
Edit Asset

Use this page to edit an existing asset:

Name: The designation of the asset. Type: The category of the asset (e.g., Laptop, Server, Phone, add more type if you need). Manufacturer: The company that produced the asset (add more manufacturers if required) Supplier: Where the asset was purchased or acquired from (also a customizable list) Serial Number: The unique identifier for the asset. Location: Where the asset is currently located or stored. Quantity: The number of these assets that are tracked together. Company: The entity that the asset is assigned to ("companies" here is the same list of comapnies, that users are being grouped by)

You can also set custom fields you have previously configured up for your assets, upload a file, enable/disable an asset or "clone" it.

Checked Out To: The user(s) that the asset is currently assigned to. Tags: Keywords or terms associated with the asset for easier searching and reporting. Tickets: Any support tickets related to the asset.

The page also includes a "log" with all the edits history.


An "asset" can be assigned to a company or a department, can be "checked out" to one or more users (this can be edited on this page), and can also be involved with one or more tickets (this is set manually on particular tickets' pages).

Deleting or Disabling an Asset

Click 'Delete' to permanently remove the asset from the system or 'Disable' to temporarily deactivate it.

Note: Deleting an asset is irreversible, so ensure that it is no longer needed before doing so.

Best Practices for Asset Management

Accuracy: Keep the asset information up to date to avoid discrepancies. Review: Regularly review the asset list for outdated or unused items. Attachments: Attach relevant documents (e.g., invoices, warranties) for record-keeping.

Asset Search