "readable" default email templates
    • Searching by ticket-ID now redirects to a ticket page right away

    HelpDesk 6.1.1

    released 09/17/2011

    • sorting now work after clicking "more" link
    • Fixed assigning techs
    • Time-tracker fixes, tickets-list fixes
    • Changing ticket's user - suggestion box instead of the drop down
    • Hosted version improvements
    • Custom fields fixes
    • Lots of minor fixes
    • Date custom fileds now allow range search
    • Better charts
    • Improved search
    • Visual improvements
    • Nice warning message when closing a support ticket with unset mandatory fields
    • Showing company names in user-suggestion boxes
    • Helpdesk reports improved
    • Emailing the tech's name when submitting a ticket "on behalf"
    • Lots of visual improvements, logout/login buttons

    HelpDesk 6.1.0

    released 08/31/2011

    • Due-date sorting fixes
    • Email settings moved to a separate admin page to optimize and simplify UI
    • Lots of UI improvements (better design, CSS3 features - shadows, rounded corners)
    • Messages from ticket-technician have different background for better readability
    • Separate email templates for "new ticket" message and updates to existing tickets
    • When submitting a support ticket "on-behalf" - user search box replaces simple drop-down
    • Search-results page now also allows deleting, linking tickets
    • Performance improvements (esp. the mail-checker thread)
    • Mail-importing fixes - no more adding extra line-breaks
    • Attachments are now sorted by filename
    • Lots of minor improvements

    HelpDesk 6.0.9

    released 08/11/2011

    • Minor fixes
    • Ticket page visual fixes
    • WYSIWYG-editor fixes (JavaScript)

    HelpDesk 6.0.7

    released 07/29/2011

    • New setting Users from same company can see each other's tickets
    • Lots of design improvements
    • Translation improvements
    • "http" is now parsed in custom fields and rendered as links
    • Summary report daes are now saved in cookies

    HelpDesk 6.0.6

    released 07/07/2011

    • Fewer trial version restrictions
    • Improved search page
    • Performance improvements for the email-importing module
    • Multiple file attachments
    • Custom fields in the "summary report" shown correctly
    • User's company is now synced from AD as well
    • UI improvements onthe ticket page

    HelpDesk 6.0.4

    released 06/20/2011

    • Improved error handler in email-importer
    • Number of "Recently viewed" tickets increased to 10
    • JavaScript editor fixes (when pasting from Apple-Mail and Outlook)
    • Slightly improved UI

    HelpDesk 6.0.3

    released 06/16/2011

    • Minor Firefox CSS fixes for the "new ticket" button

    HelpDesk 6.0.2

    released 06/15/2011

    • JavaScript fixes when adding a comment
    • Email-notifications issues resolved (sometime when a ticket is unassigned, the technician did not get email notifications)
    • Translation improvements
    • General minor improvements

    HelpDesk 6.0.1

    released 06/14/2011

    • Simpler, improved interface, "Tickets" page is not the default page of the helpdesk app
    • "Unanswered tickets" filter - main technician's dashboard
    • Precise support time tracking - hours : minutes : seconds.
    • Automatic time tracking - a loggable stopwatch starts every time you open a support ticket
    • "Techs only" filter in the users list
    • Some SQL 2000 compatibility issues resolved (though we do not officially support SQL Server 2000)
    • Performance improvements
    • Attachments in incoming email-notifications - fixes and improvements
    • Category filter in the "dynamics" report
    • UI fixes on the ticket page, AJAX fixes (comments box was erased if you click some other button etc etc.)

    HelpDesk 5.5.3

    released 05/29/2011

    • Fixed sending attachments in helpdesk emails
    • Lots of web-interface fixes and improvements
    • Multipage user deletion fixed
    • Escalation notes do not mess-up the "updated by" fields any more. Also, ticket-updates by non-technicians and non-submitters do not touch the "last updated" field any more.
    • User-creation improvements
    • Ticket-sorting fixes

    HelpDesk 5.5.2

    released 05/05/2011

    • iPhone/iPad minor fixes when working with comments
    • Fixed saving the "User From-Name" setting to DB
    • Other minor fixes

    HelpDesk 5.5.1

    released 05/01/2011

    • Ctrl+Enter fix
    • Some more visual improvements

    HelpDesk 5.5.0

    released 05/01/2011

    • .NET 4.0 (check the upgrade notes)
    • Improved incoming email module (embedded images processing)
    • Visual improvements
    • Files are now attached to particular comments (not just tickets) and sent out with notifications emails
    • Assets are now visible to technicians (not just admins)
    • Due date field for tickets
    • Many minor fixed in both UI and business-logic

    HelpDesk 5.4.10

    released 04/10/2011

    • Improved & simplified category selector on the ticket-submission page
    • Fixed in the email importing engine
    • Improved helpdesk reports and knowledge-base
    • Improved ticket search (searching in multiple helpdesk-categories)
    • Ticket-page is now fully AJAX-ed (assigning tickets, changing category, submitter, etc)
    • CRM-integration fixes
    • New template "#Most_recent_message#"
    • Security improvements
    • Other improvements through the help desk software

    HelpDesk 5.4.7

    released 04/01/2011

    • "More" button fixes
    • Adding subscribers fixed
    • Company column in summary report
    • JavaScript fixed on the ticket page (WYSIWYG editor fieed, suggestions engine)
    • Performance improvements
    • Security improvements
    • Confirmation on the "close" button when clsing a "new" ticket by submitter
    • Lots of minor fixes

    HelpDesk 5.4.6

    released 03/22/2011

    • Jitbit CRM integration
    • List of companies in the system - in the admin panel
    • UI-design improvements (shadows)
    • New setting: "don't send escalation note to ticket submitter"
    • Lots of minor fixes

    HelpDesk 5.4.5

    released 03/16/2011

    • Trial version fixes
    • Minor UI-improvements, translation improvements

    HelpDesk 5.4.4

    released 03/12/2011

    • Companies report
    • Javascript fixed for the ticket page
    • Lots of huge performance improvements
    • No auto-closing tickets in custom statuses
    • Translation improvements
    • IMAP support
    • "last updated" date fixed
    • Correct handling of multiple "to" in incoming support emails
    • Server-time-offset fixes
    • Company name can now be added to email templates
    • Safari compatibility issues
    • clearing custom field values when changing its type to "selectioncombo"
    • BBCode parser improvements ([code])
    • High-priority incoming email result in a high-priority ticket
    • Fixed mandatory fields check when closing
    • Showing section in summary report

    HelpDesk 5.4.3

    released 02/16/2011

    • Fixed filename when downloading attachments
    • Per-user language setting (in addition to the global setting)

    HelpDesk 5.4.2

    released 02/13/2011

  • When ticket is assigned to a tech, status changes to "in-process" only if it was "new"
  • No email notification when ticket is re-opened via sending an email
  • Security improvements
  • Admins can now set user passwords
  • Saved replies (templates) are now appended to the text, instead of overwriting
  • Performance improvements, SQL-upgrade script improvements (backward compatibility with really OLD versions)
  • New-ticket page fixes (validation errors)
  • Support widget iPad/iPhone issues fixed
  • "Ticket has been taken" message is now posted on behalf of the helpdesk technician
  • When the help desk receives an email with CC-addresses in it - it adds them to the newly created ticket as "subscribers"
  • Auto-closing inactive tickets after X days
  • Performance improvements
  • CSV user import
  • Logging users IP addresses for agents convenience
  • User assets are now shown on his profile page
  • HelpDesk 5.4.0

    released 01/24/2011

    • Fixed the dynamics report error
    • Fixed redirecting to tickets list after closing
    • Helpdesk now keeps track of merged tickets, so no emails are left behind

    HelpDesk 5.3.9

    released 01/23/2011

    • Improved new ticket notification format
    • Merge tickets improvements
    • Dynamics report correctly processes the ticket close date
    • Technicians report improvements
    • Closing a ticket redirects to the ticket list now
    • User search
    • Paging in the admin area users list

    HelpDesk 5.3.8

    released 01/19/2011

    • More improvements in the quoted-emails parser
    • Removed confirmation on closing a ticket
    • Translation improvements
    • Removed the full-trust setting from web.config

    HelpDesk 5.3.7

    released 01/17/2011

    • More improvements in the quoted-emails parser
    • Medium-trust improvements
    • New feature: removing subscribers from tickets. Some improvements when adding subscribers

    HelpDesk 5.3.6

    released 01/12/2011

    • Says "today" for current date events
    • Improved quoted-text remover in the email-checker
    • New feature - "hide comment from the Knowledge Base"
    • Minor helpdesk UI-improvements
    • New settings "disable assets"
    • If a file attachment is being added via email - a notification is also being sent
    • Ticket page now uses AJAX and comes with improved performance
    • When adding comment, it's not being "re-added" to the "recent ticket comments" section of the notifications email
    • Occasional SQL timeouts in 5.3.5 fixed

    HelpDesk 5.3.5

    released 01/09/2011

    • Minor Spanish translation improvements
    • Improved inline help
    • Fixed the occasional JS-error in the support widget under IE8
    • Fixed editing text-fields on iPad
    • Fixed the rare SQL issue with custom field names
    • No user-registration is sent when user is auto-created from the incoming email
    • Recent ticket history sent in the notifications formatted to look like quotes messages
    • Many general improvements
    • Fixed POP-email checker stops after being idle
    • Tickets list is now sorted by "last updated" by default - most recent tickets on top
    • Ctrl+Enter to add a message
    • Lots of UI-improvements, bigger fonts etc
    • When you add comment to a 'new' unassigned ticket, the helpdesk prompts it you want to take it over

    HelpDesk 5.3.2

    released 12/22/2010

    • Dynamics chart now supports https
    • Hosted version fixes
    • Fixed error when helpdesk app-pool was stopping itself accidentally because of the internal thread error

    HelpDesk 5.3.0

    released 12/21/2010

    • Recurring tickets - now you can schedule a repeating ticket
    • Fixed "potentially dangerous" error when submitting a ticket to the helpdesk
    • After editing a section - now redirects back to the list
    • Section is now shown when adding/removing category-permissions for a helpdesk technician
    • Closing a ticket is now prohibited when there are unset mandatory custom fields
    • Ticket subject now shown in the browser title bar.
    • Sections are now displayed in the email templates
    • Merging tickets
    • Minor fixes
    • Showing a number of tickets on all tabs
    • "Linking" related tickets together. Shown in "related tickets" section when viewing a ticket
    • Custom fields are now included into email notifications
    • Performance improvements for custom fields
    • Fixed editing ticket comments in the Knowledge-Base
    • UI-improvements: removed bold fonts from some headers, tabs etc (to keep users focused on tickets)
    • "Test email settings" button now allows selecting a custom email to send notification to
    • New awesome date-picker
    • New report: "Dynamics" chart shows how many tickets submitted/closed per day
    • Homepage open "recent messages" instead of news for admins/techs

    HelpDesk 5.2.6

    released 11/30/2010

    • Fixed the category-selection error on the "New ticket" page when there's only one section and all categories are in it.
    • Saving category details now redirects to the category list

    HelpDesk 5.2.5

    released 11/29/2010

    • Fixed Google Charts API when working over SSL
    • Fixed the DateTime-error on the homepage in v5.2.4

    HelpDesk 5.2.4

    released 11/29/2010

    • Assets: export to CSV
    • Fixed the "logout bug" when using windows-authentication with Chrome and FireFox
    • Fixed a serious bug with autocomplete user-suggestion box

    HelpDesk 5.2.3

    released 11/26/2010

    • Correct URL in email notifications for custom domains in hosted version
    • Translation improvements
    • Adjustable "Title" of the app
    • Number of tickets initially shown on the page increased to 70
    • Fixed: sorting tickets after clicking the "more" link
    • Shared secret generator (for the autologin feature)
    • Improved ajax category selector on the new-ticket page

    HelpDesk 5.2.2

    released 11/17/2010

    • Fixed error on the tickets list
    • Custom domains for the hosted version

    HelpDesk 5.2.1

    released 11/17/2010

    • Fixed adding subscribers Javascript
    • AJAX "more" button in the tickets list when there's a lot of tickets to show
    • Fixed SSL-issues with POP email checker on 64 bit systems

    HelpDesk 5.2.0

    released 11/10/2010

    • Adding comments to closed tickets (with an "are you sure" confirmation)
    • Minor UI improvements
    • Hosted version POP-checker improvements
    • Category routing for POP-email accounts
    • New admin page design
    • Automatically checks for new versions
    • Fixed adding issues/comments from iPhones/iPads and Androids
    • Company is now shown on the tickets list, clicking the company name show tickets from that company
    • Improved design for the "tickets from user" and "tickets from company" filters
    • Filtering Assets by name and/or location

    HelpDesk 5.1.9

    released 10/30/2010

    • Fixed company-filtered ticket list (tab links)
    • Support for MULTIPLE incoming email-accounts
    • Some visual improvements
    • Fixed reopening a ticket

    HelpDesk 5.1.8

    released 10/29/2010

    • Fixed the "updated by tech" flag right after submitting an issue
    • Fixed the bulk actions error when performed on ALL tickets in the list
    • Time-spent editing permissions
    • Better tracing user "companies" - viewing tickets by company etc. etc.
    • Fixed the "ajaxutils" false error notification
    • Users-autocomplete suggestion list is now sorted alphabetically
    • Email template now renders ticket-submitter fullname (if specified)
    • New-ticket notifications are not sent to techs if this setting is disabled
    • Tech-only comments are not shown on the homepage "recent messages" section
    • Source codes converted to VS 2010 format
    • Fixed: submitting tickets straight to the Knowledge Base
    • Added user export to CSV
    • Custom fields are now displayed on the ticket-print page
    • Can now print tickets right from the Knowledge base

    HelpDesk 5.1.6

    released 09/26/2010

    • Deleting ticket improved (performance issues)
    • "Recent messages" list on the homepage now does not show closed tickets to save space
    • BBCode parser now supports the [font] tag that can be used for editing the email templates
    • Search can find tickets by ID by entering the ID right into the search field
    • Improved email-checker - does not stop after the server has been idle for some time
    • Minor notifications-engine improvements
    • Ajax-based priority changer, more ajax-improvements when editing a ticket
    • Tickets "last-updated" field now corresponds with "server time offset"
    • Working with tickets right from the "tickets" list - assign to techs, change priority
    • Improved installer, updated manual, new, simpler database version upgrade procedure
    • Russian language

    HelpDesk 5.1.5

    released 09/05/2010

    • Incoming email HTML-parser improvements
    • Correct "ticket hours spent" validation for non-US cultures
    • The "today/tomorrow/yesterday" splitter now works with server time offset correctly
    • Recent updates area added to the homepage
    • A default "new ticket" message is not added to a ticket when it's created
    • Fixed a small error when clicking "take" button

    HelpDesk 5.1.3

    released 08/29/2010

    • Improved installer
    • Priority filter in the ticket report
    • Numbered list support in the WYSIWYG editor
    • Saving answer-templates aka "canned responses" for tickets
    • AD-sync improvements, new button "sync this user from AD" on the user page

    HelpDesk 5.1.2

    released 08/02/2010

    • Disabled users are not shown when submitting a ticket "on behalf"
    • Incoming email parser improvements

    HelpDesk 5.1.0

    released 08/01/2010

    • Improved the user-suggestion box when adding a ticket subscriber
    • Disabling a user now works even with Widows-authentication enabled
    • Visually improved rich-text editor
    • BBCode engine optimizations

    HelpDesk 5.0.9

    released 07/23/2010

    • Fixed comment line-feed issue in Firefox/Chrome/Safari
    • Fixed the ticket comment-editor
    • New option "disable the close-ticket notification"
    • The rich-text editor now auto-resizes itself when typing text - in the new ticket submission form & ticket commenting window
    • User-creation modules improved (when used with windows-authentication)
    • After changing the ticket category, a notification is not sent anymore if there's a technician assigned to a ticket
    • Setting/removing the "techs only" flag when editing a comment

    HelpDesk 5.0.8

    released 07/11/2010

    • Improved bounce-emails filter
    • Attaching a file with the same name overwrites it
    • Adding comments to a tickt is now asynchronous (AJAX)
    • New feature: deleting a comment from a ticket
    • Report diagrams now show numbers in the legend
    • Improved incoming emails MIME parser
    • Fixed: custom status buttons shown to administrators and techs only
    • Fixed: if an incoming email contains an link - it's saved correctly in the system
    • Active category/section is no highlighted in the tree on the "tickets" page and knowledge-base
    • "Check availability" link when registering a new helpdesk user
    • Other minor improvements

    HelpDesk 5.0.7

    released 06/25/2010

    • Section name shown in the ticket list
    • Improved "tree" in the list
    • Some Chrome/Safari improvements
    • Fixed the non-latin cheracters in the subject of outgooing email notifications
    • Lots of minor improvements
    • Email notification about a file attachment now contains a link to the file
    • No more notification about a file deletion
    • Improved incoming emails parser - efficiently removes quoted messages

    HelpDesk 5.0.5

    released 06/20/2010

    • Improved custom helpdesk ticket status deletion
    • Ticket section is now displayed on the ticket page
    • Some CSS improvements
    • Fixed the auto-focusing on the new comment box in Opera, Safari and Chrome browsers
    • Fixed saving the SMTP/POP passwords after testing them
    • Fixed the "ticket updated by user/tech" icons
    • Fixed validation error when editing a message in the log
    • Enabling/Disabling users
    • "Techs-only" comments are not being sent in the "recent messages" notification emails
    • Improved helpdesk user registration engine
    • Minor visual improvements
    • Fixed double line-feed in the ticket wysiwyg editor in Chrom, Safari and other webkit-based browsers
    • Incoming email-2-ticket parser improvements
    • Improveed default email template

    HelpDesk 5.0.4

    released 06/09/2010

    • Email-sender improvements

    HelpDesk 5.0.3

    released 06/08/2010

    • Fixed custom status deletion
    • The ticket subject is now limited to 100 characters, not 40
    • Fixed incoming emails checker

    HelpDesk 5.0.1

    released 06/06/2010

    • Fixed: rare error when adding subscribers to a ticket
    • Fixed: disabling the knowledge-base now also removes it from the dashboard
    • Fixed: "Out-of-memory" error when showing really bug tickets (50k+ text).
    • Customizing the menu-tab text color
    • Correct "Updated by tech/customer" flagging when attaching/removing a file to/from a ticket
    • Improved email engine and "test SMTP" button
    • Correct log message when removing a file from a ticket
    • Administrators can now remove any file attachments from any ticket
    • Minor disabling-escalations issues fixed
    • Improved GUI - better icons on the main page etc

    HelpDesk 4.9.7

    released 05/20/2010

    • Major email-module improvements, fixed a bug that prevented sending message-log updates under some conditions
    • Some usability improvements on the user editor forms

    HelpDesk 4.9.6

    released 05/19/2010

    • Some bug fixes in the email notification module

    HelpDesk 4.9.5

    released 05/17/2010

    • Slightly improved knowledge-base interface
    • Fixed email sending module ("loop" protection)
    • Improved "update by tech" ticket flagging
    • Fixed adding the unneeded "arrow" when the comment is addressed to all "ticket subscribers"
    • Fixed the default sorting issue with IE8

    HelpDesk 4.9.4

    released 05/11/2010

    • New setting - "Disable Knowledge-base"
    • Status filter in the summary report
    • Fixed date-time parse error in the summary report
    • Slightly improved UI of the assets and reports pages

    HelpDesk 4.9.3

    released 05/07/2010

    • Correct news rendering at the home page
    • Custom fields date sorting
    • Improved escalation engine: "smart" algorythm that prevents spamming
    • Improved HTML-markup for webkit-based browsers compatibility (Chrome, Safari)
    • Mail-checker improvements (turns off after 5 fail attempts)
    • Mail-sender improvements (bcc-engine)
    • Improved manual
    • Improved homepage
    • "Recently viewed tickets" dropdown
    • Fixed report Excel-export for non-english characters
    • Better charting in the summary report (using Google Charts engine)
    • Some fixes for Webkit-based browsers
    • Default category can now be set to an empty value
    • New asset attributes - "Serial Number", "Location", "Comments"
    • Summary report can now be based on a custom field
    • Many other improvements

    HelpDesk 4.9.1

    released 04/14/2010

    • Finally fixed custom fields date sorting
    • Manually added subscribers can leave comments on the ticket
    • Fixed https-warnings on sortable pages

    HelpDesk 4.9.0

    released 04/13/2010

    • Minor fixes
    • Hosted version SSL improvements
    • Email-sending module improvements it now works through CDONTS, instead of .NET-builtin smtp-support which has known bugs confirmed by Microsoft
    • Admin panel - improved custom-status deletion
    • Fixed: re-opening a ticket
    • Fixed: subscriber permissions - when a subscriber added to a ticket, he receives permissions to open the ticket and post replies etc.
    • Hosted version improvements (instance name check)
    • Fixed: Email template processing (latest messages)
    • Minor ticket updates (re-open ticket or change category) is now emailed to technicians only
    • Clickable Sections in the Knowledge-Base tree navigation
    • Improved date sorting in the lists

    HelpDesk 4.8.2

    released 04/03/2010

    • WYSIWYG editor improvements
    • HTML email notifications (optional)
    • Mandatory custom fields option
    • Custom fields custom sorting
    • Performance improvements
    • UI improvements
    • Fixed error when viewing custom fields ticket under non-admin account
    • Fixed email-sending latencies when creating a new user

    HelpDesk 4.7.1

    released 03/26/2010

    • Improved asset deletion procedure
    • Some IE7 compatibility issues fixed
    • Restored TicketID in the ticket list
    • Minor improvements
    • Sections are now clickable in the tree

    HelpDesk 4.7.0

    released 03/25/2010

    • Asset management
    • Proper redirection after logging in in Firefox
    • "Assign" link in the tickets list
    • Proper sorting of the tickets list
    • "Assets assigned" field on the user profile page
    • Email replies processing fixes
    • Prevent dupe notification "ticket reopened" when user replies to a ticket by email
    • Tooltip for the ticket submitter that shows his company, email, phone etc.
    • Fixed the tickets list date filter

    HelpDesk 4.6.4

    released 03/18/2010

    • Backup email accounts
    • Subscribers engine improvements
    • Fixed ticket deletion from the tickets list
    • Minor ticket list improvements
    • 5 recent news are now shown on the homepage
    • Fixed the custom field editor (not saving the "techs only" attribute properly)
    • Custom menu tabs color
    • Email-sender performance improvements

    HelpDesk 4.6.3

    released 03/12/2010

    • Mail Checker improvements (null reference exception when adding a new user during incoming email parsing)
    • Performance improvements
    • Incoming email parser improvements (preserving line breaks)
    • Removed email truncating modules
    • Interface improvements, IE7 compatibility improvements
    • "Default category for new tickets" fixed
    • Improved admin area documentation
    • Support widget for websites! - a great way to integrate the helpdesk into a website
    • Ticket category is shown in the list when the "all categories" mode is active
    • "For technicians only" custom fields
    • Fixes when editing "unset" custom fields
    • Hindi translation improvements

    HelpDesk 4.6

    released 03/01/2010

    • Fixed the "NewIssue" error

    HelpDesk 4.5.4

    released 03/01/2010

    • Lost password email fixed
    • Some multithreading fixes for the helpdesk settings engine
    • Imcoming email processor improvements (ticket URL in the welcome email)
    • Showing Custom Fields in the Summary report
    • Faster chart processing in the Summary report
    • Correct redirection after the login form
    • Improved AD-integration (queries for user's email, names etc.)
    • Improved email checker (filters out bouncing emails)
    • Notes and Tickets database types changed to nvarchar(max) to store unlimited texts
    • Spanish translation improvements
    • Updated manual
    • Performance improvements
    • Hindi, Arabic languages

    HelpDesk 4.5.3

    released 02/17/2010

    • Fixed saving the email subject template
    • Escalation engine improvements
    • User permission editor fixes
    • German translation improvements
    • New user field - "Company"
    • Trial version now allows changing the language

    HelpDesk 4.5.1

    released 02/15/2010

    • Small bugfix, when automatically adding a new user after getting a ticket by email

    HelpDesk 4.5.0

    released 02/14/2010

    • No more "My issues" and "Others issues" separate pages. There's only one page now - Tickets. That shows all tickets that the current user has permissions to view.
    • "Issues" are renamed to "Tickets" throughout the application UI, an industry standard
    • All new redesigned main ticket page
    • Lots of visual improvements in the admin area
    • new feature: editing user's permissions on both user page and ticket-category page
    • Incoming email handler was not sending a "welcome" email after creating a new user in the HelpDesk
    • Custom statuses fixes for the hosted version

    HelpDesk 4.0.4

    released 02/02/2010

    • Hebrew language
    • When a right-to-left language is selected in the admin panel, the pages are automatically rendered right-to-left ("dir=rtl" is added)
    • Logout link is removed from the "home" tab for Windows-authenticated users
    • "Ticket Status" added to the email notifications
    • Custom statuses for tickets!
    • Overall improvements

    HelpDesk 4.0.2

    released 01/19/2010

    • Fixed error, sometimes fired when deleting an issue
    • Passwords on the "settings" page are changed back to regular text-boxes instead of "password-fields" due to a popular demand.
    • Improved escalating job, better error processing
    • Slightly updated images

    HelpDesk 4.0.0

    released 01/18/2010

    • Design improvements
    • Hidden passwords on the settings page
    • New tab-based design and a new tab "Unassigned issues"
    • Migrated to ASP.NET 3.5
    • AJAX improvements
    • New feature - "Ticket subscribers", a list of users who get notification of ticket events + addressing particular comments to particular users
    • New feature - Escalation - if a ticket is not updated within X hours, a notification is sent to all subscribers and an administrator
    • "Last updated" field, great to sort by.

    HelpDesk 3.7.0

    released 01/04/2010

    • Fixed email subjects in notifications
    • Improved notifications engine - DisplayName

    HelpDesk 3.6.9

    released 01/03/2010

    • Nowrap on the Active-Issues page
    • Fixed bug: error when saving settings

    HelpDesk 3.6.7

    released 12/29/2009

    • Hosted helpdesk email-checker improvements
    • Fixed: space in custom field names lead to errors sometimes
    • Sortable users list in the admin panel
    • Fixed: possible null-exception when submitting a support ticket when admin edits the custom fields at the same time
    • Transactional category deletion
    • Search custom fields
    • Improved helpdesk search page and engine
    • New language - Turkish
    • Captcha-image is now served by an HttpHandler which is much faster
    • Improved BBCode-HTML converter, email-parser
    • Fixed installer (proper password generation)
    • No "takeover" notification for user
    • "Start date" field for helpdesk tickets
    • Design improvements
    • New language - Polish

    HelpDesk 3.6.4

    released 12/02/2009

    • Hosted helpdesk version improvements
    • Removed unneeded attachment notifications
    • Quoted messages are not removed from an incoming email if the email is not a reply but a new ticket from a user
    • Fixed: hitting F5 and resending info to a browser after deleting an issue from a grid was leading to deleting the next issue in the list
    • UI improvements
    • Fixed: editing some tickets in the helpdesk's Knowledge base was throwing a "potentially dangerous" exception sometimes
    • "Add all" and "Remove all" buttons on the permission editor page
    • Correct ticket lists displaying
    • Enlarged "username" and "email" fields in the database
    • Search now looks at the message-log also
    • New setting - "ServerTimeOffset"
    • Edit messages in the ticket message-log
    • "Print ticket" command
    • "Submit ticket on behalf" - users list is now sorted alphabetically
    • SQL performance improvements (indexes)
    • Custom fields are now shown on the "Active Issues" page
    • Improved full-version setup
    • "Average time spent" added to the "Summary" report

    HelpDesk 3.6.3

    released 10/21/2009

    • Removed domain-name from the "assigned to" label
    • Fixed the "test" error message when posting a ticket

    HelpDesk 3.6.2

    released 10/07/2009

    • Fixed the bug when admins were sometimes unable to assign issues to help desk technicians
    • Proper priority sorting on the "my issues" page
    • Fixed the "not yet" error on the autologin-page
    • Improved WYSIWYG editor
    • Custom fields
    • News engine fixed (hosted version only)
    • Fixed new-issue error on databases with case-sensitive collation
    • Updated helpdesk installation manual
    • Editing issues in the Knowledge-base
    • Improved admin panel

    HelpDesk 3.6.1

    released 09/21/2009

    • Fixed sorting in the ticket grids

    HelpDesk 3.6.0

    released 09/20/2009

    • Fixed the "noaccess"-page error
    • Optimized and compressed date javascript
    • Users list in the category permission editor is now sorted
    • Fixed Firefox problems with spaces in file attachments
    • Fixed helpdesk news RSS feed
    • Fixed email subject template saving
    • Fixed incoming email attachments processing
    • Improved WYSIWYG ticket-text editor
    • Proper priority sorting in grids

    HelpDesk 3.5.9

    released 09/04/2009

    • Better exception handling
    • HoursSpent is now shown in the summary report
    • Translation improvements
    • Fixed the "validation" error on the ticket-submission page
    • Fixed the "Assign a technician" button on the ticket page

    HelpDesk 3.5.7

    released 08/27/2009

    • "Add comment for techs" fixed

    HelpDesk 3.5.6

    released 08/22/2009

    • News - add news and announcements to your helpdesk
    • Section field is now optional - it's not displayed on the new-ticket page when theres no sections
    • Slightly redesigned ticket page
    • Fixed the message log design in Knowledge-Base
    • General UI improvements

    HelpDesk 3.5.2

    released 08/20/2009

    • Some hosted help desk version improvements
    • Improved MIME parser for insoming email messages: optimized performance, correct non-latin chars handling, HTML-parser

    HelpDesk 3.5.1

    released 08/18/2009

    • Removing CRLFs from incoming emails
    • Hosted version improvements
    • Unicode support (varchar fields upgraded to nvarchar)
    • Fixed: incoming emails incorrect encoding, quoted-printable parsing and umlauts
    • Optimized and compressed javascripts
    • WYSIWYG rich-editor with a color-picker for ticket text and comments
    • Security improvements

    HelpDesk 3.5.0

    released 08/14/2009

    • Fixed: lost carriage returns in email notifications
    • "Hours Spent" now accepts decimal values
    • Nice "no access" message
    • Improved "Lost password" functionality
    • When a technician or administrator creates a user - a "welcome email" is sent to that user with his login/password
    • When a technician creates a new user to submit a new issue "on behalf" - the newly created user is preselected on the new-issue page
    • The last 5 comments are now included in email notifications for convenience
    • Feature: sending email to the ticket user from the ticket page and from the user-profile page (via "mailto" link, admins and techs only)
    • "Get issues by user" search improved
    • Improved Date-Picker
    • Improved AD-module (timeout added - if AD-server is not responding)
    • New admin feature - deleting multiple issues at a time, multiple users at a time

    HelpDesk 3.3.9

    released 08/10/2009

    • Logo image always reverted back to original when saving settings
    • Older SQL Server versions compatibility (2000)

    HelpDesk 3.3.7

    released 08/04/2009

    • Preventing duplicate email notifications
    • Default issue subject for empty emails
    • Customizable logo and header/menu colors (via the admin panel - and you can still simply edit the HTML-code in the files in downloadable version)
    • Fixed - "Close date" was not always set when closing an issue
    • File attachments are now about 5% faster by using IHttpHandler instead of pages

    HelpDesk 3.3.6

    released 08/03/2009

    • Detailed message when POP-connector throws an error
    • Fixed the captcha error that sometimes happened on the "New-Issue" page
    • Spanish version

    HelpDesk 3.3.5

    released 07/30/2009

    • "Hours spent" field validation
    • Sending a welcome email (with username/password) when a user submits an issue without registering
    • JS error in user editor fixed
    • Improved category permission editor (backend)
    • Summary report now shows recent log entries next to issues
    • Ticket search results now also show recent log entries
    • Improved design

    HelpDesk 3.3.3

    released 07/27/2009

    • Domain-Name removed from the "issue taken" notification
    • Improved installer
    • The "get help" link moved to top
    • Option - everyone sees everyone's tickets
    • Option - to use Jitbit's SMTP server (for hosted version only)
    • New ticket-property - "Hours spent"
    • Proper "remember me" checkbox processing

    HelpDesk 3.3.2

    released 07/17/2009

    • Fixed the occasional "Null reference" error when sending a ticket notification

    HelpDesk 3.3.1

    released 07/16/2009

    • Redesigned "new ticket" form
    • Minor design improvements
    • Fixed email checker when reopening a ticket after getting an email
    • Categories tree on "My tickets" page
    • Improved user deletion functions
    • Improved IE6 (and lower) compatibility
    • Removed domain-name from the "logged in as" label and emails
    • Option to switch off error logging in the "web.config"
    • Improved incoming email attachments processing

    HelpDesk 3.3

    released 06/14/2009

    • admin GUI improvements
    • Comment in the subject line
    • "Add comment" buttons disabled if issue closed
    • Replaying to a closed ticket by email reopens it
    • Improved SQL setup scripts
    • Fixed BBCode parsing when creating issues from email
    • Fixed email attachments handling
    • Email uniqueness check improved
    • Quoted-Printable parser improved
    • Performance imrpovements (mail-checker timer)
    • MD5 password
    • Timeout brute-force protection
    • Optimized POP-email connector
    • New cool buttons in the admin panel: "Test SMTP settings" and "Test POP settings"
    • Email Subject Template
    • New "#Originator#" template field for emails
    • Improved default template

    HelpDesk 3.2.2

    released 05/13/2009

    • Optionally disable Knowledge-Base for unregistered users
    • Slight design improvements (icons, backgrounds)
    • "[table]" BBCode tag support
    • Rich-formatting in message log
    • "New ticket on-behalf" improved

    HelpDesk 3.2.1

    released 04/18/2009

    • Fixed category drop-down lists in the admin panel
    • Fixed some email-checker errors
    • An option to enable/disable anonymous ticket submission

    HelpDesk 3.2.0

    released 04/17/2009

    • Option to remove the anonymous ticket submission from the login page
    • Less limitations in the trial version
    • jQuery upgrade
    • "Datepicker" on date field in the reporting area
    • General UI improvements
    • Search tickets by date
    • Dutch language fix - nl-NL
    • Minor bug fixes

    HelpDesk 3.1.8

    released 04/07/2009

    • Adjustable "new issue" text when changing category
    • Default category for new issues
    • Separate email notification when changing category
    • Assign tech - changes status, sends localized tech msg
    • Fixed: POP email checker dies when IIS recycles an app-pool
    • Tech only KB - nice icon
    • KB fix (not logged in), KB switch fixed
    • en-GB language added (for correct date formatting)
    • Error email notifier
    • Attach multiple files when posting a new issue
    • "Send email" user flag (if one does not want any emails)
    • Get phone, location and username from AD
    • Improved HTML-parser for incoming emails
    • Bigger textarea for adding comment
    • In-plce user creation when submitting an issue "on behalf"

    HelpDesk 3.1.6

    released 01/20/2009

    • Improved installer: fixed the "could not load type HelpDesk.Global" error at startup, improved strong password generator in the database creation module
    • Fixed the "peekaboo" bug in IE6
    • Danish language
    • Techs can also submit issue on behalf (not just admins)
    • Change category module fixed

    HelpDesk 3.1.5

    released 01/09/2009

    • "del from kb" button is shown in KB
    • Visual Studio 2008
    • KB now shows non-system log entries only
    • Phone, location attributes for users
    • Italian language
    • Dutch language
    • moving tickets between categories allowed for regular technicians (non-admins)
    • IE6 fix

    HelpDesk 3.1.4

    released 10/24/2008

    • fixed "techs only" email notifications
    • AD email is not overwritten when the email field is empty
    • AD errors and email errors are now logged in the Windows Event Log
    • enlarged textbox when posting a comment to the log
    • some server 2008 compatibility improvements

    HelpDesk 3.1.3

    released 10/10/2008

    • Swedish language
    • fixed "user already exists" error when there's a problem getting user's email from AD
    • "logout" link is hidden when using windows auth
    • fixed email-import module address parser
    • improved performance

    HelpDesk 3.1.2

    released 09/26/2008

    • adding a log record when assigning a rep
    • French language
    • fixed error message when email is already registered
    • short email subject when a new comment is added
    • techs only notification option
    • updated inline help
    • populate email from AD every time a user connects
    • improved performance
    • improved error processing in email checker

    HelpDesk 3.1.1

    released 08/08/2008

    • Improved installer
    • When moving an issue no email to mover
    • shortened email notification subject
    • some typos corrected
    • only admins can see other users emails
    • issues list ordered - newest on top
    • techs only Knowledge Base

    HelpDesk 3.1.0

    released 06/24/2008

    • Improved search
    • Updated manual
    • Strip HTML from incoming emails
    • BBCode support and Rich formatting
    • Usernames are displayed without the domain
    • Improved message-log (now looks like a forum), improved formatting
    • Attaching files is now logged
    • Improved comments engine
    • Redirecting to the ticket submission form after registering
    • Easier human readable captcha
    • Improved CSS

    HelpDesk 3.0.0

    released 05/27/2008

    • All-new interface design
    • Handling incoming email attachments (files are attached to an issue)
    • Improved installer
    • Updated manual
    • User email confirmation when an issue is submitted
    • Improved admin panel (user management)
    • Other minor improvements

    HelpDesk 2.8.6

    released 04/10/2008

    • Improved sections processing in search and "change category" dialogs

    HelpDesk 2.8.4

    released 03/18/2008

    • Sections (organize categories to "folders"
    • Issue ID is clickable in the grids
    • edit issue (admins only)
    • search KB
    • localized "lost password" email
    • improved user report
    • "issues by user" stats
    • many minor improvements through the Helpdesk application

    HelpDesk 2.8.3

    released 02/29/2008

    • Hotfix - new issues hidden from the active grid

    HelpDesk 2.8.2

    released 02/27/2008

    • sometime hang with incorrect email settings
    • proper HTML-formatting in KB
    • improved async email thread performance
    • notify technician when he is assigned to an issue
    • notify technician an issue moved to his category
    • techician name in active issues grid
    • CSS improvements (grid formatting)

    HelpDesk 2.8.1

    released 02/08/2008

    • Fixed: close/re-open issue email was sent even when notifications are disabled
    • Localized priority description
    • Priority is included in email notifications

    HelpDesk 2.8.0

    released 01/28/2008

    • Portuguese language
    • Norwegian language
    • Better Active-Directory integration (automatically gets user's email from AD)
    • Improved email parser
    • Export reports to Excel

    HelpDesk 2.7.8

    released 12/19/2007

    • Email-template being reset under certain IIS timeout settings - fixed
    • Improved issue commenting

    HelpDesk 2.7.6

    released 12/05/2007

    • CR/LF comment error fixed
    • German translation improvements in reports

    HelpDesk 2.7.5

    released 12/03/2007

    • <br/> problem fixed
    • categories are sorted alphabetically
    • German language improvements
    • performance improvements

    HelpDesk 2.7.4

    released 11/30/2007

    • Email sending fixed
    • Improved pie-charts
    • Improved comment parsing

    HelpDesk 2.7.3

    released 11/28/2007

    • Customizable email notification text
    • Pie-chart diagram in "Summary" helpdesk report
    • "Comments" field for a user, where admin can store some additional user info like a hardware profile
    • Email notifications are enabled in the evaluation version
    • "From" field added to issue grid
    • Limiting the attachment file size
    • More general improvements

    HelpDesk 2.7.2

    released 11/09/2007

    • Email SMTP integration may not work under certain conditions - fixed

    HelpDesk 2.7.1

    released 11/08/2007

    • Much improved HelpDesk installer
    • Added "FirstName", "LastName" columns to the user reports

    HelpDesk 2.7.0

    released 11/01/2007

    • Improved email checker, which creates helpdesk issues from incoming emails
    • Fixed improper "remember me" behaviour
    • "Home" link always visible (even for non-authenticated help-desk users)
    • More detailed email notifications
    • Improved user deletion procedure (clean-up)
    • Reworked statistics (performance optimizations), added "closed date" parameter and "issue duration" stats
    • Now Multilingual German language added, more to come!
    • Issue formatting: line-breaks are preserved

    HelpDesk 2.6.1

    released 09/21/2007

    • Minor email-module improvements
    • Optimized performance

    HelpDesk 2.6.0

    released 09/20/2007

    • Fixed error converting too large emails into helpdesk issues
    • Fixed incorrect saving POP-port settings
    • Fixed empty issue body when HelpDesk imports multipart MIME messages with nested structure
    • improved injection-security
    • confirmation dialog when closing a helpdesk issue

    HelpDesk 2.5.10

    released 09/07/2007

    • Fixed a email-password swap bug when registering users

    HelpDesk 2.5.9

    released 08/27/2007

    • "My Issues" page now show issues submitted by user, AND handled by user, with an option to switch views (handled only/submitted only/all/archive)

    HelpDesk 2.5.8

    released 08/20/2007

    • Search Issue by ID
    • Show issue ID in grids
    • Fixed bug with adding a category
    • General improvements

    HelpDesk 2.5.7

    released 08/16/2007

    • Clean XHTML-code
    • CSS-improvements
    • Ability to browse the HelpDesk's Knowledge Base without logging in
    • Storing first/last users' names
    • Improved performance
    • Reduced page size
    • other general improvements

    HelpDesk 2.5.5

    released 07/29/2007

    • Submitting helpdesk-issues on behalf of other users
    • Issue-priority feature

    HelpDesk 2.5

    released 07/06/2007

    • Mail-IN feature which allows auto-creating helpdesk incidents based on incoming emails
    • Improved postback verification when submitting a new incident to help-desk
    • administrator panel improvements
    • "Lost password" link for registered users
    • SSL option to connect to SMTP-server
    • "Phrases.config" file which holds common phrases for emails and comments
    • Ability to restrict incident-deletion

    HelpDesk 2.0.1

    released 04/30/2007

    • Improved email engine
    • "Captcha" image on a registration form
    • Improved design, look and feel
    • Configurable SMTP-Port
    • Many other improvements

    HelpDesk 1.9.0

    released 01/20/2007

    • Added Windows-integrated authentication support
    • Cheaper prices, source code available (ASP.NET, C#)

    HelpDesk 1.8.1

    released 12/26/2006

    • Sortable grids
    • Reports
    • More settings
    • Improved user-interface
    • Improved installer
    • File attachments
    • and many more!

    HelpDesk 1.6.1

    released 12/07/2006

    • Updated installer - allows installing Jitbit HelpDesk on a remote SQL-server

    HelpDesk 1.6.0

    released 10/24/2006

    • Added single sign-on feature for easy integrating Jitbit Help-Desk into existing ASP.NET websites and applications