Web Ticket System
In the fast moving world of internet commerce it is crucial to have a solution in place to enable all dealings with the public to be effortless and efficient to the max. I suppose it is possible to do this without a program specifically designed for the task, but the truth is a web ticket system such as a help desk just removes all the headaches from your customer support interactions. Jitbit have a couple of state of the art help desk's to choose from but in this article we'll be taking a closer look at the web based downloadable version.
A Web Ticket System For More Control
We love our hosted help desk and use it ourselves as it is generally easier for the majority of users, but if you have specific programming needs or prefer to have total control of your backup data and your own server that you trust then our downloadable help desk may be for you.
We call it a modern web ticket system because our downloadable help desk is also web based allowing your support team to service and deal with tickets as they come in anywhere there is internet access and from any device. It is often considered a disadvantage to have to install a help desk on your own server, but we've made that as easy as possible by building it around ASP.NET and offering an optional C# source code version for your own programming needs. Even without your own tweaks it is quick and simple to install and remarkably efficient. We know how bloated some programs can be so we've done everything in our power to keep this clean, readable and well commented for your technicians. For example, our downloadable help desk only uses object-relational mapping when it is absolutely necessary and will execute queries against the database by hand to keep things smooth. When ORM is used it is the Dapper.NET micro-ORM because we've found it to be lighting fast and super easy to use – it's also open source, which we agree with as a concept.