Jitbit Zapier integration
You can do so much more with Jitbit Helpdesk by connecting it to the other apps you use to automate the tedious tasks in your workflow. Zapier lets you do that without any complicated coding, and copies your information between JitBit and 500+ other apps.
On-premise version note: Jitbit 10.16 is required for all the Zapier features to work correctly.
What is Zapier
Zapier is a great way to connect all the apps you use without messing with APIs or asking your software provider to implement an integration you need. Zapier works with a lot of third-party apps. Chances are all the apps you use are available on Zapier and you can integrate them with Jitbit in a couple of clicks. You don't need developers, complicated manuals or anything. Anyone can do that with just a couple of clicks.
Jitbit & Zapier - under the hood
Jitbit integration on Zapier supports one "action" and two "triggers". The only action we have lets you create a new ticket when something happens in a third-party app. For example, when someone mentions you on Twitter, Zapier can create a ticket in Jitbit with the tweet text. Triggers let you make a third-party app do something when one of the two things happen in Jitbit - a new ticket is created or an existing ticket is closed. We also supply some basic information about tickets like ticket number, URL, status, priority and more.
Explore automated workflows (called "Zaps") between Zapier's JitBit Helpdesk integration and hundreds of other apps. New tickets can be created for you when info pops up somewhere else (like your favorite form software) or can automatically be sent to any other tool you use (like spreadsheets for automated archiving).
You can also get started working with Jitbit Helpdesk and Zapier by simply opening your helpdesk app and going to "Administrator - Integrations - Zapier".
Wanted to get started quickly? Try some popular examples of Jitbit workflows on Zapier: