Great Value Support Ticket Software
Jitbit Helpdesk support ticket software is crafted for small and medium sized businesses. We do realize this is probably not the first helpdesk app you're reading about. We will try to save you some time. Here's an overview of how Jitbit Helpdesk will make your life easier and your customers happier.
How Jitbit Helpdesk support ticket software is different from others
We think that David Baker, one of our customers, has brilliantly summarized what makes us different from the competition (read all helpdesk testimonials):
Great ticket support system for those not needing a million whistles and bells. Easy setup and not bloated like most. 100% up time and super friendly tech support!
He is right. Maybe we do not have all the features under the sun, but this is what makes our app great. Don't get me wrong, we do have a lot of features. We just don't have the "bells and whistles" – things you will hardly ever use. Useless features take up space on your screen and in your head. Why we care about that so much? We know that you will use our helpdesk ticket software every week day - we use it ourselves - we are trying to make your job easier, not add another complicated thing in your work flow. Customer support is already a hard enough job.
Let's be honest. You probably already use some support ticket software. And since you're here, you're probably looking to replace or improve it. So give our app a try – chances are we've fixed all that stuff that annoys you at the moment.
Here is what we think you'll love the most:
More productive agents – more happy customers
Techs spend most of their days on the main tickets grid pictured above. Here they can see all the tickets that need their attention. They can filter and sort them by various parameters or they can close, merge, link, move and assign tickets without leaving the page. This grid is the most important screen in the system. We put a lot of effort into it and we think your team is going to love it.
We are constantly working to make our helpdesk ticketing system more productive. "Productivity" is not just "doing everything faster". It also means that they spend less time doing routine and annoying things. Happy techs = happy customers.
Reports: see how you are doing and predict the future
Evaluating your customer support team has never been easier. With our set of great reports you will see everything you need to know: Who is the best tech in your team? Who is the worst? Which customers submit the most tickets? How many tickets do you usually get at 1PM on Wednesdays? You can even build your own custom reports.
Knowledge base: help your customers help themselves
Here's a question: what is better than a quickly resolved ticket? No ticket at all. Jitbit helpdesk comes with a full featured knowledge base. Answer a question once and never do that again! Alright, that's probably not true. We both know, that users don't always read manuals and FAQs. But we do our best to make them. We use some clever text analysis techniques to save you some time. If you save an article to your Knowledge Base, it will be suggested to a user before he even submits a ticket.
This was a brief overview of the most notable features. If you want to know more, head to the main support ticket system page.