Full description of all Automation Rules triggers, actions, and conditions

Automation Rules is a very powerful Jitbit feature. Rules are an "if this then that engine" and it helps our customers automate the most boring parts of their job. A typical rule consists of three parts:

  1. A trigger. In other words, execute this rule when something happens. It could be a new ticket, a new reply, a status change, etc.
  2. Conditions. A rule will continue to execute only when the conditions are met - for example, if a ticket comes from John Smith and it is Thursday. There could be multiple conditions or even no conditions at all.
  3. Actions. The whole point of a rule is to do something with a ticket - we call it actions. For example, assign a ticket to Max.

This article describes every trigger, condition, and action that we currently have.


Start executing a rule when one of the following events happens.

  • Ticket is created - run a rule every time a ticket gets created
  • Ticket becomes overdue - if a ticket due date is set and a ticket becomes overdue
  • Ticket has not been updated for 30 minutes or more - there were no new ticket replies for some time
  • Ticket is closed - fires when a ticket is being closed
  • A new reply is added to a ticket - a new reply from anyone is added in the support ticket
  • Ticket is moved to a new category - runs every time a ticket category is changed
  • Ticket is assigned to a user - when a tech is assigned to a ticket
  • Ticket status has changed - when a status is changed to any other status, including "closed"
  • Ticket priority has changed - runs when a priority is changed by a user or an agent
  • A new reply from ticket-submitter - a new reply is added, but only from the user who created the ticket
  • Ticket is re-opened - when the status was closed but got changed to something else
  • A custom field has been edited in a ticket - triggered when any of the custom field values are changed
  • Ticket due date has changed - runs when a due date is set or changed
  • Tag is added to a ticket - when a ticket gets tagged

Also, we have an additional trigger for power users "Triggered by another rule". It lets you chain multiple rules together to create truly complex automation scenarios.


You can add multiple conditions to a rule. The actions will only execute if the conditions are met. The conditions are optional - you can skip adding them if you just want the actions to be executed on a trigger.

It should be noted that most conditions have a "negative" option. For example, the "due date is set" condition can also be used as "a due date is NOT set".

  • Ticket is overdue by - a ticket is overdue by a set number of hours. Includes an option to consider the working hours setting.
  • Ticket is 'on-behalf', logged by technician X - is ticket submitted on behalf of a customer by a certain tech.
  • Ticket has tag - a ticket has a certain tag.
  • Custom field equals - a custom field has a set value.
  • Custom field was updated and the field is - when a custom field gets updated. Works well with the custom field trigger.
  • Ticket was not updated for - there were no replies from techs in X minutes.
  • Latest reply contains - searches the reply text for a match.
  • Latest reply came from a non-subscriber - if a new reply comes from a user who is not currently a subscriber
  • Technician is looking at the ticket - this condition is met when a technician currently has a ticket opened in a browser or in the mobile app.
  • Latest responder's email contains - use this condition to see if a ticket comes from a specific email domain. Like, "email contains @abc.com"
  • Ticket will be overdue in X hours or less - use this automation condition to run some actions before a ticket becomes overdue
  • Ticket is 'unanswered' - the last time a ticket was updated it was not done by a tech
  • Ticket's assigned tech is 'out of office' - techs in Jitbit can set themselves as "out of office" in their profiles.
  • Ticket is 'updated by tech' - the last reply is from a tech.
  • Ticket is 'updated for tech' - the last reply is for techs only.
  • Ticket is 'updated by customer' - the last reply is from the ticket creator.
  • Ticket is unassigned - a ticket has no assigned support agent
  • Ticket due date is set - if a ticket has a due date
  • Ticket priority is - check if the ticket priority matches the desired one
  • Ticket category or section is - if a ticket category matches the needed one
  • Ticket status is - see if what status a ticket currently has
  • Ticket subject contains or equals - searches the ticket subject for a match.
  • Ticket body contains - searches the ticket body for a string.
  • Current time is between - a current time of the day in hours
  • Current day of week is - check the day of the week
  • Ticket submitter email contains - same as the generic "email contains" condition, but just for the ticket creator
  • Ticket comes via email and the TO field contains - check the email address was sent to. If you have multiple support mailboxes use this condition to check which one was used to submit the ticket
  • Ticket submitter's 'user-lookup' data contains - read more about user lookup.
  • Ticket comes via - the options include email, mobile app, web, live chat, etc.
  • Ticket has zero replies - there are no replies in this ticket. Does not include system replies
  • Ticket comes from company - if a ticket comes from a user that belongs to a specific company
  • Ticket is assigned to - check the assigned tech
  • Ticket comes from department - see if a ticket comes from a user from a specific department
  • Ticket comes from location - meaning the location set in the ticket creator profile


The actions part describes what a rule actually does. Every rule has to have at least one action.

  • Assign to - assign a ticket to a certain tech
  • Add/remove subscriber - alter the list of the support ticket subscribers. Subscribers can view and add replies to tickets
  • Add reply to the ticket - could be set to be a reply for techs only
  • Add related asset to the ticket - set one or more related assets from our asset management module
  • Set start date - allows you to changed the start date. The start date is used to calculate some support metrics, such as resolution time
  • Delay - wait a set amount of time before the rest is executed
  • Set custom field value - set any custom field to the desired value
  • Send email to admins - send an email to all admins
  • Send email to all ticket subscribers - send an email to all subscribers. This is not a ticket reply, but a direct email.
  • Send email to users in a department - send email to a specific department
  • Close the ticket - set the ticket as closed
  • Set ticket subject - change the ticket subject
  • Clone the ticket - make an exact copy of a ticket
  • Delete ticket - you can find deleted tickets in Reports - Deleted tickets
  • Mark ticket as spam - deletes a ticket and disables the ticket creator
  • Reopen the ticket - set the ticket to "in progress"
  • Merge with previous ticket from this user - merges the two last tickets from the same user together
  • Mark the ticket as unanswered - add an "unanswered" (orange) badge to the ticket
  • Mark the ticket as 'upd FOR tech' - add an "updated for tech" (blue) badge
  • Mark latest reply 'for techs only' - make the last reply visible to technicians only
  • Mark the ticket as answered - remove the "unanswered" badge
  • Send email to all techs in the ticket category - email every tech that has permissions to handle tickets in the ticket category
  • Trigger another automation rule - this action is used to chain multiple rules together
  • Send email to assigned tech - send an email just to the assigned agent
  • Send email to ticket submitter - sens an email to the user who created the ticket
  • Add X minutes to 'Time Spent' - increase the time spent on the ticket
  • Send email to particular user - send an email to any user registered in your helpdesk
  • Set due date - set a ticket due date to a relative time in the future
  • Cancel further email notifications for this event - do not send any other email notifications, like new ticket confirmation
  • Set ticket status - set any status, including custom ones
  • Set ticket submitter - change the user who submitted the ticket
  • Set ticket priority - change ticket priority
  • Add/remove a tag - alter the ticket tags
  • Remove all tags - clear all the tags from the ticket
  • Remove all subscribers - unsubscribe everyone from the ticket
  • Set ticket category - change the ticket category to a different one
  • Send HTTP request - you can use this action to send a request to a third-party API or service.
  • Assign to least busy technician - assign the technician who has the least active tickets

Every rule also has an "else do this" section. It can also contain actions that will be executed if the conditions were not met.

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