New Ticket Form
Use this page to submit a new ticket to the help desk system. Choose a category that your ticket fits best, fill in the "subject" and the "text" fields, and click "Submit" when finished.
You can optionally set the ticket priority and attach files to it. The built-in priority levels are "Low", "Normal", "High", and "Critical". You can also add "subscribers" to the newly created ticket using the "Add subscribers" field on this page - "subscribers" are users who follow the ticket and get all updates from it.
Advanced features (for administrators)
Create recurring ticket
If you have administrator or technician permissions, you can also create a recurring ticket or create tickets "on-behalf" of other users.
Customize layout
Administrators can also customize the "new ticket" page layout by rearranging rows. For example, move the "subject" field to the bottom and "custom fields" area to the top. Simply click the "Edit page layout" link at the bottom of the page and "drag & drop" the rows via the drag-icon that apears on the right. After making changes click the "Save" button to save the changes.
Passing parameters (optional)
You can also pass URL parameters to pre-fill certain fields:
- subject
- body
- categoryId (you can get this number from the admin section)
- cfXXXX where "XXXX" is a custom field's ID
- email user's pre-filled email (works only if you allow guest ticket creation without logging in)
- priority pre-filled priority (-1 low, 0 normal, 1 high, or a custom priority ID from the admin section)
Example URL: